K. J. Buhlmann
Exogenous makisterone A accelerates early embryonic development in the milkweed bugOncopeltus fasciatus
Reproducing females ofOncopeltus fasciatus which were treated with exogenous makisterone A and 20-hydroxyecdysone laid eggs with considerably elevated ecdysteroid contents. The early embryonic development was markedly accelerated when the mother was treated with makisterone A, whereas 20-hydroxyecdysone had no influence.
Ovicidal Activity of Maternally Applied Ecdysteroids in the Large Milkweed Bug (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae)
Exogenous ecdysteroids (ecdysone, 20-hydroxyecdysone and makisterone A) administered to reproducing females of Oncopelus fasciatus (Dallas) reduced egg hatch drastically. The ovicidal activity apparently stemmed from ecdysteroids—unchanged hormone or metabolites—transferred from mother into oocyte. Different stages of embryogenesis were affected. Makisterone A, the predominant ecdysteroid in normal embryos, is by far the most effective ecdysteroid.