Marco Rosone


The Residual Shear Strength of the Shaly and Sandy Facies of the Opalinus Clay

The paper presents a comprehensive laboratory campaign carried out with the aim to asses the residual strength of the Opalinus Clay. Ring shear tests with vertical effective stress up to 1 MPa were performed on remoulded samples of two different facies of the Opalinus Clay. Test results show that the «Shaly» facies is characterized by a low range of variation of residual strength while the strength of the «Sandy» facies is very sensitive to the variation of grain size distribution. Microstructural analyses (SEM) suggest that the difference in the observed mechanical behavior of the two facies can be related to different particles arrangements along the shear surfaces.

research product

Experimental study of a naturally weathered stiff clay

Studying the shear strength of a naturally weathered clay is important to understand rain-induced slope failures in weathered soils. However, experimental studies on naturally weathered soils are limited. The paper focuses on the laboratory experimental investigation carried out to analyse the shear strength of a naturally weathered stiff clay that can be found in unsaturated conditions in situ. This has an important practical relevance in the evaluation of the stability conditions of natural slopes at clay outcrops. Different experimental techniques of suction measurement were used to obtain the soil-water retention curve of the clay over a wide range of suctions. Scanning electronic micr…

research product

Shear Strength of a Compacted Scaly Clay from Suction-Controlled Triaxial Tests

The paper presents the results of an experimental research aimed at investigating the shear strength characteristics of an unsaturated compacted scaly clay. Shear strength was investigated by suction-controlled triaxial compression tests on dynamically compacted samples. Collected results point out that suction effects on stiffness and shear strength can be very different for suction values applied lower or greater than air entry value (AEV), corresponding to the material void ratio.

research product

Resistenza a taglio di campioni rimaneggiati di Opalinus Clay

La nota presenta una selezione dei risultati di un ampio programma sperimentale condotto con l’obiettivo di caratterizzare, dal punto di vista della resistenza a taglio, dei campioni rimaneggiati di Opalinus Clay, attraverso l’esecuzione di prove triassiali non convenzionali. I risultati mostrano chiaramente l’influenza del grado di preconsolidazione sul comportamento meccanico del geomateriale e in particolare sulla resistenza a taglio, che risulta caratterizzata da un picco di resistenza poco marcato e da un comportamento dilatante. La presenza di giunti all’interno del provino altera completamente il comportamento originario del materiale, che diventa duttile e contraente. Inoltre, in ta…

research product


Nel corso dei lavori di ammodernamento di una strada di grande comunicazione in Sicilia, si è valutata la possibilità di utilizzare come materiale di costruzione un’argilla di alta plasticità trattata con calce, proveniente dagli scavi eseguiti in una parte del tracciato. A questo scopo è stata avviata un’estesa ricerca sperimentale in laboratorio e sono state verificate le condizioni di posa in opera del materiale con la realizzazione di un rilevato sperimentale. Nella nota si illustrano i primi risultati della ricerca riguardanti: prove di taglio diretto, prove di compressione ad espansione laterale libera e misure di suzione.

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Safeguarding historic towns on hilltops threatened by land sliding: The case of San Fratello in Sicily

The paper presents the case history of San Fratello, a small town in the Nebrodi Mountains in Sicily rich in history and having very peculiar environmental and cultural characteristics. Both slopes of the narrow ridge where San Fratello lies were affected in 1754, 1922, 1986 and 2010 by very large landslides. The landslide of February 2010 is largely the reactivation of that of 1754. It destroyed many infrastructures and seriously damaged more than 200 buildings and caused the evacuation of 25% of the population. Emergency actions to block regression of uphill movements and secure the buildings and their inhabitants as quickly as possible, were carried out. The sliding slope down to the tow…

research product

Volumetric Behaviour of Lime Treated High Plasticity Clay Subjected to Suction Controlled Drying and Wetting Cycles

The paper presents some experimental results collected on samples recovered from an experimental embankment obtained by compacting a lime-treated clay. Samples were collected soon after the in situ compaction and they were cured in controlled environmental conditions for at least 18 months. Mercury intrusion porosimetry tests (MIP) were carried out on freeze-dried specimens to characterize the microstructure of the material. In order to assess the durability of the improved material, laboratory tests focused on the effects of cyclic variations of the degree of saturation on the water retention properties and the volumetric behaviour of the stabilized clay. Collected results show that the li…

research product

Water retention behaviour of compacted and reconstituted scaly clays

The paper presents the results of an experimental research devoted to investigate the response to suction variations of a scaly clay in compacted and reconstituted conditions. Different experimental techniques (axis translation, vapour equilibrium, dew point psychrometer suction measurements) were combined in order to explore the water retention properties in a wide suction range (0 ÷ 110 MPa). Experimental results allowed to define the water retention domains for a constant reference void ratio, highlighting the significant role of the microstructure on the response of the investigated clays. In particular, the collected results showed that in the low-medium suction range, the peculiar mic…

research product

Microstructural characterization of a 3D-printed soil

Transversal applications of 3D-printing (or Additive Manufacturing) have been recently implemented in the field of Geomechanics. In a 3D-printing process, the printed volume is obtained from successive layering of adjacent soil filaments. In this work, the fabric of an as-printed soil has been carried out by combining Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (MIP) tests and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) observations, with the aim to highlight how the particle arrangements and the orientation and shape of pores are linked to the printing operation. The microstructural analyses showed that macropores are the result of the relative position of the filaments and their initial distortion in quasi-undr…

research product

Prova di campo per i lavori di trattamento delle terre argillose con calce per lavori stradali e ferroviari [Field test of lime treatment of clayey soils for railways and road works]

Si presentano i risultati di una prova di campo svolta su un rilevato sperimentale appositamente progettato e costruito per le finalità del trattamento con calce delle terre argillose. Tale prova di campo è stata sviluppata nell’ambito dei lavori di ammodernamento di una infrastruttura di grande comunicazione in Sicilia, per consentire il reimpiego delle argille di risulta dagli scavi previsti in progetti nella costruzione delle parti in rilevato della stessa. Il programma sperimentale messo a punto si è pertanto concentrato sull’identificazione e la caratterizzazione geotecnica delle argille di scavo al fine di definire le modalità esecutive del loro trattamento con calce. Attraverso le pr…

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On the reactivation of a large landslide induced by rainfall in highly fissured clays

Abstract The paper discusses the field investigations, geotechnical characterization and time evolution of horizontal displacements in a wide landslide. The latter, triggered by an earthquake occurring in September 2002, is located in Sicily and involves a thick body of stiff and highly fissured clays belonging to a Varicoloured Clay formation. In order to characterise the reactivation of landslide mechanisms induced by rainfall, a three-year monitoring programme (2008–2011) was implemented to measure rain, pore water pressures, and deep and superficial displacements. The monitoring data made it possible to recognize three distinct landslides, which evolve at variable rates in different dir…

research product

Analysis of the chemical and microstructural modifications effects on the hydro-mechanical behaviour of a lime-treated clay

The paper presents the results of a characterization of kinetic characteristics of pozzolanic reaction with the aim to investigate the time-dependent modification of clay properties as a consequence of mixing with lime. Results of chemical analyses are in agreement with the increase of mechanical properties and with the observed microstructure modifications up to one year of curing time. The rate of development of pozzolanic reactions seems to be almost constant while the time required for their completion is dependent on the lime content. Pozzolanic products are responsible for the time reduction of swelling strain upon saturation as well as for the increases of yielding stress, stiffness …

research product

Evoluzione nel tempo degli spostamenti di un esteso corpo di frana

Si analizzano le misure dell’intensità di pioggia, delle pressioni neutre e degli spostamenti, in superficie e in profondità, raccolte in oltre due anni di osservazioni con un piano di monitoraggio di un esteso corpo di frana. Le misure indicano che nell’area in frana si possono individuare zone differenti che si muovono con caratteristiche diverse per quanto riguarda l’intensità e la direzione degli spostamenti. I risultati mostrano, inoltre, la forte dipendenza dell’evoluzione degli spostamenti dalle pressioni interstiziali.

research product

Stability of Embankments Resting on Foundation Soils with A Weak Layer

The presence of weak layers in geotechnical systems, including soil or rock masses, both natural and man-made, is more frequent than is normally believed. Weak layers can affect both failure mechanisms, in drained and in undrained conditions, as well as in static and seismic conditions, and the safety factor. In the present study, conducted numerically using the finite-element method (FEM) Plaxis 2D code, the influence of a horizontal thin weak layer on stress and strain distribution, on failure mechanisms and on the overall stability of an embankment was evaluated. The results obtained prove that when the weak layer is located at a significant depth from the foundation plane, the failure m…

research product

Shear strength of a compacted scaly clay in variable saturation conditions

Scaly clays are stiff and highly fissured clays often used as construction materials. This paper presents the results of triaxial compression tests carried out on saturated and unsaturated samples of a compacted scaly clay. Complementary investigation on the microstructural features and their evolution with the amount of water stored into the material are also presented in order to shed light on the evolution of the micro- and macroporosity with suction. The water retention behaviour of the compacted scaly clay is also addressed. The results from the controlled suction triaxial tests are used to discuss the applicability of a single-shear strength criterion to compacted double-structured cl…

research product

Caratterizzazione geotecnica del comporportamentodi una grande frana in argille varicolori in Sicilia

Si illustrano le misure degli spostamenti e delle pressioni neutre raccolte in un paio d’anni di osservazione del comportamento di un esteso corpo di frana in una formazione di argille varicolori in Sicilia. L’analisi delle misure raccolte indica che la riattivazione riguarda zone distinte del corpo di frana, nelle quali gli spostamenti si sviluppano con velocità e direzioni differenti. L’evoluzione degli spostamenti è manifestamente dipendente dalle condizioni climatiche, dal momento che essi aumentano al crescere delle pressioni interstiziali, a loro volta regolate dalle piogge, e rallentano nella stagione secca, spesso senza annullarsi del tutto. Analisi a ritroso effettuate in una delle…

research product

Effetti del percorso di sollecitazione sul comportamento meccanico di un'argilla a scaglie compattata non satura sottoposta a cicli di imbibizione ed essiccamento

Il comportamento di un’argilla compattata sottoposta a cicli di imbibizione ed essiccamento viene analizzato attraverso l’esecuzione di prove edometriche a suzione controllata. I provini sono soggetti a diverse serie di variazione cicliche della suzione precedute da differenti percorsi di carico e scarico a suzione costante, allo scopo di studiare gli effetti del percorso delle sollecitazioni sulle deformazioni volumetriche e sulle variazioni di contenuto d’acqua indotte dalle variazioni cicliche della suzione. I risultati delle prove sono stati simulati con soddisfacente successo attraverso un modello costitutivo elastoplastico per terreni non saturi, in cui la risposta meccanica globale è…

research product

Influence of a thin horizontal weak layer on the mechanical behaviour of shallow foundations resting on sand

The presence of minor details of the ground, including soil or rock masses, occurs more frequently than what is normally believed. Thin weak layers, shear bands, and slickensided surfaces can substantially affect the behaviour of foundations, as well as that of other geostructures. In fact, they can affect the failure mechanisms, the ultimate bearing capacity of footings, and the safety factor of the geotechnical system. In this research, numerically conducted through Finite Element Code Plaxis 2D, the influence of a horizontal thin weak layer on the mechanical behaviour of shallow footings was evaluated. The obtained results prove that the weak layer strongly influences both the failure me…

research product

On the hydro-mechanical behaviour of a lime-treated embankment during wetting and drying cycles

Abstract The paper presents some experimental results obtained on samples extracted from a full-scale embankment obtained by compacting a lime-treated clayey soil. A comprehensive test programme was carried out in order to highlight the improvement of mechanical behaviour induced by lime treatment as well as to assess the durability of the improved material, which may be affected by severe seasonal wetting and drying cycles. Direct shear tests, triaxial compression tests, swelling potential measurement and oedometric tests were performed on samples cured in controlled environmental conditions for at least 18 months. Wetting and drying cycles were applied in a very wide range of suction valu…

research product

Role of Stress History on the Swelling-Shrinkage Behavior of Compacted Scaly Clay

Compacted scaly clays are complex geomaterials widely used for the realization of dam cores and waste dump liners. This research aims to investigate the swelling/shrinkage behavior of these geomaterials subjected in an oedometric cell to complex hydromechanical stress paths, including different sequences of cyclic variations of suction and stress. Microstructure investigations, based on scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) techniques, highlighted the microstructural characteristics of the material, which are the distinctive microfabric features (particles assemblages and scales) and the double-porosity networks, where micro- and macropores coexist. More…

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Modeling Round Robin Test: An Uncoupled Approach

Abstract The solution of the modeling test presented in the paper is based on an uncoupled hydro-mechanical approach. Firstly, the controlled infiltration process is modeled by a finite element transient groundwater seepage software. Afterwards, calculated pore water pressures at successive instants are used for the slope stability analysis. Time evolution of the slope stability is analysed by using the infinite slope model, according to the classical limit equilibrium method.

research product

Caratterizzazione geotecnica di un’argilla trattata con calce posta in rilevato

Nelle nota si presentano alcuni risultati di un’indagine di laboratorio eseguita su campioni indisturbati prelevati da un rilevato sperimentale, realizzato trattando con calce i terreni argillosi provenienti dallo scavo di una vicina galleria artificiale. La ricerca è stata sviluppata nell'ambito dei lavori di ammodernamento della S.S. 640 tra Agrigento e Caltanissetta. I risultati, oltre ad evidenziare gli usuali effetti derivanti dalle modifiche delle caratteristiche geotecniche dell’argilla indotti dai processi di stabilizzazione con calce, consentono di evidenziare alcune peculiarità del comportamento meccanico delle argille trattate.

research product

Analisi della microstruttura di un'argilla di alta plasticità trattata con calce

Nella nota si presentano i primi risultati di una indagine sperimentale volta a studiare l’effetto del trattamento con calce sulle caratteristiche microstrutturali di un’argilla di alta plasticità, proveniente dagli scavi eseguiti nel corso dei lavori di ammodernamento di una strada di grande comunicazione in Sicilia. I provini, compattati in laboratorio a diverse percentuali di calce, sono stati sottoposti a prove porosimetriche ad intrusione di mercurio MIP ed osservazioni al microscopio elettronico SEM. L’analisi dei risultati evidenzia che l’argilla trattata con calce assume una distribuzione dei pori tipica dei materiali a doppia porosità e che gli effetti sulla microstruttura dipendon…

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Volume change response and fabric evolution of granular MX80 bentonite along different hydro-mechanical stress paths

AbstractDespite the increasing understanding of bentonite behaviour, there is still missing evidence on how different hydro-mechanical loadings, including sequences of hydration and compression, affect the fabric and the volume change behaviour of the material. It is generally assumed that the interplay between the behaviour of clay assemblages and the overall fabric of the material is the reason of having final states that are dependent on the stress path followed. Here the results of an experimental campaign aiming to study these factors are reported and discussed. Free swelling and swelling pressure tests were performed, both followed by compression to a relatively high stress. The exper…

research product

Displacement Evolution of a Large Landslide in a Highly Fissured Clay

The paper presents an analysis and modelling of the reactivation mechanism of a large landslide caused by rainfall, located in Cerda (Sicily, Italy). The study is based on data collected by means of a field investigation, carried out in order to assess the geotechnical properties of the involved material, and a three-year monitoring programme implemented to measure rain and pore water pressures as well as deep and superficial displacements. Three distinct landslides, evolving at variable rates in different directions, were recognized within the overall landslide area. The data clearly show the mechanical role of pore water pressures in the stability of the slope and point out the dependence…

research product

Microstructure and shear strength evolution of a lime-treated clay for use in road construction

The results of a comprehensive experimental programme are presented for assessing the long-term microstructural modifications and evaluating the effects of microstructural rearrangement on the stress–strain behaviour of a lime-treated high-plasticity clay for road embankments. The stress–strain behaviour at different lime content and curing time was investigated by means of direct shear tests; microstructural analyses were carried out combining Scanning Electron Microscope observations and Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry tests. The results show that the stress–strain behaviour of treated clay is strongly dilatant with a high peak of strength, which increases with time and lime content. Furthe…

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Progetto di un impianto geotermico di piccola potenza

Si presenta la metodologia di progetto utilizzata per il dimensionamento di un campo di sonde geotermiche verticali da asservirsi ad un impianto di riscaldamento geotermico a bassa entalpia di una villetta monofamiliare sita lungo la via Aurelia in Roma. Le proprietà termiche del sottosuolo interessato dall'opera sono state caratterizzate a partire da semplici prove di laboratorio ed il calcolo di dimensionamento delle sonde è ispirato ai criteri proposti dalla normativa tedesca per il dimensionamento d’impianti con potenza termica inferiore a 30 kW; quest’ultimo approccio è stato modificato per tenere in conto della “deriva termica” del sottosuolo legata allo sfruttamento stagionale della …

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The shear strength of Opalinus Clay shale in the remoulded state

Abstract The Opalinus Clay shale formation is considered as a potential host geomaterial for the Swiss deep geological repository for radioactive waste. It presents different facies and it is characterised by a multi-scale heterogeneous composition, by a typical fissile structure with well-defined bedding planes and by anisotropic hydro-mechanical behaviour. This peculiar complexity makes it difficult to assign a unique set of geomechanical parameters to the material. This paper presents an experimental study aimed at characterising the lowest values of the shear strength parameters. In this sense, the shear behaviour was investigated on remoulded samples where the fabric and the diagenetic…

research product


Al fine di valutare le condizioni limite per la stabilità di un pendio in frana, sono state svolte delle analisi di stabilità all’equilibrio limite 2D e 3D in un’area ubicata nel bacino del fiume Imera Settentrionale (Sicilia). Tali analisi hanno permesso di ricostruire un modello geologico e geotecnico ottimale, di individuare il livello piezometrico che ha determinato le condizioni di instabilità e di definire i parametri operativi di resistenza a taglio dei terreni. Le recenti riattivazioni dei meccanismi di frana hanno fornito elementi che hanno permesso di validare in particolare i risultati delle analisi numeriche 3D. I risultati ottenuti hanno anche evidenziato che il metodo di anali…

research product

Yielding of a quartz sand from saturated to dry state

The paper presents the results of an experimental work where we analyse the behaviour of an unsaturated quartz sand in a wide range of degree of saturation (from saturated to dry state). The possibility of anticipating the hydro-mechanical behaviour of the soils when they approach the dry state is fundamental in many areas. An extensive experimental program, including controlled-suction and constant water content oedometric tests, was carried out to deeply analyse the water retention behaviour and the relationship between the yield stress and suction (Loading-Collapse curve). All elasto-plastic models provide a monotonically increase of the yield stress with suction. This assumption implies…

research product

Benchmark study of undrained triaxial testing of Opalinus Clay shale: Results and implications for robust testing

Triaxial testing of argillaceous rocks and shales is significantly more challenging than conventional rock mechanical testing. The challenges are mainly related to the very low permeability of these geomaterials, and their sensitivity to exposure of atmosphere and brines, which induces variations of water content, suction and effective stress. There are currently no international standards to guide service laboratories for robust testing procedures for shales. A benchmark study of undrained triaxial testing was therefore initiated with three leading service laboratories in shale testing, performing 13 tests and using two different methods of establishing sample saturation prior to deformati…

research product

Resistenza a taglio di un'argilla a scaglie compattata non satura

La tesi di dottorato ha sviluppato lo studio degli effetti della struttura e della suzione sulla rigidezza e sulla resistenza a taglio di un'argilla a scaglie compattata non satura. Le caratteristiche microstrutturali dell'argilla compattata sono state studiate mediante osservazioni al SEM e prove MIP. Sono state esaminate le modifiche microstrutturali derivanti dalla saturazione, a volume costante e in condizioni di rigonfiamento libero, e dalla riconsolidazione dopo intensi trattamenti di destrutturazione (argilla ricostituita). Le proprietà meccaniche dell'argilla a scaglie compattata non satura sono state indagate mediante prove di compressione edometrica e di compressione triassiale a …

research product

Suction controlled drying and wetting cycle effects on the volumetric behaviour of a lime-treated high plasticity clay

The paper presents some experimental results collected on samples recovered from an experimental embankment obtained by compacting a lime-treated clay. Samples were collected soon after the in situ compaction and they were cured in controlled environmental conditions for at least 18 months. Mercury intrusion porosimetry tests (MIP) were carried out on freeze-dried specimens to characterize the microstructure of the material. In order to assess the durability of the improved material, laboratory tests focused on the effects of cyclic variations of the degree of saturation on the water retention properties and the volumetric behaviour of the stabilized clay. Collected results show that the li…

research product

An effective stress based shear strength criterion for unsaturated compacted double-porosity clays

An effective stress based shear strength criterion is proposed taking into account the fundamental effects of microstructure characteristics on retention properties of compacted double-porosity clays and their overall coupled hydro-mechanical behaviour. Results of triaxial compression tests carried out on saturated and unsaturated samples of a compacted scaly clay show that points representative of failure conditions depict a unique failure envelope when the macropore degree of saturation is used in the definition of the effective stress and its evolution with the suction is taken into account. Furthermore, the proposed criterion is very effective to consider the most relevant aspects of su…

research product

Microstructure Characteristics of Unsaturated Compacted Scaly Clay

Microstructure characteristics of unsaturated compacted scaly clay are investigated by MIP tests on freeze dried samples and observation of SEM photomicrographs. Effects of scale microstructure and increasing compaction stresses, and microstructure changes induced by loading and unloading paths and clay saturation are analysed.

research product

Modulo resiliente di un’argilla a scaglie trattata con calce come parametro meccanico per l’impiego in strati di sottofondazione stradale

La nota presenta i risultati di un programma sperimentale mirato alla valutazione della possibilità di utilizzare le argille a scaglie trattate con calce come materiale di sottofondo per opere di Ingegneria Civile. Tali risultati evidenziano che le caratteristiche di tale materiale migliorano rapidamente nel tempo e che esso diventa, dopo 28 giorni dal trattamento, molto stabile nei riguardi delle sollecitazioni dinamiche indotte dal traffico veicolare, simulate in laboratorio attraverso l’esecuzione di prove di compressione triassiale cicliche mirate alla misura del modulo resiliente.

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Comportamento idro-meccanico di terreni estrusi

Il processo di estrusione dei terreni a grana fina rappresenta uno tra i processi alla base dei metodi di stampa 3D dei terreni. Nel seguente contributo si sono scelti dei terreni adatti a tale scopo e si è studiato come le variabili dipendenti dal processo di stampa, quali la pressione applicata e la dimensione dell’ugello influissero sul materiale estruso.

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Resistenza a taglio di un'argilla a scaglie compattata non satura

Si presentano i risultati di una ricerca sperimentale riguardante lo studio della resistenza a taglio di un’argilla a scaglie compattata non satura. Per evidenziare gli effetti della suzione sulla resistenza a taglio, i risultati di alcune prove di compressione triassiale a suzione controllata eseguite su un gruppo di provini in condizioni di parziale saturazione, sono posti a confronto con quelli ottenuti da prove di compressione triassiale eseguite sullo stesso materiale in condizioni di completa saturazione.

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Microstructure and mechanical behaviour of a saturated compacted scaly clay

The paper presents the results of a research on the influence of structure characteristics on the mechanical behaviour of a saturated compacted scaly clay. To this aim, mechanical properties of compacted scaly clay samples after saturation are compared with the corresponding properties measured on the clay reconstituted in the laboratory. For the stress range explored in the experimental programme, compacted scaly clay samples are stiffer and stronger than reconstituted clay samples owing to their greater density. Collected results are discussed taking in consideration microstructure characteristics of the compacted and reconstituted clay samples

research product

The Permeable Concrete: A Low Energy Consumption Solution for Deep Draining Trenches

The reduction of pore water pressures is one of the very effective measures to improve the stability conditions of marginally stable water-bearing slopes or to stabilise landslides. For this purpose the trench drains have been used long since. Like filling material of deep trenches the permeable concrete can be effectively employed. It presents relatively high hydraulic conductivity, filtering capacity in order to prevent the internal erosion of the soil in which the trench drain is installed, enough residual hydraulic conductivity after possible clogging, sufficient shear strength after a short curing time to avoid the instabilisation of adjacent previously built panels or piles. Results o…

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Atti del convegno: X Incontro Annuale dei Giovani Ingegneri Geotecnici

Questo volume raccoglie gli atti della decima edizione dell’Incontro Annuale dei Giovani Ingegneri Geotecnici, tenutosi a Pisa il 3 e 4 settembre 2021. IAGIG è un’iniziativa dell'Associazione Geotecnica Italiana (AGI) che vuole promuovere tra i suoi Giovani Soci la discussione di argomenti di Ingegneria Geotecnica con riferimento alla pratica professionale ed alle innovazioni proposte dalla ricerca. L'iniziativa è stata pensata, quindi, per coinvolgere liberi professionisti, dipendenti di enti pubblici o di imprese, giovani imprenditori del settore, neo-laureati, giovani ricercatori. Il volume raccoglie 60 contributi, divisi in quattro sessioni: modellazione numerica e fisica dei terreni e …

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