Para estudiar la actividad internacional de las empresas minoristas de moda proponemos un marco que analiza las diferentes dimensiones de 'incrustación' en los mercados exteriores con las capacidades dinámicas. Partiendo de nueve entrevistas en profundidad a directivos de empresas del sector, obtenemos que cada dimensión de incrustación se apoya en diferentes capacidades dinámicas. La social requiere capacidades de construcción de marca que interactúen con las capacidades de gestión del canal y de gestión del conocimiento; la relacional está respaldada por las capacidades de gestión de los canales, mientras que la territorial lo está también por las capacidades de gestión de los canales. To…
Resumen: El fenómeno del voluntariado, como parte del sector no-lucrativo, puede ser estudiado desde una perspectiva de marketing como un comportamiento de consumo en el contexto de la realización de eventos especiales. En este estudio se busca explorar la dimensionalidad de la experiencia de ser voluntario en un megaevento religioso a través del concepto valor analizado con un enfoque diacrónico: pre-uso (valor esperado) vs. post-uso (valor percibido). Para ello, proponemos un estudio longitudinal sobre 711 voluntarios a través de dos análisis de componentes principales diferentes, antes y después del evento, sobre las mismas escalas de las dimensiones de valor. La estructura propuesta es …
Introspección reflexiva del estudiante sobre su experiencia en másteres internacionales
El estudiante universitario juega hoy un papel activo no solo como cliente, sino como co-creador de valor. Con una tecnica de investigacion cualitativa como la autorreflexion personal, se puede lograr su participacion y co-creacion mediante una introspeccion subjetiva. Este trabajo explora el valor percibido de la experiencia universitaria a traves de 30 introspecciones reflexivas de estudiantes de Masteres internacionales con el apoyo de un CAQDAS. Los resultados, explicados en relacion con los beneficios y costes, y con las dimensiones de valor percibido de la experiencia (funcional, emocional y social), muestran la utilidad de la introspeccion para la comprension de la experiencia univer…
El rol de las capacidades dinámicas de networking en la internacionalización de pymes latinoamericanas
Las pymes latinoamericanas difícilmente evidencian experiencias de internacionalización significativas debido a sus limitaciones de conocimiento, recursos y relaciones con intermediarios estratégicos. El reto es generar cooperación entre todos los partners y orquestar la combinación adecuada que permita integrar el canal de distribución internacional. El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido identificar aquellas capacidades dinámicas específicas de networking necesarias para el desarrollo de la estrategia de distribución, y así, impulsar los procesos de internacionalización de pymes latinoamericanas. Los resultados demuestran que los gerentes identifican, desarrollan y fortalecen sus relac…
Analysing the fulfilment of service recovery paradox in retailing
AbstractThe literature dealing with the Service Recovery Paradox (SRP) is vast, but some results are confusing and contradictory. In addition to this, scarce attention has been paid to service recovery in the context of retailing. This paper aims at verifying the compliance of the SRP in the context of retailing. Considering a sample of consumers that experienced a failure in the service delivered by a retailer and are very satisfied with the solution provided by the store employee, we test first the fulfilment of the SRP in the context of retailing. Secondly, we test the existence of significant differences in the customer satisfaction levels with the store before and after experiencing th…
Experiential tourist shopping value: Adding causality to value dimensions and testing their subjectivity
Previous literature on consumer behavior has tackled the experiential approach in retailing services in depth; however, most of the previous studies have concentrated on the simultaneous but not concatenated effects of value dimensions on satisfaction and/or loyalty. Furthermore, tourists' shopping behavior remains an underdeveloped area of study from the experiential perspective. This work explores experiential tourist shopping value, aiming to (a) explain tourists' loyalty to retailers by adding causality to experiential dimensions and (b) prove the subjectivity of these values. After a diachronic and synchronic review of the literature on experiential shopping value, a structural model w…
An overview about fashion retailing sector: UK versus Spain
Within the international context, fashion retailers have suffered the most in the economic downturn in the last years. Nevertheless, the historically high-margin fashion sectors composite net profit margin was still the highest of all the product groups. Based on the importance of fashion retail sector for the international economy in general, this paper examines the international retailing situation showing sales data between most important retailers around the world in general and Europe in particular. Specifically, this paper offers an overview on fashion retailing sector in the international context in order to study the position of this sector in the international crisis context. Due t…
Participar como voluntario en eventos especiales: comparación entre el valor esperado y percibido
El fenómeno del voluntariado, como parte del sector no-lucrativo, puede ser estudiado desde una perspectiva de marketing como un comportamiento de consumo en el contexto de la realización de eventos especiales. En este estudio se busca explorar la dimensionalidad de la experiencia de ser voluntario en un megaevento religioso a través del concepto valor analizado con un enfoque diacrónico: pre-uso (valor esperado) vs. post-uso (valor percibido). Para ello, proponemos un estudio longitudinal sobre 711 voluntarios a través de dos análisis de componentes principales diferentes, antes y después del evento, sobre las mismas escalas de las dimensiones de valor. La estructura propuesta es consisten…
Satisfaction with service recovery: moderating effect of age in word-of-mouth
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is, first, to analyze the direct effects of the relationship chain “causal attributions and recovery efforts → satisfaction with service recovery → conventional and online word-of-mouth intentions” and, second, to study the moderating role of age in the relationship between satisfaction and subsequent word-of-mouth. Consumer assessment and behavior associated with service recovery is a topic of considerable interest for both academics and practitioners. Design/methodology/approach – From an empirical perspective, this paper uses a sample of 336 individuals who experienced service failure at a retail store to estimate a structural equation model. Addition…
Las capacidades dinámicas en la internacionalización de las empresas y cooperativas agroalimentarias integradas en clusters
El sector agroalimentario tiene ciertas características que dificultan su desarrollo internacional y que en parte pueden soslayarse con estrategias de cooperación a través de clusters de empresas. El presente trabajo tiene como principal aportación evidenciar que la pertenencia de una empresa del sector agroalimentario a un cluster provoca la aparición de capacidades dinámicas que la hacen más competitiva; a su vez, estas capacidades dinámicas pueden favorecer el desarrollo de capacidades dinámicas específicas de internacionalización en empresas, que de no pertenecer al cluster, difícilmente las hubiesen adquirido. Los resultados del estudio cualitativo realizado sobre los principales clust…
Measuring socio-demographic differences in volunteers with a value-based index: illustration in a mega event
The phenomenon of volunteering can be analysed as a consumer experience through the concept of value as a trade-off between benefits and costs. In event volunteering, both the expected value (pre-experienced) and the perceived value (post-experienced) of volunteering can be assessed. With this purpose, an online quantitative survey is conducted with a sample of 711 volunteers in a religious mega event, with questions related to five dimensions of their experience: efficiency, social value, play, spirituality and time spent. These five scales, properly tested are used for building a multidimensional index of both the expected and perceived value of the volunteer experience. ANOVAs test show …
The upcoming rise of SMEs in cross-border public procurement: is it a matter of networking capabilities?.
La participación de las SME en licitaciones públicas es un tema recurrente en la literatura académica reciente, sin embargo, se ha prestado poca atención a la participación de las PYME en licitaciones internacionales o transfronterizas. Las SME que quieren participar en una licitación pública internacional debe superar barreras internas y externas que difcultan la tarea y minimizan las posibilidades de que le sea concedida la licitación. En este contexto, las capacidades dinámicas son fundamentales para que las PYME puedan enfrentarse y resolver dichas barreras en el contexto internacional. Especialmente son las capacidades de establecer redes las que pueden hacer que las PYME aumenten su d…
Can the Retailer’s ICT Enhance the Impact of Service Recovery Efforts on Customer Satisfaction?
Service recovery remains a topic of considerable interest for both academics and practitioners. This paper aims to explore the relations between recovery efforts and causal attributions, satisfacti...
The value trade-off in higher education service: A qualitative intercultural approach to students’ perceptions
Purpose: Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have become a highly competitive market, where consumers (i.e. students) are highly involved in their choices, and managers need to focus on competitive edges. This paper aims to understand the factors that influence international Master students’ choice behaviour and fulfil student expectations of customer value in HEIs. Design/methodology: With qualitative information (five focus groups) collected from international students (of 12 different nationalities) of several universities in Spain, UK and China, the paper investigates the formation of customer value as a trade-off between benefits and costs. This qualitative approach aims first at asse…
Internationalization of SME retailer: barriers and the role of public support organizations
Purpose – The need for retailers to internationalize is a growing reality in developed markets. Research examining problems in this process argues that the barriers to internationalization should be studied based on the situation in each country, and that public organizations which implement policies to support internationalization do not always adapt to company needs. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the limited existing research on the subject of Spanish retail internationalization, analysing the problems faced by SMEs and the role of public support organizations in helping them. Design/methodology/approach – By means of in-depth interviews with experts, the authors first, a…
Volunteering in Religious Events
Religious event volunteering is a contemporary form of religious tourism that has interest for both scholars and practitioners: for the former, it is a social behavior that can be analyzed through many disciplines, consumer behavior being the one chosen here; for the latter, religious events do contribute to destinations development, although their impact is difficult to measure. This chapter explores (conceptually) the common origins of religion and volunteering and reviews briefly the event marketing to better understand the second part, which (empirically) reflects the results of two surveys undertaken with volunteers in two Catholic mega-events held in Spain. Findings show appropriatene…
Different levels of loyalty towards the higher education service: evidence from a small university in Spain
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) operate in a competitive environment in which the universities must address issues of customer satisfaction and loyalty. This process requires that educational institutions carefully analyse the key factors contributing to student loyalty in all its dimensions and develop strategies accordingly. Customer loyalty is a consistent commitment deeply held by customers to re-purchasing and/or recommending the product or service. This paper aims at understanding the different levels of student loyalty towards HEIs through an empirical study run with 705 graduate students from a small University. According to the students' personal and situational characteristic…