Salvador Pertusa-martínez

Clinical Inertia in Poorly Controlled Elderly Hypertensive Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study in Spanish Physicians to Ascertain Reasons for Not Intensifying Treatment

Clinical inertia, the failure of physicians to initiate or intensify therapy when indicated, is a major problem in the management of hypertension and may be more prevalent in elderly patients. Overcoming clinical inertia requires understanding its causes and evaluating certain factors, particularly those related to physicians.The objective of our study was to determine the rate of clinical inertia and the physician-reported reasons for it.An observational, cross-sectional, multi-center study was carried out in a primary care setting. We included 512 physicians, with a consecutive sampling of 1,499 hypertensive patients with clinical inertia.Clinical inertia was defined when physicians did n…

research product

Clinical applicability and cost-effectiveness of DIABSCORE in screening for type 2 diabetes in primary care

Aims: To evaluate the applicability and cost-effectiveness of a clinical risk score (DIABSCORE) to screen for type 2 diabetes in primary care patients. Methods: Multicenter cross-sectional study of 10,508 adult no previously diagnosed with diabetes, in 2 Spanish regions (Canary Islands and Valencian Community). The variables comprising DIABSCORE were age, waist to height ratio, family history of diabetes and gestational diabetes. ROC curves were obtained; the diabetes prevalences odds ratios (HbA1c >= 6.5%) between patients exposed and not exposed to DIABSCORE >= 100, and to fasting blood glucose >= 126 mg/dL were calculated. The opinions of both the professionals and the patients concernin…

research product

Clinical inertia in diagnosis and treatment of hypertension in primary care: Quantification and associated factors

The objective of the present study was to quantify both diagnostic and therapeutic inertia in hypertension and to identify patient-associated variables.Cross-sectional, multicenter study of 35 424 subjects carried out in 428 health centers and/or primary care clinics in the Valencian Community, Spain, in a preventive activity conducted during 2003 and 2004. Diagnostic inertia was identified when a patient without known hypertension had high blood pressure (BP) but was labeled "normal" by the medical staff, and therapeutic inertia when treatment was not modified for a hypertensive patient on the presence of high BP values. Bivariate and multivariate statistical analyses were performed to ide…

research product

El estudio PROPRESE: resultados de un nuevo modelo organizativo en atención primaria para pacientes con cardiopatía isquémica crónica basado en una intervención multifactorial

ResumenObjetivoComparando los resultados obtenidos en los estudios EUROASPIRE I y EUROASPIRE III en pacientes con cardiopatía isquémica se muestra que el grado de control de los factores de riesgo mayores es mejorable. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la eficacia de una intervención multifactorial orientada a la mejora del grado de control en estos pacientes en el ámbito de la atención primaria.MétodosEn este estudio de intervención aleatorizado, con 1 año de seguimiento, se reclutó a pacientes con diagnóstico de cardiopatía isquémica (145 en el grupo de intervención y 1.461 en el grupo control). Se aplicó una intervención organizativa mixta basada en la mejora de la relación profesio…

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