Amanda Porta
Total absorption γ -ray spectroscopy of niobium isomers
15 pags. 17 figs., 5 tabs.
Journal of High Energy Physics
The Double Chooz experiment presents improved measurements of the neutrino mixing angle $\theta_{13}$ using the data collected in 467.90 live days from a detector positioned at an average distance of 1050 m from two reactor cores at the Chooz nuclear power plant. Several novel techniques have been developed to achieve significant reductions of the backgrounds and systematic uncertainties with respect to previous publications, whereas the efficiency of the $\bar\nu_{e}$ signal has increased. The value of $\theta_{13}$ is measured to be $\sin^{2}2\theta_{13} = 0.090 ^{+0.032}_{-0.029}$ from a fit to the observed energy spectrum. Deviations from the reactor $\bar\nu_{e}$ prediction observed ab…
Contribution of recently measured nuclear data to reactor antineutrino energy spectra predictions
This paper attempts to summarize the actual problematic of reactor antineutrino energy spectra in the frame of fundamental and applied neutrino physics. Nuclear physics is an important ingredient of reactor antineutrino experiments. These experiments are motivated by neutrino oscillations, i.e. the measure of the θ 13 mixing angle. In 2011, after a new computation of the reactor antineutrino energy spectra, based on the conversion of integral data of the beta spectra from 235 U, and 239;241 Pu, a deficit of reactor antineutrinos measured by short baseline experiments was pointed out. This is called the “reactor anomaly”, a new puzzle in the neutrino physics area. Since then, numerous new ex…
Total absorption γ -ray spectroscopy of the β -delayed neutron emitters I137 and Rb95
The decays of the β-delayed neutron emitters I137 and Rb95 have been studied with the total absorption γ-ray spectroscopy technique. The purity of the beams provided by the JYFLTRAP Penning trap at the ion guide isotope separator on-line facility in Jyvaskyla allowed us to carry out a campaign of isotopically pure measurements with the decay total absorption γ-ray spectrometer, a segmented detector composed of 18 NaI(Tl) modules. The contamination coming from the interaction of neutrons with the spectrometer has been carefully studied, and we have tested the use of time differences between prompt γ rays and delayed neutron interactions to eliminate this source of contamination. Due to the s…
Determination of β -decay ground state feeding of nuclei of importance for reactor applications
12 pags., 6 figs., 3 tabs.
Precision Muon Reconstruction in Double Chooz
We describe a muon track reconstruction algorithm for the reactor anti-neutrino experiment Double Chooz. The Double Chooz detector consists of two optically isolated volumes of liquid scintillator viewed by PMTs, and an Outer Veto above these made of crossed scintillator strips. Muons are reconstructed by their Outer Veto hit positions along with timing information from the other two detector volumes. All muons are fit under the hypothesis that they are through-going and ultrarelativistic. If the energy depositions suggest that the muon may have stopped, the reconstruction fits also for this hypothesis and chooses between the two via the relative goodness-of-fit. In the ideal case of a thro…
New antineutrino energy spectra predictions from the summation of beta decay branches of the fission products
In this paper, we study the impact of the inclusion of the recently measured beta decay properties of the $^{102;104;105;106;107}$Tc, $^{105}$Mo, and $^{101}$Nb nuclei in an updated calculation of the antineutrino energy spectra of the four fissible isotopes $^{235, 238}$U, and $^{239,241}$Pu. These actinides are the main contributors to the fission processes in Pressurized Water Reactors. The beta feeding probabilities of the above-mentioned Tc, Mo and Nb isotopes have been found to play a major role in the $\gamma$ component of the decay heat of $^{239}$Pu, solving a large part of the $\gamma$ discrepancy in the 4 to 3000\,s range. They have been measured using the Total Absorption Techni…
Muon capture on light isotopes measured with the Double Chooz detector
Using the Double Chooz detector, designed to measure the neutrino mixing angle $\theta_{13}$, the products of $\mu^-$ capture on $^{12}$C, $^{13}$C, $^{14}$N and $^{16}$O have been measured. Over a period of 489.5 days, $2.3\times10^6$ stopping cosmic $\mu^-$ have been collected, of which $1.8\times10^5$ captured on carbon, nitrogen, or oxygen nuclei in the inner detector scintillator or acrylic vessels. The resulting isotopes were tagged using prompt neutron emission (when applicable), the subsequent beta decays, and, in some cases, $\beta$-delayed neutrons. The most precise measurement of the rate of $^{12}\mathrm C(\mu^-,\nu)^{12}\mathrm B$ to date is reported: $6.57^{+0.11}_{-0.21}\time…
Total Absorption Spectroscopy of Fission Fragments Relevant for Reactor Antineutrino Spectra and Decay Heat Calculations
Volume: 111 Host publication title: WONDER-2015 Host publication sub-title: 4TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NUCLEAR DATA EVALUATION FOR REACTOR APPLICATIONS Isbn(print): 978-2-7598-1970-6 Beta decay of fission products is at the origin of decay heat and antineutrino emission in nuclear reactors. Decay heat represents about 7% of the reactor power during operation and strongly impacts reactor safety. Reactor antineutrino detection is used in several fundamental neutrino physics experiments and it can also be used for reactor monitoring and non-proliferation purposes. Rb-92,Rb-93 are two fission products of importance in reactor antineutrino spectra and decay heat, but their beta-decay properti…
Total absorption spectroscopy of fission fragments relevant for reactor antineutrino spectra
International audience; The accurate determination of reactor antineutrino spectra remains a very active research topic for which new methods of study have emerged in recent years. Indeed, following the long-recognized reactor anomaly (measured antineutrino deficit in short baseline reactor experiments when compared with spectral predictions), the three international reactor neutrino experiments Double Chooz, Daya Bay and Reno have recently demonstrated the existence of spectral distortions in their measurements with respect to the same predictions. These spectral predictions were obtained through the conversion of integral beta-energy spectra obtained at the ILL research reactor. Several s…
Measurement of fission products β decay properties using a total absorption spectrometer
In a nuclear reactor, the decay of fission fragments is at the origin of decay heat and antineutrino flux. These quantities are not well known while they are very important for reactor safety and for our understanding of neutrino physics. One reason for the discrepancies observed in the estimation of the decay heat and antineutrinos flux coming from reactors could be linked with the Pandemonium effect. New measurements have been performed at the JYFL facility of Jyvaskyla with a Total Absorption Spectrometer (TAS) in order to circumvent this effect. An overview of the TAS technique and first results from the 2009 measurement campaign will be presented. © Owned by the authors, published by E…
Total Absorption Study of Beta Decays Relevant for Nuclear Applications and Nuclear Structure
Abstract An overview is given of our activities related to the study of the beta decay of neutron rich nuclei relevant for nuclear applications. Recent results of the study of the beta decay of 87,88 Br using a new segmented total absorption spectrometer are presented. The measurements were performed at the IGISOL facility using trap-assisted total absorption spectroscopy.
Enhanced Gamma-Ray Emission from Neutron Unbound States Populated in Beta Decay
International audience; Total absorption spectroscopy was used to investigate the beta-decay intensity to states above the neutron separation energy followed by gamma-ray emission in 87,88Br and 94Rb. Accurate results were obtained thanks to a careful control of systematic errors. An unexpectedly large gamma intensity was observed in all three cases extending well beyond the excitation energy region where neutron penetration is hindered by low neutron energy. The gamma branching as a function of excitation energy was compared to Hauser-Feshbach model calculations. For 87Br and 88Br the gamma branching reaches 57% and 20% respectively, and could be explained as a nuclear structure effect. So…
Total Absorption Spectroscopy of Fission Fragments Relevant for Reactor Antineutrino Spectra Determination
8 pags., 3 figs., 1 tab. ; Presented at the XXXIV Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physics, Piaski, Poland, September 6–13, 2015.
Total Absorption Spectroscopy Study ofRb92Decay: A Major Contributor to Reactor Antineutrino Spectrum Shape
The antineutrino spectra measured in recent experiments at reactors are inconsistent with calculations based on the conversion of integral beta spectra recorded at the ILL reactor. (92)Rb makes the dominant contribution to the reactor antineutrino spectrum in the 5-8 MeV range but its decay properties are in question. We have studied (92)Rb decay with total absorption spectroscopy. Previously unobserved beta feeding was seen in the 4.5-5.5 region and the GS to GS feeding was found to be 87.5(25)%. The impact on the reactor antineutrino spectra calculated with the summation method is shown and discussed.
Characterization and performance of the DTAS detector
11 pags., 16 figs., 3 tabs.
Beta Decay Studies of Neutron Rich Nuclei Using Total Absorption Gamma-ray Spectroscopy and Delayed Neutron Measurements
International audience; A complete characterisation of the β-decay of neutron-rich nuclei can be obtained from the measurement of β-delayed gamma rays and, whenever the process is energetically possible, β-delayed neutrons. The accurate determination of the β-intensity distribution and the β-delayed neutron emission probability is of great relevance in the fields of reactor technology and nuclear astrophysics. A programme for combined measurements using the total absorption gamma-ray spectroscopy technique and both neutron counters and neutron time-of-flight spectrometers is presented.
Enhancedγ-Ray Emission from Neutron Unbound States Populated inβDecay
Total absorption spectroscopy is used to investigate the β-decay intensity to states above the neutron separation energy followed by γ-ray emission in (87,88)Br and (94)Rb. Accurate results are obtained thanks to a careful control of systematic errors. An unexpectedly large γ intensity is observed in all three cases extending well beyond the excitation energy region where neutron penetration is hindered by low neutron energy. The γ branching as a function of excitation energy is compared to Hauser-Feshbach model calculations. For (87)Br and (88)Br the γ branching reaches 57% and 20%, respectively, and could be explained as a nuclear structure effect. Some of the states populated in the daug…
Large Impact of the Decay of Niobium Isomers on the Reactor ν¯e Summation Calculations
Even mass neutron-rich niobium isotopes are among the principal contributors to the reactor antineutrino energy spectrum. They are also among the most challenging to measure due to the refractory nature of niobium, and because they exhibit isomeric states lying very close in energy. The beta-intensity distributions of Nb-100gs,Nb-100m and Nb-102gs,Nb-02m beta decays have been determined using the total absorption.-ray spectroscopy technique. The measurements were performed at the upgraded Ion Guide Isotope Separator On-Line facility at the University of Jyvaskyla. Here, the double Penning trap system JYFLTRAP was employed to disentangle the beta decay of the isomeric states. The new data ob…
TAGS measurements of $^{100}$Nb ground and isomeric states and $^{140}$Cs for neutrino physics with the new DTAS detector
V. Guadilla et al. -- 4 pags., 6 figs. -- Open Access funded by Creative Commons Atribution Licence 4.0
Total absorption spectroscopy study of the β decay of Br86 and Rb91
The beta decays of 86Br and 91Rb have been studied using the total absorption spectroscopy technique. The radioactive nuclei were produced at the IGISOL facility in Jyvaskyla and further purified using the JYFLTRAP. 86Br and 91Rb are considered high priority contributors to the decay heat in reactors. In addition 91Rb was used as a normalization point in direct measurements of mean gamma energies released in the beta decay of fission products by Rudstam et al. assuming that this decay was well known from high-resolution measurements. Our results shows that both decays were suffering from the Pandemonium effect and that the results of Rudstam et al. should be renormalized.
Disentangling decaying isomers and searching for signatures of collective excitations in β decay
6 pags., 3 figs., 1 tab. -- 27th International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC2019) 29 July - 2 August 2019, Glasgow, UK