Translational readthrough of ciliopathy genes BBS2 and ALMS1 restores protein, ciliogenesis and function in patient fibroblasts
Abstract Background Ciliary dysfunction underlies a range of genetic disorders collectively termed ciliopathies, for which there are no treatments available. Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) is characterised by multisystemic involvement, including rod-cone dystrophy and renal abnormalities. Together with Alstrom syndrome (AS), they are known as the ‘obesity ciliopathies’ due to their common phenotype. Nonsense mutations are responsible for approximately 11% and 40% of BBS and AS cases, respectively. Translational readthrough inducing drugs (TRIDs) can restore full-length protein bypassing in-frame premature termination codons, and are a potential therapeutic approach for nonsense-mediated ciliop…