Sarah Kölling
The longer the better: Sleep–wake patterns during preparation of the World Rowing Junior Championships
Recovery is essential for high athletic performance, and therefore especially sleep has been identified as a crucial source for physical and psychological well-being. However, due to early-morning trainings, which are general practice in many sports, athletes are likely to experience sleep restrictions. Therefore, this study investigated the sleep-wake patterns of 55 junior national rowers (17.7 ± 0.6 years) via sleep logs and actigraphy during a four-week training camp. Recovery and stress ratings were obtained every morning with the Short Recovery and Stress Scale on a 7-point Likert-type scale ranging from 0 (does not apply at all) to 6 (fully applies). The first training session was sch…
Portable PSG for sleep stage monitoring in sports: Assessment of SOMNOwatch plus EEG.
Current sport-scientific studies mostly neglect the assessment of sleep architecture, although the distribution of different sleep stages is considered an essential component influencing an athlete's recovery and performance capabilities. A mobile, self-applied tool like the SOMNOwatch plus EEG might serve as an economical and time-friendly alternative to activity-based devices. However, self-application of SOMNOwatch plus EEG has not been validated against conventional polysomnography (PSG) yet. For evaluation purposes, 25 participants (15 female, 10 male;
Sleep monitoring of a six-day microcycle in strength and high-intensity training
This study examined the effect of microcycles in eccentric strength and high-intensity interval training (HIT) on sleep parameters and subjective ratings. Forty-two well-trained athletes (mean age 23.2 ± 2.4 years) were either assigned to the strength (n = 21; mean age 23.6 ± 2.1 years) or HIT (n = 21; mean age 22.8 ± 2.6 years) protocol. Sleep monitoring was conducted with multi-sensor actigraphy (SenseWear Armband™, Bodymedia, Pittsburg, PA, USA) and sleep log for 14 days. After a five-day baseline phase, participants completed either eccentric accented strength or high-intensity interval training for six days, with two training sessions per day. This training phase was divided into two h…
Modification and Applicability of Questionnaires to Assess the Recovery-Stress State Among Adolescent and Child Athletes
Despite the general consensus regarding the implementation of self-report measures in the training monitoring, there is a lack of research about their applicability and comprehensibility among developing athletes. However, this target group needs special considerations to manage the increasing training demands while maintaining health and performance. This study deals with challenges of applying recovery-stress questionnaires which were validated with adult populations among developing athletes and presents a possible approach to enhance their applicability. In two phases, the Acute Recovery and Stress Scale (ARSS), a 32-adjective list covering eight scales, and the 8-item derived version, …
Acute effects of psychological relaxation techniques between two physical tasks.
The concept of recovery strategies includes various ways to achieve a state of well-being, prevent underrecovery syndromes from occurring and re-establish pre-performance states. A systematic application of individualised relaxation techniques is one of those. Following a counterbalanced cross-over design, 27 sport science students (age 25.22 ± 1.08 years; sports participation 8.08 ± 3.92 h/week) were randomly assigned to series of progressive muscle relaxation, systematic breathing, power nap, yoga, and a control condition. Once a week, over the course of five weeks, their repeated sprint ability was tested. Tests (6 sprints of 4 s each with 20 s breaks between them) were executed on a non…
The effect of westward travel across five time zones on sleep and subjective jet-lag ratings in athletes before and during the 2015's World Rowing Junior Championships.
ABSTRACTThis study examined sleep-wake habits and subjective jet-lag ratings of 55 German junior rowers (n = 30 male, 17.8 ± 0.5 years) before and during the World Rowing Junior Championships 2015 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Athletes answered sleep logs every morning, and Liverpool John Moore’s University Jet-Lag Questionnaires each evening and morning. Following an 11-h westward flight with 5-h time shift, advanced bedtimes (−1 h, P < .001, ηp2 = 0.68), reduced sleep onset latency (P = .002, ηp2 = 0.53) and increased sleep duration (P < .001, ηp2 = 0.60) were reported for the first two nights. Jet-lag symptoms peaked upon arrival but were still present after 6 days. Sleep quality improved (…
Validity of the Acute Recovery and Stress Scale: Training Monitoring of the German Junior National Field Hockey Team
The aim of the present study was to examine the sensitivity of the Acute Recovery and Stress Scale (ARSS). This new psychometric questionnaire was developed to assess the physical, mental, emotional, and overall recovery and stress states of athletes. During a five-day field hockey training camp of the German Junior National Field Hockey Team ( n = 25) the ARSS was administered every morning and evening. The study indicated swift reactions of the scores of the physical and general factors as well as stability of scores for the emotional factors in accordance with the training schedule. The straining effect of the camp was best reflected by the adaptations of the scales Physical Performance…
Entwicklung der Kurzskala zur Erfassung von Erholung und Beanspruchung im Sport (KEB)
Zusammenfassung. Mit der Entwicklung einer Kurzform (Kurzskala zur Erfassung von Erholung und Beanspruchung im Sport; KEB) des Akutmaßes zur Erfassung von Erholung und Beanspruchung im Sport (AEB) wird dem Bedarf der Sportpraxis nach einem ökonomischen, validen und veränderungssensitiven Messinstrument zur Erfassung von Erholung und Beanspruchung nachgegangen. Nach einem vierstufigen Entwicklungs- und Validierungsprozess des AEB wurde aus den exploratorisch errechneten und konfirmatorisch geprüften Faktoren des AEB die KEB mit acht Items abgeleitet. Es konnten sehr gute Bereichshomogenitäten, moderate Interkorrelationen und hypothesenkonforme Korrelationen mit dem AEB berechnet werden. Der…
Comparing Subjective With Objective Sleep Parameters Via Multisensory Actigraphy in German Physical Education Students.
This study compared subjective with objective sleep parameters among 72 physical education students. Furthermore, the study determined whether 24-hr recording differs from nighttime recording only. Participants wore the SenseWear Armband™ for three consecutive nights and kept a sleep log. Agreement rates ranged from moderate to low for sleep onset latency (ICC = 0.39 to 0.70) and wake after sleep onset (ICC = 0.22 to 0.59), while time in bed (ICC = 0.93 to 0.95) and total sleep time (ICC = 0.90 to 0.92) revealed strong agreement during this period. Comparing deviations between 24-hr wearing time (n = 24) and night-only application (n = 20) revealed no statistical difference (p > 0.05). As a…
Evaluation of psychological measures for the assessment of recovery and stress during a shock-microcycle in strength and high-intensity interval training
Abstract The aim of this paper was a) to analyse the intraindividual change and criterion sensitivity of the Acute Recovery and Stress Scale (ARSS) and its abridged version the Short Recovery and Stress Scale (SRSS) in response to a 6-day microcycle of intensified strength training (STM) and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) in comparison with the change in the criterion measures maximal dynamic strength (estimated 1 repetition maximum [1RMest]; STM) or repeated sprint ability (RSA; HIIT), and b) to compare descriptively the results of the subjective measures with earlier reported physiological and performance markers of the same study. Participants were 23 (STM; 23.7 ± 2.0 years) and…