Vegard Lima
Geometry of spaces of compact operators
We introduce the notion of compactly locally reflexive Banach spaces and show that a Banach space X is compactly locally reflexive if and only if $\mathcal{K}(Y,X^{**})\subseteq\mathcal{K}(Y,X)^{**}$ for all reflexive Banach spaces Y. We show that X * has the approximation property if and only if X has the approximation property and is compactly locally reflexive. The weak metric approximation property was recently introduced by Lima and Oja. We study two natural weak compact versions of this property. If X is compactly locally reflexive then these two properties coincide. We also show how these properties are related to the compact approximation property and the compact approximation prope…
Relatively weakly open convex combinations of slices
We show that c 0 c_0 and, in fact, C ( K ) C(K) for any scattered compact Hausdorff space K K have the property that finite convex combinations of slices of the unit ball are relatively weakly open.
Bounded approximation properties via integral and nuclear operators
Published version of an article in the journal:Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. Also available from the publisher, Open Access
Banach spaces where convex combinations of relatively weakly open subsets of the unit ball are relatively weakly open
We introduce and study Banach spaces which have property CWO, i.e., every finite convex combination of relatively weakly open subsets of their unit ball is open in the relative weak topology of the unit ball. Stability results of such spaces are established, and we introduce and discuss a geometric condition---property (co)---on a Banach space. Property (co) essentially says that the operation of taking convex combinations of elements of the unit ball is, in a sense, an open map. We show that if a finite dimensional Banach space $X$ has property (co), then for any scattered locally compact Hausdorff space $K$, the space $C_0(K,X)$ of continuous $X$-valued functions vanishing at infinity has…
Daugavet- and delta-points in Banach spaces with unconditional bases
We study the existence of Daugavet- and delta-points in the unit sphere of Banach spaces with a 1 1 -unconditional basis. A norm one element x x in a Banach space is a Daugavet-point (resp. delta-point) if every element in the unit ball (resp. x x itself) is in the closed convex hull of unit ball elements that are almost at distance 2 2 from x x . A Banach space has the Daugavet property (resp. diametral local diameter two property) if and only if every norm one element is a Daugavet-point (resp. delta-point). It is well-known that a Banach space with the Daugavet property does not have an unconditional basis. Similarly spaces with the diametral local diameter two property do not have an un…
Absolutely summing operators on C[0,1] as a tree space and the bounded approximation property
AbstractLet X be a Banach space. For describing the space P(C[0,1],X) of absolutely summing operators from C[0,1] to X in terms of the space X itself, we construct a tree space ℓ1tree(X) on X. It consists of special trees in X which we call two-trunk trees. We prove that P(C[0,1],X) is isometrically isomorphic to ℓ1tree(X). As an application, we characterize the bounded approximation property (BAP) and the weak BAP in terms of X∗-valued sequence spaces.
Delta- and Daugavet points in Banach spaces
AbstractA Δ-pointxof a Banach space is a norm-one element that is arbitrarily close to convex combinations of elements in the unit ball that are almost at distance 2 fromx. If, in addition, every point in the unit ball is arbitrarily close to such convex combinations,xis a Daugavet point. A Banach spaceXhas the Daugavet property if and only if every norm-one element is a Daugavet point. We show that Δ- and Daugavet points are the same inL1-spaces, inL1-preduals, as well as in a big class of Müntz spaces. We also provide an example of a Banach space where all points on the unit sphere are Δ-points, but none of them are Daugavet points. We also study the property that the unit ball is the clo…
Asymptotic geometry and Delta-points
We study Daugavet- and $\Delta$-points in Banach spaces. A norm one element $x$ is a Daugavet-point (respectively a $\Delta$-point) if in every slice of the unit ball (respectively in every slice of the unit ball containing $x$) you can find another element of distance as close to $2$ from $x$ as desired. In this paper we look for criteria and properties ensuring that a norm one element is not a Daugavet- or $\Delta$-point. We show that asymptotically uniformly smooth spaces and reflexive asymptotically uniformly convex spaces do not contain $\Delta$-points. We also show that the same conclusion holds true for the James tree space as well as for its predual. Finally we prove that there exis…
Almost square Banach spaces
We single out and study a natural class of Banach spaces -- almost square Banach spaces. In an almost square space we can find, given a finite set $x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_N$ in the unit sphere, a unit vector $y$ such that $\|x_i-y\|$ is almost one. These spaces have duals that are octahedral and finite convex combinations of slices of the unit ball of an almost square space have diameter 2. We provide several examples and characterizations of almost square spaces. We prove that non-reflexive spaces which are M-ideals in their biduals are almost square. We show that every separable space containing a copy of $c_0$ can be renormed to be almost square. A local and a weak version of almost square spa…
Absolutely summing operators on C[0,1] as a tree space and the bounded approximation property
Abstract Let X be a Banach space. For describing the space P ( C [ 0 , 1 ] , X ) of absolutely summing operators from C [ 0 , 1 ] to X in terms of the space X itself, we construct a tree space l 1 tree ( X ) on X. It consists of special trees in X which we call two-trunk trees. We prove that P ( C [ 0 , 1 ] , X ) is isometrically isomorphic to l 1 tree ( X ) . As an application, we characterize the bounded approximation property (BAP) and the weak BAP in terms of X ∗ -valued sequence spaces.
Gruppebasert prosjektoppgave i matematikk: Veiledernes erfaringer
I denne presentasjonen vil vi rapportere veilederes erfaringer med å bidra i et matematisk modelleringsprosjekt. Prosjektet ble introdusert i begynnelsen av første semester matematikkurs for ingeniørstudenter. Målet med prosjektet er å knytte matematikken til realistiske ingeniørgfag problemstillinger og at studentene skal få en nærmere tilknytning til faglærerne i sitt felt. Vi ønsker også å lære studentene flere matematiske kompetanser, som det er vanskelig å trene i forelesninger og øvingstimer. I prosjektet ble 483 studenter delt i 70 grupper som ble veiledet av 20 faglig ansatte fra alle seksjoner av ingeniøravdelingene. Veilederne rapporterer om at de opplever prosjektoppgaven som et …
On Daugavet indices of thickness
Inspired by R. Whitley's thickness index the last named author recently introduced the Daugavet index of thickness of Banach spaces. We continue the investigation of the behavior of this index and also consider two new versions of the Daugavet index of thickness, which helps us solve an open problem which connect the Daugavet indices with the Daugavet equation. Moreover, we will improve the formerly known estimates of the behavior of Daugavet index on direct sums of Banach spaces by establishing sharp bounds. As a consequence of our results we prove that, for every $0<\delta<2$, there exists a Banach space where the infimum of the diameter of convex combinations of slices of the unit ball i…
Strict u-ideals in Banach spaces
We study strict u-ideals in Banach spaces. A Banach space X is a strict u-ideal in its bidual when the canonical decomposition X = X X ? is unconditional. We characterize Banach spaces which are strict u-ideals in their bidual and show that if X is a strict u-ideal in a Banach space Y then X contains c0. We also show that '1 is not a u-ideal.
Bounded approximation properties via integral and nuclear operators
Published version of an article in the journal:Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. Also available from the publisher, Open Access Let X be a Banach space and let A be a Banach operator ideal. We say that X has the lambda-bounded approximation property for A (lambda-BAP for A) if for every Banach space Y and every operator T is an element of A(X, Y), there exists a net (S-alpha) of finite rank operators on X such that S-alpha -> I-X uniformly on compact subsets of X and lim(alpha) sup parallel to TS alpha parallel to(A)<=lambda parallel to T parallel to(A). We prove that the (classical) lambda-BAP is precisely the lambda-BAP for the ideal I of integral operators, or equivalentl…