B. Kalteyer

E decays to ηππ in annihilation at rest

Abstract We have observed the ηπ + π − and ηπ 0 π 0 decay modes of the E meson in p p annihilation at rest into π + π − π 0 π 0 η . The mass and width of the E meson are 1409 ± 3 and 86 ± 10 MeV. The production and decay branching ratio is B( p p → Eππ)B(E → ηππ) = (3.3 ± 1.0) × 10 −3 . With a spin-parity analysis we determine that J P = 0 − . The observation of the ηπ 0 π 0 decay mode establishes that E is isoscalar ( C = +1). We find that E decays to η ( ππ ) s (where ( ππ ) s is an S-wave dipion) and πa 0 (980)(→ πη ) with a relative branching ratio of (78 ± 16) %. Using the K K π production and decay branching ratio measured earlier we determine that B[E → K K π] B[E → ηππ] = 0.61 ± 0.1…

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Evidence for two isospin zeroJ PC=2−+ mesons at 1645 and 1875 MeV

Data on\(\bar pp \to \eta \pi ^0 \pi ^0 \pi ^0 \) taken at beam momenta of 1.2 and 1.94 GeV/c reveal evidence for twoI=0JPC=2−+ resonances inηππ. The first, at 1645±14(stat.)±15(syst.) MeV with width 180−21+40±25 MeV, decays toα2(1320)π withL=0. It may be interpreted as the\(q\bar q^1 \)D2 partner ofπ2(1670). A strong signal is also observed just above threshold inf2(1270)η withL=0. It is 11–22 times stronger than is expected for the high mass tail of the 1645 MeV resonance. It can be fitted as a second 2−+ resonance at 1875±20±35 MeV with width 200±25±45 MeV. A third resonance havingJPC=2++ is observed at 2135±20±45 MeV withΛ=250±25±45 MeV, decaying to botha2(1320)π andf2(1270)η withL=1. T…

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High statistics study of ƒ0(1500)s decay into ηη

Abstract A partial wave analysis of the reaction p p →π o ηη has been performed, using a high quality, high statistics data set of 198,000 events. In addition to the ƒ 0 (1370), a second scalar resonance decaying into ηη, the ƒ 0 (1500), with mass m = (1505 ± 15) MeV and width Γ = (120 ± 30) MeV has to be introduced to describe the data.

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First observation of the production of nucleon resonances in antiproton annihilation in liquid deuterium

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High-mass ϱ-meson states from p̄d-annihilation at rest into π−π0π0pspectator

Abstract A study of p -annihilation in liquid deuterium into π − π 0 π 0 and a spectator-proton is presented. A cut on the proton-momentum of ≤ 100 MeV/ c ensures that annihilation takes place on a quasi-free neutron. A partial wave analysis shows contributions from three vector mesons, with masses and widths of (763.7 ± 3.2; 152.8 ± 4.3), (1411 ± 14; 343 ± 20); (1780 −29 +37 ; 275 ± 45) MeV/ c 2 , respectively.

research product

Measurement of the decay distribution of η′ → π+π−γ and evidence for the box anomaly

Abstract The distribution of m ( π + π − ) in the decay η ′ → π + π − γ has been measured with the Crystal Barrel detector. The results are based on a total of 7392 observed η′ decays. The box anomaly constant is extracted from this and its value is found to agree well with theoretical expectations. The pseudoscalar nonet parameters ( f 1 , f 8 and θ PS ) are determined. Finally, we find that there is a problem of consistency between QCD and the standard VDM assumption.

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