Anton Naumenko
Using UDDI for Publishing Metadata of the Semantic Web
Although UDDI does not provide support for semantic search, retrieval and storage, it is already accepted as an industrial standard and a huge number of services already store their service specifications in UDDI. Objective of this paper is to analyze possibilities and ways to use UDDI registry to allow utilization of meta-data encoded according to Semantic Web standards for semantic-based description, discovery and integration of web resources in the context of needs of two research projects: “Adaptive Services Grid” and “SmartResource”. We present an approach of mapping RDFS upper concepts to UDDI data model using tModel structure, which makes possible to store semantically annotated reso…
Managing information security in a business network of machinery maintenance services business – Enterprise architecture as a coordination tool
Today, technologies enable easy access to information across organizational boundaries, also to systems of partners in business networks. This raises, however, several complex research questions on privacy, information security and trust. The study reported here provides motivation and a roadmap for approaching integrated security management solutions in a business network of partners with heterogeneous information and communication technologies (ICT): Systems, platforms, infrastructures as well as security policies. Enterprise architecture (EA) is proposed as a means for comprehensive and coordinated planning and management of corporate ICT and the security infrastructure. The EA approach …
The Place and Role of Security Patterns in Software Development Process
Security is one of the key quality attributes for many contemporary software products. Designing, developing, and maintaining such software necessitates the use of a secure-software development process which specifies how achieving this quality goal can be supported throughout the development life-cycle. In addition to satisfying the explicitly-stated functional security requirements, such process is aimed at minimising the number of vulnerabilities in the design and the implementation of the software. The secure software development is a challenging task spanning various stages of the development process. This inherent difficulty may be to some extent alleviated by the use of the so-called…
Strategic industrial alliances in paper industry
Purpose – To identify cases related to design of ICT platforms for industrial alliances, where the use of Ontology‐driven architectures based on Semantic web standards is more advantageous than application of conventional modeling together with XML standards.Design/methodology/approach – A comparative analysis of the two latest and the most obvious use cases (NASA and Nordic Process Industry Data Exchange Alliance) concerned with development of an environment for integration and collaboration of industrial partners, has been used as a basis for the research results. Additionally, dynamics of changes in a domain data model and their consequences have been analyzed on a couple of typical use …
A Security Framework for Smart Ubiquitous Industrial Resources
Conventional approaches to manage and control security seem to have reached their limits in new complex environments. These environments are open, dynamic, heterogeneous, distributed, self-managing, collaborative, international, nomadic, and ubiquitous. We are currently working on a middleware platform focused on the industrial needs, UBIWARE. UBIWARE integrates Ubiquitous Computing with Semantic Web, Distributed AI, Security and Privacy, and Enterprise Application Integration. In this paper, we describe our long-term vision for the security and privacy management in complex multi-agent systems like UBIWARE, SURPAS. The security infrastructure has to become pervasive, interoperable and inte…
Identity and Access Management for Remote Maintenance Services in Business Networks
Access to information systems across corporate boundaries with high demands to privacy and trust result into ambitious research and development targets. This study provides motivation and a roadmap for approaching integrated security management solutions in a business network of partners with heterogeneous ICT and security infrastructures. We aim at describing specifics of identity and access management in inter-organizational collaboration, and a vision and arguments for identity and access management in a business network. A case study with Metso Paper, Inc., the leading manufacturer of paper machinery and related services, validates the results, thus providing a motivating example of the…
Semantics-based access control in business networks
Kuvitellaan, että haluat jakaa internetissä kuvia lapsesi jalkapallo-ottelusta joukkueen jäsenille ja heidän perheilleen ilman, että kuvat tulevat yleisesti nähtäville. Kuvien jakelijan on tunnistettava, kuka on joukkueen jäsen, joukkuelaisen perheenjäsen jne. Joukkue pitää rekisteriä omista jäsenistään. Perhesuhteista puolestaan on omat rekisterinsä ja näitä yhdistelemällä on mahdollista määritellä, keillä on oikeus nähdä kuvat, ilman että kuvien ottaja tietää henkilötasolla kaikkien oikeutettujen nimiä tms. Liiketoiminnassa vastaavia ns. pääsynhallintakysymyksiä syntyy yhä enenevässä määrin.MSC, FM Anton Naumenko etsi väitöstutkimuksessaan ratkaisuja organisaatioiden välisten automatisoit…