P.v. Ruuskanen
Hydrodynamic simulation of elliptic flow
We use a hydrodynamic model to study the space-time evolution transverse to the beam direction in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions with nonzero impact parameters. We focus on the influence of early pressure on the development of radial and elliptic flow. We show that at high energies elliptic flow is generated only during the initial stages of the expansion while radial flow continues to grow until freeze-out. Quantitative comparisons with SPS data from semiperipheral Pb+Pb collisions suggest the applicability of hydrodynamical concepts already $\approx$ 1 fm/c after impact.
DGLAP analyses of nPDF: constraints from data
We explain how the constraints from present experimental data can be used to obtain the nPDF in the framework of LO DGLAP evolution. We will also compare the only two available sets of this type and comment on the important information that neutrino factories could provide.
Initial Conditions in the One-Fluid Hydrodynamical Description of Ultrarelativistic Nuclear Collisions
We present a phenomenological model for the initial conditions needed in a one-fluid hydrodynamical description of ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions at CERN--SPS. The basic ingredient is the parametrization of the baryon stopping, i.e. the rapidity distribution, as a function of the thickness of the nuclei. We apply the model to S + S and Pb + Pb collisions and find after hydrodynamical evolution reasonable agreement with the data.
Minijet and transverse energy production in the BFKL regime
Minijet production in hadronic and nuclear collisions through a BFKL pomeron ladder is studied for the energies of the future LHC heavy-ion collisions. We use unintegrated gluon densities compatible with the small-$x$ increase of parton distributions observed at HERA. We show that at LHC energies the BFKL minijet and transverse energy production is at most of the same order of magnitude as that in the collinear factorization approach.
Dilepton rapidity distributions from a hadronizing quark-gluon plasma
Abstract We calculate the rapidity distribution of dilepton pairs produced from an evolving quark-gluon plasma assuming a longitudinal scaling expansion with initial conditions locally determined from the rapidity density. These distributions are compared with those from lowest-order Drell-Yan production and semileptonic charm decays.
Mass number scaling in ultra-relativistic nuclear collisions from a hydrodynamical approach
We study the different nucleus-nucleus collisions, O+Au, S+S, S+Ag, S+Au and Pb+Pb, at the CERN-SPS energy in a one-fluid hydrodynamical approach using a parametrization based on baryon stopping in terms of the thickness of colliding nuclei. Good agreement with measured particle spectra is achieved. We deduce the mass number scaling behaviour of the initial energy density. We find that the equilibration time is nearly independent of the size of the colliding nuclei.
Radial and elliptic flow at RHIC: further predictions
Using a hydrodynamic model, we predict the transverse momentum dependence of the spectra and the elliptic flow for different hadrons in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s) = 130 A GeV. The dependence of the differential and p_t-integrated elliptic flow on the hadron mass, equation of state and freeze-out temperature is studied both numerically and analytically.
Sensitivity of electromagnetic spectra to equation of state and initial energy density in the Pb+Pb collisions at SPS
We study Pb+Pb collisions at 158 A GeV/c using a hydrodynamical approach. We test different equations of state (EoSs) and different initial conditions and show that there are more than one initial state for each EoS which reproduce the observed hadronic spectra. We also find that different equations of state favour different freeze-out temperature. Simultaneously we calculate the thermal dilepton and photon spectra for each EoS and initial state. We compare the dilepton mass spectrum to data measured by the CERES collaboration and find that the differences in spectra obtained using different EoSs and initial states are not resolvable within the current experimental resolution. However, at i…
Emission of thermal dileptons in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions
Abstract The emission of thermal dileptons from a quark-gluon plasma and hot pion gas formed in a collision of heavy nuclei, is studied in the framework of hydrodynamics. Thermal rates are compared with the estimates of rates for Drell-Yan production. Dependence on the mass number and impact parameter of colliding nuclei, and the collision energy is considered.
Rapidity dependence of particle production in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions
We compute the rapidity dependence of particle and transverse energy production in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions at various beam energies and atomic numbers using the perturbative QCD + saturation model. The distribution is a broad gaussian near $y=0$ but the rapid increase of particle production with the beam energy will via energy conservation strongly constrain the rapidity distribution at large $y$.
Hydrodynamics of nuclear collisions with initial conditions from perturbative QCD
We compute the longitudinal hydrodynamic flow in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 5500 GeV by using boost non-invariant initial conditions following from perturbative QCD. The transfer of entropy and energy from the central region to larger rapidities caused by boost non-invariance is determined and the associated decrease in the lifetime of the system is estimated.
Low-mass dileptons at high momenta in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions
Abstract We calculate the emission rate of low-mass dileptons at high momenta from a quark-gluon plasma. We find a large enhancement compared with the naive Born rate. Numerical estimates for relativistic heavy ions collisions at RHIC and LHC suggest, however, that the thermal signal is dominated by the background coming from meson decays and from hadronic bremsstrahlung.
Non-zero chemical potential and the shape of the pT-distribution of hadrons in heavy-ion collisions
Abstract The pT-spectra of negative particles from 200 GeV/nucleon O + Au and S + S collisions, measured at CERN by the NA35 collaboration, are fitted by a thermal distribution of massive pions which are strongly out of chemcial equilibrium. Both sets of data are consistent with the same values of temperature and chemical potential, T ≈ 165 MeV and μ ≈ 120 MeV. The low pT behaviour of the measured spectra seems to indicate that the transverse flow in these collisions is not strong.
Transverse spectra of hadrons at RHIC
We present results on spectra of pions, kaons and (anti)protons from a study of heavy ion collisions using the perturbative QCD + saturation model to calculate the production of initial (transverse) energy and baryon number followed by a hydrodynamic description of the expansion of produced matter. In particular, we study how the hadron spectra and multiplicities depend on the decoupling temperature $\Tdec$ when the low temperature phase contains all hadrons and and hadron resonances with mass below 2 GeV. We show that the spectra and multiplicities of pions, kaons and (anti)protons measured at RHIC in central Au+Au collisions with $\sqrt s=130$ GeV can be obtained with a single decoupling …
Predictions for low-pTand high-pThadron spectra in nearly central Pb+Pb collisions atsNN=5.5TeV tested atsNN=130and 200 GeV
We study the hadron spectra in nearly central $A+A$ collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in a broad transverse momentum range. We cover the low-${p}_{T}$ spectra using longitudinally boost-invariant hydrodynamics with initial energy and net-baryon number densities from the perturbative QCD (pQCD)+saturation model. Buildup of the transverse flow and sensitivity of the spectra to a single decoupling temperature ${T}_{\mathrm{dec}}$ are studied. Comparison with RHIC data at $\sqrt{{s}_{\mathit{NN}}}=130$ and 200 GeV suggests a rather high value ${T}_{\mathrm{dec}}=150$ MeV. The high-${p}_{T}$ spectra are computed using factorized pQCD cro…
Photon emission in heavy ion collisions at the CERN SPS
We compute the thermal photon spectrum in the Pb+Pb collisions at the CERN SPS energy using thermal emission rates and a hydrodynamic description for the evolution of produced hot matter and compare our results with the measurements of the excess photons by the WA98 collaboration. Our results show that the measured photon spectrum can be reproduced with realistic initial conditions which take properly into account also the finite longitudinal size of the initial collision zone and which simultaneously describe well both the transverse and longitudinal hadron spectra. In the scenario with initial formation of QGP the recently calculated emission rate, complete to order alpha_s, reproduces th…
Hydrodynamical Description of 200 A GeV/c S+Au Collisions: Hadron and Electromagnetic Spectra
We study relativistic S+Au collisions at 200 A GeV/c using a hydrodynamical approach. We test various equations of state (EOSs), which are used to describe the strongly interacting matter at densities attainable in the CERN-SPS heavy ion experiments. For each EOS, suitable initial conditions can be determined to reproduce the experimental hadron spectra; this emphasizes the ambiguity between the initial conditions and the EOS in such an approach. Simultaneously, we calculate the resulting thermal photon and dielectron spectra, and compare with experiments. If one allows the excitation of resonance states with increasing temperature, the electro-magnetic signals from scenarios with and witho…
Nuclear parton distributions in the DGLAP approach
Determination of the nuclear parton distributions within the framework of perturbative QCD, the DGLAP equations in particular, is discussed. Scale and flavour dependent nuclear effects in the parton distributions are compared with the scale and flavour independent parametrizations of HIJING and of the Hard Probe Collaboration. A comparison with the data from deep inelastic lepton-nucleus scattering and the Drell-Yan process in proton-nucleus collisions is shown.
Heavy Quark Production in pp Collisions
A systematic study of the inclusive single heavy quark and heavy-quark pair production cross sections in pp collisions is presented for RHIC and LHC energies. We compare with existing data when possible. The dependence of the rates on the renormalization and factorization scales is discussed. Predictions of the cross sections are given for two different sets of parton distribution functions.
Multiplicities and Transverse Energies in Central AA Collisions at RHIC and LHC from pQCD, Saturation and Hydrodynamics
We compute the particle multiplicities and transverse energies at central and nearly central AA collisions at RHIC and LHC. The initial state is computed from perturbative QCD supplemented by the conjecture of saturation of produced partons. The expansion stage is described in terms of hydrodynamics assuming longitudinal boost invariance and azimuthal symmetry. Transverse flow effects, a realistic list of hadrons and resonance decays are included. Comparison with the data of the multiplicities at $\sqrt s=56$ AGeV and 130 AGeV from RHIC is done and predictions for the full RHIC energy and LHC energy are made for the multiplicities and transverse energies. The reduction from the initially re…
Low-pT pion enhancement from partial thermalization in nuclear collisions
Abstract We attribute the enhancement of pions measured at low transverse momenta and central rapidities in 200 A GeV nucleus-nucleus collisions to the partial thermal equilibration of a superdense pion fluid. Transport theory calculations are compared to recent S+S and O+Au data, and predictions are made for Pb+Pb.
Elliptic flow in nuclear collisions at ultrarelativistic energies available at the CERN Large Hadron Collider
We use perfect-fluid hydrodynamical model to predict the elliptic flow coefficients in $\mathrm{Pb}+\mathrm{Pb}$ collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The initial state for the hydrodynamical calculation for central $A+A$ collisions is obtained from the perturbative QCD $+$ saturation model. The centrality dependence of the initial state is modeled by the optical Glauber model. We show that the baseline results obtained from the framework are in good agreement with the data from the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and show predictions for the ${p}_{T}$ spectra and elliptic flow of pions in $\mathrm{Pb}+\mathrm{Pb}$ collisions at the LHC. Also mass and multiplicity effects are discu…
Nuclear Parton Distributions - a DGLAP Analysis
Nuclear parton distributions $f_A(x,Q^2)$ are studied within a framework of the DGLAP evolution. Measurements of $F_2^A/F_2^D$ in deep inelastic $lA$ collisions, and Drell--Yan dilepton cross sections measured in $pA$ collisions are used as constraints. Also conservation of momentum and baryon number is required. It is shown that the calculated $Q^2$ evolution of $F_2^{\rm Sn}/F_2^{\rm C}$ agrees very well with the recent NMC data, and that the ratios $R_f^A=f_A/f$ are only moderately sensitive to the choice of a specific modern set of free parton distributions. For general use, we offer a numerical parametrization of $R_f^A(x,Q^2)$ for all parton flavours $f$ in $A>2$, and at $10^{-6}\l…
Dependence of hadron spectra on decoupling temperature and resonance contributions
Using equilibrium hydrodynamics with initial conditions for the energy and net baryon number densities from the perturbative QCD + saturation model, a good simultaneous description of the measured pion, kaon and (anti)proton spectra in central Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt s=130 A$GeV is found with a single decoupling temperature $\Tdec=150...160$ MeV. The interplay between the resonance content of the EoS and the development of the transverse flow leads to inverse slopes and $$ of hadrons which increase with decreasing $\Tdec$. The origin of this result is discussed.
Effects of shadowing on Drell-Yan dilepton production in high energy nuclear collisions
We compute cross sections for the Drell-Yan process in nuclear collisions at next-to-leading order (NLO) in ��_s. The effects of shadowing on the normalization and on the mass and rapidity dependence of these cross sections are presented. An estimate of higher order corrections is obtained from next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) calculation of the rapidity-integrated mass distribution. Variations in these predictions resulting from choices of parton distribution sets are discussed. Numerical results for mass distributions at NLO are presented for RHIC and LHC energies, using appropriate rapidity intervals. The shadowing factors in the dilepton mass range 2 < M < 10 GeV are predicted…
Dependence of lepton pair emission on EoS and initial state
We present results from a hydrodynamic calculation for thermal emission of lepton pairs in central lead-lead collisions at the CERN SPS energy. Dependence of the emission on the initial conditions and Equation of State (EoS) is considered and the spectra are compared with CERES data and calculated distribution of Drell--Yan pairs.
Scale evolution of nuclear parton distributions
Using the NMC and E665 nuclear structure function ratios $F_2^A/F_2^D$ and $F_2^A/F_2^{C}$ from deep inelastic lepton-nucleus collisions, and the E772 Drell--Yan dilepton cross sections from proton-nucleus collisions, and incorporating baryon number and momentum sum rules, we determine nuclear parton distributions at an initial scale $Q_0^2$. With these distributions, we study QCD scale evolution of nuclear parton densities. The emphasis is on small values of $x$, especially on scale dependence of nuclear shadowing. As the main result, we show that a consistent picture can be obtained within the leading twist DGLAP evolution, and in particular, that the calculated $Q^2$ dependence of $F_2^{…
Dilepton Emission from Dense Hadron Gas
Using a Hagedorn resonance gas picture and quark-hadron duality we estimate the dilepton emission rate in the vicinity of the QCD deconfinement phase transition. The result is then used to calculate a dilepton spectrum in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions. We show that multibody contributions taken into account in the Hagedorn resonance gas approach provide an enhancement of the production rate of massive dileptons as compared to the previously considered sources.