Arnold B. Bakker

Psychosocial Safety Climate as a Factor in Organisational Resilience: Implications for Worker Psychological Health, Resilience, and Engagement

Organisations are undergoing unprecedented changes in order to survive in a global and fiercely competitive capitalist market. Resilience is the capacity to endure challenges and is an attribute highly sought after in organisations, but is a construct typically theorised at the individual level. We argue that the notion of resilience can be applied at a systems level to the organisational context, and that organisational resilience presages individual resilience. Organisational resilience is defined as the capacity of the organization to cope with challenges through flexible, adaptable, humane, and interactive systems, whilst maintaining the health, individual resilience, and engagement of …

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Association between vigor and exhaustion during the workweek: a person-centered approach to daily assessments.

The purpose of this quantitative diary study was to investigate daily vigor and exhaustion using a person-centered approach. The study also investigated whether and how experiences of vigor and exhaustion relate to a state of being recovered. A total of 256 Finnish employees filled in a diary questionnaire during five consecutive workdays. Vigor and exhaustion showed strong negative interdependence within and between days. However, by applying a person-centered analysis, we were able to differentiate three groups with meaningful variation in vigor and exhaustion. The groups were labeled as Constantly vigorous (n = 179), Concurrently vigorous and exhausted (n = 30) and Constantly exhausted (…

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Daily deliberative dissonance acting among police officers.

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to gain insight into the relationships of daily deliberative dissonance acting (DDA) with daily strain and daily work engagement. DDA refers to the deliberate acting of emotions to achieve one's work goals. The authors hypothesized that daily DDA would be positively related to strain through feelings of emotional dissonance. In addition, the authors predicted that DDA would be positively related to daily work engagement via job accomplishment. Design/methodology/approach –The authors applied a five-day quantitative diary design with two measurement occasions per day using a sample of 54 police officers (i.e. 270 measurement occasions). In the multilev…

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The Circumplex Model of Occupational Well-being : Its Relation with Personality

The purpose of this study was to identify different types of occupational well-being based on the circumplex model (Russell, 1980; Warr, 1994), and to examine how these types are related to the Big Five personality profiles. The middle-aged participants were drawn from the Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (N = 183). Application of a person-oriented approach with latent profile analysis yielded four types of occupational well-being: (a) Engaged (30%), (b) Ordinary (54%), (c) Bored-out (9%), and (d) Burned-out (7%). The personality profiles showed a strong relationship with these occupational well-being types. Resilient individuals (low in neuroticism and hig…

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Job resources and flow at work : modeling the relationship via latent growth curve and mixture model methodology

The aim of the present three-wave follow-up study (n = 335) among employees of an employment agency was to investigate the association between job resources and work-related flow utilizing both variable- and person-oriented approaches. In addition, emotional exhaustion was studied as a moderator of the job resources-flow relationship, and as a predictor of the development of job resources and flow. The variable-oriented approach, based on latent growth curve analyses, revealed that the levels of job resources and flow at work, as well as changes in these variables, were positively associated with each other. The person-oriented inspection with the growth mixture modelling identified four tr…

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The daily motivators

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A Model of Positive and Negative Learning

This chapter proposes a model of positive and negative learning (PNL model). We use the term negative learning when stress among students occurs, and when knowledge and abilities are not properly developed. We use the term positive learning if motivation is high and active learning occurs. The PNL model proposes that (a) learning-related demands and resources contribute to learning engagement and burnout, (b) that learning engagement improves critical thinking, which (c) should enhance students’ abilities to detect fake news. Two studies demonstrate the validity of the learning engagement and burnout constructs, and learning-related demands and resources as possible antecedents. Also, criti…

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Resumen tomado de la publicación Versión española de la Escala Job Crafting. Antecedentes: una revisión de la literatura revela que no existen instrumentos de medida del job crafting en lengua española. Este artículo presenta la traducción, adaptación y validación de una escala para medir el comportamiento del job crafting (Spanish Job Crafting Scale -SJCS; Tims, Bakker, & Derks, 2012). Método: la escala fue aplicada a una muestra de 896 empleados (52,6% mujeres y 47,4% hombres). Se han testeado la fiabilidad y la validez factorial de un instrumento con 21 ítems. Resultados: después de realizar análisis confirmatorio (CFI= .858, TLI= .838, IFI= .860, RMSEA= .067), los resultados obtenidos c…

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Antecedents of daily team job crafting

This study investigated potential antecedents of team job crafting defined as the extent to which team members engage together in increasing (social and structural) job resources and challenges, and decreasing hindering job demands. Mindful of the teamwork literature, we hypothesized that individual employee factors (self-efficacy for teamwork, daily affect), team features (team cohesion, climate) and the organizational context of teams (engaging leadership and organizational resources for teamwork) relate positively to daily team job crafting behaviour. Data were collected among 46 multi-professional rehabilitation teams whose members completed two daily surveys after their weekly meetings…

research product

Burnout and work engagement: Independent factors or opposite poles?

Burnout researchers have proposed that the conceptual opposites of emotional exhaustion and cynicism (the core dimensions of burnout) are vigor and dedication (the core dimensions of engagement), respectively (Maslach & Leiter, 1997; Schaufeli, Salanova, González-Romá, & Bakker, 2002). We tested this proposition by ascertaining whether two sets of items, exhaustion-vigor and cynicism-dedication, were scalable on two distinct underlying bipolar dimensions (i.e., energy and identification, respectively). The results obtained by means of the non-parametric Mokken scaling method in three different samples (Ns = 477, 507, and 381) supported our proposal: the core burnout and engagement d…

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