Hua Xing Zhu

The two-loop soft function for heavy quark pair production at future linear colliders

We report on the calculation of the threshold soft function for heavy quark pair production in e+ e- annihilation at two-loop order. Our main result is a generalization of the familiar Drell-Yan threshold soft function to the case of non-zero primary quark mass. We set up a framework based on the method of differential equations which allows for the straightforward calculation of the bare soft function to arbitrarily high orders in the dimensional regularization parameter. Remarkably, we find that we can obtain the bare two-loop Drell-Yan soft function from the heavy quark soft function to the order in epsilon required for a two-loop calculation by making simple replacements. We expect that…

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Soft-virtual corrections to Higgs production at N$^3$LO

In this paper, we compute the soft-virtual corrections to Higgs boson production in gluon fusion for infinite top quark mass at next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order in QCD. In addition, we present analogous soft-virtual terms for both Drell-Yan lepton production in QCD and scalar pair production in N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory. The result for Drell-Yan lepton production is derived from the result for Higgs boson production using Casimir scaling arguments together with well-known results available in the literature. For scalar pair production in the N = 4 model, we show by explicit calculation that the result is equal to the part of the Higgs boson soft-virtual term which is of maximal tra…

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The Complete Two-Loop Integrated Jet Thrust Distribution In Soft-Collinear Effective Theory

In this work, we complete the calculation of the soft part of the two-loop integrated jet thrust distribution in e+e- annihilation. This jet mass observable is based on the thrust cone jet algorithm, which involves a veto scale for out-of-jet radiation. The previously uncomputed part of our result depends in a complicated way on the jet cone size, r, and at intermediate stages of the calculation we actually encounter a new class of multiple polylogarithms. We employ an extension of the coproduct calculus to systematically exploit functional relations and represent our results concisely. In contrast to the individual contributions, the sum of all global terms can be expressed in terms of cla…

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N^3LO Higgs and Drell-Yan production at threshold: the one-loop two-emission contribution

In this paper, we study phenomenologically interesting soft radiation distributions in massless QCD. Specifically, we consider the emission of two soft partons off of a pair of light-like Wilson lines, in either the fundamental or the adjoint representation, at next-to-leading order. Our results are an essential component of the next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order threshold corrections to both Higgs boson production in the gluon fusion channel and Drell-Yan lepton production. Our calculations are consistent with the recently published results for Higgs boson production. As a non-trivial cross-check on our analysis, we rederive a recent prediction for the Drell-Yan threshold cross section …

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Resummation prediction on top quark transverse momentum distribution at largepT

We study the factorization and resummation of t-channel top quark transverse momentum distribution at large pT in the SM at both the Tevatron and the LHC with soft-collinear effective theory. The cross section in the threshold region can be factorized into a convolution of hard, jet and soft functions. In particular, we first calculate the NLO soft functions for this process, and give a RG improved cross section by evolving the different functions to a common scale. Our results show that the resummation effects increase the NLO results by about 9%-13% and 4%-9% when the top quark pT is larger than 50 and 70 GeV at the Tevatron and the 8 TeV LHC, respectively. Also, we discuss the scale inde…

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N3LOHiggs boson and Drell-Yan production at threshold: The one-loop two-emission contribution

In this paper, we study phenomenologically interesting soft radiation distributions in massless QCD. Specifically, we consider the emission of two soft partons off of a pair of lightlike Wilson lines, in either the fundamental or the adjoint representation, at next-to-leading order. Our results are an essential component of the next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order threshold corrections to both Higgs boson production in the gluon fusion channel and Drell-Yan lepton production. Our calculations are consistent with the recently published results for Higgs boson production. As a nontrivial cross-check on our analysis, we rederive a recent prediction for the Drell-Yan threshold cross section us…

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Soft-virtual corrections to Higgs production atN3LO

The authors compute certain (soft-virtual) corrections to the Higgs boson production in the gluon-gluon fusion at next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order in QCD. Such higher loop calculations are essential for comparing the theoretical predictions with the experimental results of the Higgs boson production at LHC.

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