Helen May-simera

Translational readthrough of ciliopathy genes BBS2 and ALMS1 restores protein, ciliogenesis and function in patient fibroblasts

Abstract Background Ciliary dysfunction underlies a range of genetic disorders collectively termed ciliopathies, for which there are no treatments available. Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) is characterised by multisystemic involvement, including rod-cone dystrophy and renal abnormalities. Together with Alstrom syndrome (AS), they are known as the ‘obesity ciliopathies’ due to their common phenotype. Nonsense mutations are responsible for approximately 11% and 40% of BBS and AS cases, respectively. Translational readthrough inducing drugs (TRIDs) can restore full-length protein bypassing in-frame premature termination codons, and are a potential therapeutic approach for nonsense-mediated ciliop…

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Reliability of genomic variants across different next-generation sequencing platforms and bioinformatic processing pipelines

Abstract Background Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is the fundament of various studies, providing insights into questions from biology and medicine. Nevertheless, integrating data from different experimental backgrounds can introduce strong biases. In order to methodically investigate the magnitude of systematic errors in single nucleotide variant calls, we performed a cross-sectional observational study on a genomic cohort of 99 subjects each sequenced via (i) Illumina HiSeq X, (ii) Illumina HiSeq, and (iii) Complete Genomics and processed with the respective bioinformatic pipeline. We also repeated variant calling for the Illumina cohorts with GATK, which allowed us to investigate the e…

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Progressive Characterization of Visual Phenotype in Bardet-Biedl Syndrome Mutant Mice

Purpose Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) is an archetypical ciliopathy caused by defective ciliary trafficking and consequent function. Insights gained from BBS mouse models are applicable to other syndromic and nonsyndromic retinal diseases. This progressive characterization of the visual phenotype in three BBS mouse models sets a baseline for testing therapeutic interventions. Methods Longitudinal acquisition of electroretinograms, optical coherence tomography scans, and visual acuity using the optomotor reflex in Bbs6/Mkks, Bbs8/Ttc8, and Bbs5 knockout mice. Gene and protein expression analysis in vivo and in vitro. Results Complete loss of BBS5, BBS6, or BBS8 leads to different rates of reti…

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Evaluation of Planar-Cell-Polarity Phenotypes in Ciliopathy Mouse Mutant Cochlea

In recent years, primary cilia have emerged as key regulators in development and disease by influencing numerous signaling pathways. One of the earliest signaling pathways shown to be associated with ciliary function was the non-canonical Wnt signaling pathway, also referred to as planar cell polarity (PCP) signaling. One of the best places in which to study the effects of planar cell polarity (PCP) signaling during vertebrate development is the mammalian cochlea. PCP signaling disruption in the mouse cochlea disrupts cochlear outgrowth, cellular patterning and hair cell orientation, all of which are affected by cilia dysfunction. The goal of this protocol is to describe the analysis of PCP…

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RPGR protein complex regulates proteasome activity and mediates store-operated calcium entry

Ciliopathies are a group of genetically heterogeneous disorders, characterized by defects in cilia genesis or maintenance. Mutations in the RPGR gene and its interacting partners, RPGRIP1 and RPGRIP1L, cause ciliopathies, but the function of their proteins remains unclear. Here we show that knockdown (KD) of RPGR, RPGRIP1 or RPGRIP1L in hTERT-RPE1 cells results in abnormal actin cytoskeleton organization. The actin cytoskeleton rearrangement is regulated by the small GTPase RhoA via the planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway. RhoA activity was upregulated in the absence of RPGR, RPGRIP1 or RPGRIP1L proteins. In RPGR, RPGRIP1 or RPGRIP1L KD cells, we observed increased levels of DVl2 and DVl3 pr…

research product

Primary Cilium Mediated Retinal Pigment Epithelium Maturation is Retarded in Ciliopathy Patient Cells

Primary cilia are sensory organelles that protrude from the cell membrane. Cilia defects cause ciliopathy disorders with retinal degeneration as a prominent phenotype. Here, we demonstrate that the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), essential for photoreceptor development and function, requires a functional primary cilium for complete maturation, and RPE maturation defects in ciliopathies precede photoreceptor development. Pharmacologically enhanced ciliogenesis in wildtype induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)-RPE leads to fully-mature and functional cells. Whereas, ciliopathy patient-derived iPSCs-RPE and wildtype iPSC-RPE with a knockdown of ciliary-trafficking protein remain immature, w…

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Non-essential role for cilia in coordinating precise alignment of lens fibres

The primary cilium, a microtubule-based organelle found in most cells, is a centre for mechano-sensing fluid movement and cellular signalling, notably through the Hedgehog pathway. We recently found that each lens fibre cell has an apically situated primary cilium that is polarised to the side of the cell facing the anterior pole of the lens. The direction of polarity is similar in neighbouring cells so that in the global view, lens fibres exhibit planar cell polarity (PCP) along the equatorial-anterior polar axis. Ciliogenesis has been associated with the establishment of PCP, although the exact relationship between PCP and the role of cilia is still controversial. To test the hypothesis t…

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Primary Cilium-Mediated Retinal Pigment Epithelium Maturation Is Disrupted in Ciliopathy Patient Cells

SUMMARY Primary cilia are sensory organelles that protrude from the cell membrane. Defects in the primary cilium cause ciliopathy disorders, with retinal degeneration as a prominent phenotype. Here, we demonstrate that the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), essential for photoreceptor development and function, requires a functional primary cilium for complete maturation and that RPE maturation defects in ciliopathies precede photoreceptor degeneration. Pharmacologically enhanced ciliogenesis in wild-type induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC)-RPE leads to fully mature and functional cells. In contrast, ciliopathy patient-derived iPSC-RPE and iPSC-RPE with a knockdown of ciliary-trafficking pr…

research product

Generation of an inducible RPE-specific Cre transgenic-mouse line.

The retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is an epithelial monolayer in the back of the vertebrate eye. RPE dysfunction is associated with retinal degeneration and blindness. In order to fully understand how dysregulation affects visual function, RPE-specific gene knockouts are indispensable. Since the currently available RPE-specific Cre recombinases show lack of specificity or poor recombination, we sought to generate an alternative. We generated a tamoxifen-inducible RPE-specific Cre transgenic mouse line under transcriptional control of an RPE-specific Tyrosinase enhancer. We characterized the Cre-mediated recombinant expression by crossing our RPE-Tyrosinase-CreErT2 mouse line with the tdTo…

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The Interplay between Nutrition, Innate Immunity, and the Commensal Microbiota in Adaptive Intestinal Morphogenesis

The gastrointestinal tract is a functionally and anatomically segmented organ that is colonized by microbial communities from birth. While the genetics of mouse gut development is increasingly understood, how nutritional factors and the commensal gut microbiota act in concert to shape tissue organization and morphology of this rapidly renewing organ remains enigmatic. Here, we provide an overview of embryonic mouse gut development, with a focus on the intestinal vasculature and the enteric nervous system. We review how nutrition and the gut microbiota affect the adaptation of cellular and morphologic properties of the intestine, and how these processes are interconnected with innate immunit…

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Tissue‐dependent differences in Bardet–Biedl syndrome gene expression

BACKGROUND INFORMATION Primary cilia are highly conserved multifunctional cell organelles that extend from the cell membrane. A range of genetic disorders, collectively termed ciliopathies, is attributed to primary cilia dysfunction. The archetypical ciliopathy is the Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS), patients of which display virtually all symptoms associated with dysfunctional cilia. The primary cilium acts as a sensory organelle transmitting intra- and extracellular signals thereby transducing various signalling pathways facilitated by the BBS proteins. Growing evidence suggests that cilia proteins also have alternative functions in ciliary independent mechanisms, which might be contributing …

research product

Cilia - The sensory antennae in the eye

Cilia are hair-like projections found on almost all cells in the human body. Originally believed to function merely in motility, the function of solitary non-motile (primary) cilia was long overlooked. Recent research has demonstrated that primary cilia function as signalling hubs that sense environmental cues and are pivotal for organ development and function, tissue hoemoestasis, and maintenance of human health. Cilia share a common anatomy and their diverse functional features are achieved by evolutionarily conserved functional modules, organized into sub-compartments. Defects in these functional modules are responsible for a rapidly growing list of human diseases collectively termed cil…

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Zilienabhängige RPE-Zellentwicklung und der WNT-Signalweg

ZusammenfassungDas retinale Pigmentepithel (RPE) ist eine hochpolarisierte Einzelschicht quaderförmiger Epithelzellen, die dicht mit Melanin gepackt sind. Sie liegt zwischen den lichtempfindlichen Außensegmenten der Photorezeptoren und der Aderhaut (Choroidea), spielt eine essenzielle Rolle bei der Entwicklung der Photorezeptoren und übernimmt wichtige Funktionen in Bezug auf Nährstoffversorgung und Erhaltung, im Retinalstoffwechsel und bei der Abschirmung von der Blutversorgung der Aderhaut. Die Photorezeptoren durchlaufen täglich einen Erneuerungsprozess, bei dem 10% der äußeren Segmente durch das retinale Pigmentepithel phagozytiert werden. Dies erfordert eine enge Wechselwirkung zwische…

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The entangled relationship between cilia and actin

Primary cilia are microtubule-based sensory cell organelles that are vital for tissue and organ development. They act as an antenna, receiving and transducing signals, enabling communication between cells. Defects in ciliogenesis result in severe genetic disorders collectively termed ciliopathies. In recent years, the importance of the direct and indirect involvement of actin regulators in ciliogenesis came into focus as it was shown that F-actin polymerisation impacts ciliation. The ciliary basal body was further identified as both a microtubule and actin organising centre. In the current review, we summarize recent studies on F-actin in and around primary cilia, focusing on different acti…

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