Elena Estrelles


Effect of water content and temperature on seed longevity of seven Brassicaceae species after 5 years of storage.

Maximising seed longevity is crucial for genetic resource preservation and longevity of orthodox seeds is determined by environmental conditions (water content and temperature). The effect of water content (down to 0.01 g·H₂O·g(-1) ) on seed viability was studied at different temperatures for a 5-year storage period in taxonomically related species. Seeds of seven Brassicaceae species (Brassica repanda, Eruca vesicaria, Malcolmia littorea, Moricandia arvensis, Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum, Sinapis alba, Sisymbrium runcinatum) were stored at 48 environments comprising a combination of eight water contents, from 0.21 to 0.01 g·H₂O·g(-1) DW and six temperatures (45, 35, 20, 5, -25, -170 °C). S…

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Opportunistic Germination Behaviour of Gypsophila (Caryophyllaceae) in Two Priority Habitats from Semi-arid Mediterranean Steppes

Gypsophila tomentosa and G. struthium are closely related species, characteristic of two European priority habitats, salt and gypsum inland steppes, respectively. Germination strategies of the two taxa were investigated in plants from two nearby populations, growing under the same climatic conditions but on different types of soil, and belonging to different plant communities. Their germination patterns were studied at five constant temperatures in darkness: 5oC, 10oC, 15oC, 20oC and 25oC, and the base temperature and the thermal time requirement were calculated. As the distribution area of both species is subjected to a Mediterranean continental climate with significant differences between…

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Assessing Effects of Temperature Change on Four Limonium Species from Threatened Mediterranean Salt-Affected Habitats

[EN] Evaluation of tolerance to temperatures in the germination stage is an important tool to foresee the possible effect of global warming. Moreover, establishing germination protocols for endemic and threatened species is most interesting for restoration and management plans that focus on habitat conservation. Seed germination was analysed in four species of the genus Limonium (L. virgatum, L. narbonense, L. girardianum and L. santapolense) growing in two saline habitats on the eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula. The study aim was to compare responses of seed germination to different temperature regimes. Seeds were collected in two protected areas, `L¿Albufera de Valencia¿ (province o…

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Electrochemical monitoring of ROS influence on seedlings and germination response to salinity stress of three species of the tribe Inuleae.

Solid-state electrochemical methods have been applied to the establishment of patterns of plant growth and response to saline stress using seedlings of Inula helenium L., Dittrichia viscosa (L.) Greuter (Inula viscosa (L.) Aiton), Limbarda crithmoides (L.) Dumort (Inula crithmoides L.). Upon in situ electrochemical generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) the reactivity with such species was monitored using voltammetric signals associated to the oxidation of polyphenolic components of the plants. A simple kinetic model based on second-order reaction between ROS and polyphenolic components is applied to electrochemical data yielding apparent rate constants which can be correlated with the…

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Responses to salt stress in the halophyte Plantago crassifolia (Plantaginaceae)

Abstract General responses to salt stress have been investigated in the halophyte Plantago crassifolia. Seed germination was strongly inhibited by NaCl, although seed viability and germination capacity were not affected by salt pre-treatments. A concentration-dependent inhibition of plant growth was observed in the presence of NaCl, which was accompanied by the accumulation of Na+ ions in the leaves, as determined by cation exchange HPLC. A 20-fold increase of proline content in leaves was observed when plants were treated with 500 m m NaCl, suggesting a protective role against high salinity stress for this amino acid, whose possible mechanism of action is discussed.

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This paper describes the morphology and anatomy of a structure which appears in the floral racemes of Genista florida L. subsp. polygaliphylla (Brot.) Couthino. In this subspecies the floral racemes have a small number of flowers. This structure develops quite frequently in this taxon, which is found in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, but never in Genista florida subsp. florida. Its morphology is simple: bottle-shaped, wide at the base and elongated to a narrow peak at the upper extreme. Anatomical examination shows that these structures have a close similarity to flowers. Since they develop by the oviposition of one insect of the Cecidomyiidae family in the floral buds, they can be…

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Conservation aspects for chasmophytic species: Phenological behavior and seed strategies of the Central Apennine threatened endemismMoehringia papulosaBertol

Abstract Chasmophytic vegetation growing on the cracks of cliffs in the Mediterranean and in the Euro-Siberian phytogeographic regions shows a great regional diversity, with a large number of endemic plant species, many of them endangered and at risk of extinction. Moehringia papulosa is an example of a threatened plant living in this kind of habitat. It is an endemism of the Marche region in central Italy, whose natural populations are considered as critically endangered (CR) under the IUCN criteria and the habitat is protected by the E.U. (Directive 92/43/EEC) with the habitat 8210 “calcareous rocky slopes with chasmophytic vegetation”. The phenology of natural populations was analyzed, s…

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Chromosome numbers of severalLamiaceae from Spain

Chromosome numbers of twenty taxa, almost all of them Iberian endemics, of the generaTeucrium, Sideritis, Thymus andSalvia are reported. New chromosome numbers are given for the following taxa:Teucrium homotrichum (2n=78),T. hifacense (2n=26),T. rivasii (2n=26),T. rivas-martinezii (2n=26),Sideritis edetana (2n=30),S. murgetana subsp.littoralis (2n=28), and the hybridS. xviciosoi (2n=27). The first count on Iberian material forSalvia pratensis (2n=18) is reported. Chromosome numbers have been confirmed for the rest of the taxa studied on material from SE Spain. Karyotype analyses and taxonomic remarks are included.

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Genetic variability in the endemic Leucojum valentinum

The genetic variability of Leucojum valentinum Pau (Amaryllidaceae), a vulnerable endemic species restricted to a small area in the region of Valencia (Eastern Spain), has been studied using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. A total of 197 individuals from eleven populations were studied using 13 RAPD primers. Our results show high variability for the species, low differentiation among populations and uncorrelated levels of genetic variability and population size. Four groups in which three populations (SAG, PUG and COL) are separated from all the others were found, but without connection to geographical location.

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Leaf domatia in the section Alaternus (Miller) DC. of the genus Rhamnus (Rhamnaceae)

Anatomical and morphological study of leaves from three species of Rhamnus (R. alaternus, R. myrtifolius and R. ludovici-salvatoris) which comprise the section Alaternus (Miller) DC. from the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands, have revealed the presence of domatia, which are macroscopic infundibuliform structures. Although not all the leaves of one single plant showed domatia, all the individuals of each species examined presented these structures.

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Effects of salt stress on the reproductive biology of the halophyte Plantago crassifolia

Floral phenology, pollen quality and seed set of Plantago crassifolia plants, grown in the presence of increasing NaCl concentrations, were studied to test how this Mediterranean halophyte responded to salt stress during the reproductive phase of its life cycle. "Reproductive success" was maximal in plants grown in non-saline conditions, or in the presence of 100 mM NaCl, but it was negatively affected by higher salinities, due to a progressive reduction of pollen fertility, seed set, and seed viability.

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Effects of environmental factors on seed germination ofAnthyllis barba-jovisL

Abstract The influence of the main environmental factors on seed germination of Anthyllis barba-jovis L. were analysed. This work is part of a broader investigation aimed at the reintroduction of this species on Mount Conero, Ancona (central Italy), where it is at present extinct. The seeds were collected from the Gargano headland (southern Adriatic coast). Experimental analyses were carried out to determine: (i) dormancy levels of seeds collected in successive years, and also collected from the soil seed bank; (ii) effects of usual pre-treatments for overriding the physical dormancy of the seeds; (iii) optimal temperature range for maximum germination; (iv) effects of fire on seed germinat…

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Electrochemistry-based chemotaxonomy in plants using the voltammetry of microparticles methodology

A methodology for characterizing vegetal taxonomic groups using microextraction-assisted voltammetry of microparticles is described. It is based on recording the voltammetric response of microparticulate films of polyphenolic compounds of leaf extracts using different organic solvents. As a result, characteristic voltammetric profiles, tentatively defining an electrochemolomic response, are obtained. Bivariant and multivariant chemometric evaluation of the voltammetric responses of such films allows characterizing vegetal families. Analysis of voltammetric responses for a set of species of the Rosales order suggests that electrochemical data can be correlated with phylogenetic trees.

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Hydroperiod length as key parameter controlling seed strategies in Mediterranean salt marshes: The case of Halopeplis amplexicaulis

Abstract The comprehension of plant biology and the response to the environment is fundamental to achieve the optimal skills to manage and conserve the fine equilibrium between biotic and abiotic parameters regulating natural biodiversity in salt marshes. The behaviour of annuals living in these stressful conditions is poorly understood and constitutes a good model for a better understanding of this relationship. We thus identified the determinant environmental factors involved in population survival of Halopeplis amplexicaulis, a threatened annual species inhabiting salt marshes. To achieve this objective, maternal climatic parameters were analyzed in seeds collected in different years, an…

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Unraveling Salt Tolerance in Halophytes: A Comparative Study on Four Mediterranean Limonium Species with Different Geographic Distribution Patterns

[EN] We have performed an extensive study on the responses to salt stress in four related Limonium halophytes with different geographic distribution patterns, during seed germination and early vegetative growth. The aims of the work were twofold: to establish the basis for the different chorology of these species, and to identify relevant mechanisms of salt tolerance dependent on the control of ion transport and osmolyte accumulation. Seeds were germinated in vitro, in the presence of increasing NaCl concentrations, and subjected to ¿recovery of germination¿ tests; germination percentages and velocity were determined to establish the relative tolerance and competitiveness of the four Limoni…

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Access to Phylogeny from Voltammetric Fingerprints of Seeds: the Apsparagus Case

A methodology for characterizing vegetal taxonomic groups from the voltammetric fingerprints of polyphenolic components of seeds is described. It is based on recording the voltammetric response of microparticulate films deposited on glassy carbon electrodes from seed extracts using different organic solvents. The obtained responses in contact with aqueous electrolytes provided characteristic voltammetric profiles at the level of genera/subgenera and/or families using bivariant and multivariant chemometric methods. The voltammograms of 14 species from 5 different families provided family-characteristic patterns. Analysis of voltammetric responses for a set of 20 species of the Asparagus genu…

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HalocnemumM. Bieb. vegetation in the Mediterranean Basin

The aim of the article is the syntaxonomic interpretation of hyperhalophilous woody or semi-woody vegetation with Halocnemum M. Bieb. along the coasts of the Mediterranean Basin. For this area, the two species of Halocnemum, H. strobilaceum (Pall.) M. Bieb. and H. cruciatum (Forssk.) Tod. are identified; their morphological characteristics, synonymy and distribution are here described. The study carried out of particular aspects of the plant morphology and the micromorphological characteristics of the seeds collected from different places in the Mediterranean allows to better differentiate the two species. Vegetation studies already done in many communities of the Mediterranean by several a…

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Effects of temperature and desiccation on ex situ conservation of nongreen fern spores

Premise of the study Fern spores are unicellular and haploid, making them a potential model system to study factors that regulate lifespan and mechanisms of aging. Aging rates of nongreen spores were measured to compare longevity characteristics among diverse fern species and test for orthodox response to storage temperature and moisture. Methods Aging of spores from 10 fern species was quantified by changes in germination and growth parameters. Storage temperature ranged from ambient room to -196°C (liquid nitrogen); spores were dried to ambient relative humidity (RH) or using silica gel. Key results Survival of spores varied under ambient storage conditions, with one species dying within …

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Disentangling the role of heat and smoke as germination cues in Mediterranean Basin flora

9 páginas, 1 figura, 4 tablas.

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Aridity level, rainfall pattern and soil features as key factors in germination strategies in salt-affected plant communities

Abstract In arid environments, particularly in halophytic habitats, germination ecophysiology is strongly affected by environmental factors, primarily water availability, which is influenced by quantity and seasonal distribution of precipitation and soil properties. The aim of this paper was to demonstrate that water availability is essential for the control of germination and the response of seedlings growing in saline areas. With this approach, we compared the germination strategies in two Halocnemum populations with contrasting rainfall regimes and soil aridity. The germination behavior and radicle growth under various temperature regimes, light conditions and salinity levels were evalua…

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An electrochemical analysis suggests role of gynodioecy in adaptation to stress in Cortaderia selloana

Cortaderia selloana is an invasive, gynodioecious species prevalent in Mediterranean area which contains both female and hermaphrodite specimens in the wild population. Using voltammetric data we show that the female and hermaphrodite specimens exhibit differential electrochemical response. Cortaderia selloana leaves from two different provenances in the Valencia Mediterranean area, Sueca and Cullera (Comunitat Valenciana, Spain), in the surroundings of the Albufera Natural Park, a peculiar ecosystem containing unspoilt dune beaches and forests, were studied to determine correlation of flower morphology with the plant's ability to adapt to stress conditions. Our data suggests that gynodioec…

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Variations in seed germination behavior ofPhleum hirsutumsubsp.ambiguumand possible applications in semi-natural grassland restoration

Phleum hirsutum Honck. subsp. ambiguum (Ten.) Tzvelev is an important component of the vegetation of some semi-natural grassland habitats of central and southern Italy and especially of those referring to the 6210* habitat (Directive 92/43/EEC). Seeds of this species are required for the execution of restoration works concerning this habitat. Therefore, the recovery and the study of autochthonous germplasm are needed. This study focused on the intra-specific variations in seed mass and size and in seed germination behavior in this species since the knowledge of these aspects can be very useful in the planning of restoration projects. The present research evidenced significant differences in…

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Cover Picture: Access to Phylogeny from Voltammetric Fingerprints of Seeds: the Asparagus Case (Electroanalysis 2/2017)

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