Giulio Ferretti
Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 13
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates published elsewhere are provided as Suppl. material 1.
Plant invasions on small Mediterranean islands. An overview
Biological invasions have become one of the main drivers of habitat degradation and a leading cause of biodiversity loss in island ecosystems worldwide. The spread of invasive species poses a particular environmental threat on the islands of the Mediterranean Basin, which are hot spots of biodiversity and contain rare habitats and endemic species, especially on small islands, which are highly vulnerable to biodiversity loss. Following a recent survey, in this paper we aim to provide an overview of the present-day non-native vascular flora of small Mediterranean islands based on a sample of 37 islands located in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, off the coast of Italy. By comparing the cu…
Conservation status of the Italian flora under the 92/43/EEC ‘Habitats’ Directive
The results of the 4th National Report for the Italian flora under the 92/43/EEC ‘Habitats’ Directive are presented. The outcomes showed a general negative conservation status for plant species, with the worst situation being in the Mediterranean bioregion. At the National level, significant monitoring and conservation activities are required.
Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 7
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions of taxa in the genera Abies, Actinidia, Aloe, Amaryllis, Anredera, Arctotheca, Bidens, Cardiospermum, Celosia, Commelina, Cotoneaster, Cyclamen, Eclipta, Euphorbia, Grevillea, Hedera, Hibiscus, Impatiens, Juglans, Kalanchoe, Koelreuteria, Lindernia, Melinis, Myriophyllum, Nandina, Nicotiana, Oenothera, Oxalis, Parthenocissus, Phoenix, Phyllanthus, Physalis, Plumbago, Pteris, Quercus, Setaria, Symphytum, Tagetes, and Washingtonia. Nomenclatural and distribution updates, published e…
Notulae To The Italian Native Vascular Flora: 11
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of native vascular flora in Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes to the Italian administrative regions. A new combination in the genus Pilosella is proposed. Nomenclatural and distribution updates, published elsewhere, and corrigenda are provided as Suppl. material 1.
Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 11
Publisher Copyright: © This dataset is made available under the Open Database License (http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/). The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates published elsewhere are provided as Suppl. material 1. Peer rev…
Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 9
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Furthermore, three new combinations are proposed. Nomenclatural and distribution updates published elsewhere are provided as Suppl. material 1.
Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 5
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, and confirmations for Italy or for Italian administrative regions of taxa in the genera Albizia, Anredera, Bougainvillea, Cardamine, Cenchrus, Cephalaria, Ceratochloa, Cytisus, Datura, Delosperma, Euonymus, Freesia, Hylotelephium, Lantana, Musa, Physalis, Rotala, Styphnolobium, Trachycarpus, and Tradescantia. Nomenclature and distribution updates, published elsewhere, and corrections are provided as supplementary material.
Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 7
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of native vascular flora in Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations and status changes to the Italian administrative regions for taxa in the generaAcer,Alchemilla,Andrachne,Bromus,Clinopodium,Colchicum,Damasonium,Erodium,Festuca,Hieracium,Hyparrhenia,Ipomoea,Linaria,Lolium,Narcissus,Ranunculus,Sisymbrium,Stipa,Valerianella,Vicia, andZannichellia. New combinations in the genusZiziphora(Z.sardoaandZ.corsica) and the new subspeciesUlmusminorsusbp.canescensare proposed. Furthermore, the name Calaminthaalpinavar.sardoa is here lectotypified. Nomenclatural and distribution updates, published elsewhere, and corrigenda a…
Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 8
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions of taxa in the genera Bunias, Calocedrus, Calycanthus, Celosia, Clerodendrum, Convolvulus, Crassula, Cyclamen, Datura, Dicliptera, Eragrostis, Erigeron, Gamochaeta, Gazania, Impatiens, Kolkwitzia, Leucaena, Ludwigia, Medicago, Muscari, Nigella, Oenothera, Opuntia, Paulownia, Petroselinum, Phyllostachys, Physalis, Pseudosasa, Quercus, Reynoutria, Roldana, Saccharum, Sedum, Semiarundinaria, Senecio, Sisyrinchium, Solanum, Sporobolus, Tulipa, Vachellia, Verbena, and Young…
Contributi alla flora vascolare di Toscana. VII (357-439)
New localities and/or confirmations concerning 83 specific and subspecific plant taxa of Tuscan vascular flora, belonging to 71 genera and 33 families are presented: Carpobrotus (Aizoaceae), Alternanthera (Amaranthaceae), Leucojum (Amaryllidaceae), Anacyclus, Andryala, Carduus, Centaurea, Cichorium, Erigeron, Helichrysum, Helminthotheca, Hieracium, Limbarda, Pilosella, Scolymus, Sonchus, Tagetes, Urospermum, Xanthium (Asteraceae), Mahonia (Berberidaceae), Myosotis (Boraginaceae), Biscutella, Ionopsidium, Raphanus, Rapistrum (Brassicaceae), Buxus (Buxaceae), Vaccaria (Caryophyllaceae), Cistus (Cistaceae), Calystegia, Cuscuta (Convolvulaceae), Cymodocea (Cymodoceaceae), Cyperus (Cyperaceae), …
Plant invasion risk inside and outside protected areas: Propagule pressure, abiotic and biotic factors definitively matter
Invasive alien species are among the main global drivers of biodiversity loss posing major challenges to nature conservation and to managers of protected areas. The present study applied a methodological framework that combined invasive Species Distribution Models, based on propagule pressure, abiotic and biotic factors for 14 invasive alien plants of Union concern in Italy, with the local interpretable model-agnostic explanation analysis aiming to map, evaluate and analyse the risk of plant invasions across the country, inside and outside the network of protected areas. Using a hierarchical invasive Species Distribution Model, we explored the combined effect of propagule pressure, abiotic …
Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 3
In this contribution, new data concerning the Italian distribution of alien vascular flora are presented. It includes new records, exclusions, confirmations, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions for taxa in the genera Acer, Amaranthus, Araujia, Aubrieta, Avena, Bidens, Calycanthus, Celtis, Elaeagnus, Eragrostis, Euonymus, Fallopia, Ficus, Hedera, Lantana, Ligustrum, Ludwigia, Morus, Oenothera, Opuntia, Oxalis, Parkinsonia, Paspalum, Paulownia, Platycladus, Pleuropterus, Rumex, Salvia, Senecio, Setaria, Syagrus, Tradescantia, Trifolium and Yucca. Furthermore, a new combination in the genus Vicia is proposed.
Contributi per una flora vascolare di Toscana. VIII (440-506)
New localities and/or confirmations concerning 67 specific and subspecific plant taxa of Tuscan vascular flora, belonging to 59 genera and 37 families are presented: Alisma (Alismataceae), Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae), Leucojum, Sternbergia, Tristagma (Amaryllidaceae), Aloe (Asphodelaceae), Erigeron, Galinsoga, Hieracium, Rhagadiolus, Silybum, Soliva, Taraxacum (Asteraceae), Impatiens (Balsaminaceae), Berberis (Berberidaceae), Cardamine (Brassicaceae), Opuntia (Cactaceae), Cephalaria, Sixalix, Succisa (Caprifoliaceae), Silene (Caryophyllaceae), Convolvulus, Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae), Aeonium (Crassulaceae), Scirpus (Cyperaceae), Equisetum (Equisetaceae), Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae), Astragalus, …
Supplementary material 1 from: Bartolucci F, Domina G, Andreatta S, Argenti C, Bacchetta G, Ballelli S, Banfi E, Barberis D, Barberis G, Bedini G, Bolpagni R, Bonali F, Bovio M, Briozzo I, Brusco A, Caldarella O, Campus G, Cancellieri L, Carotenuto L, Cheli E, Dagnino D, Del Guacchio E, Farris E, Ferretti G, Filibeck G, Foggi B, Gabellini A, Galasso G, Gianguzzi L, Gottschlich G, Gubellini L, Hofmann N, Iamonico D, Laface VLA, Lonati M, Lucarini D, Lupoletti J, Marchianò R, Marenzi P, Martignoni M, Mei G, Menini F, Merli M, Musarella CM, Orsenigo S, Peccenini S, Pennesi R, Peruzzi L, Pica A, Pinzani L, Piovesan G, Pittarello M, Podda L, Ravetto Enri S, Roma-Marzio F, Rosati L, Spampinato G, Stinca A, Tonelli S, Trenchi M, Turcato C, Viciani D, Lastrucci L (2021) Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 11. Italian Botanist 11: 77-92. https://doi.org/10.3897/italianbotanist.11.68048
Supplementary data
Supplementary material 1 from: Galasso G, Domina G, Angiolini C, Azzaro D, Bacchetta G, Banfi E, Barberis D, Barone G, Bartolucci F, Bertolli A, Bolpagni R, Bonari G, Bracchetti L, Calvia G, Campus G, Cancellieri L, Cavallaro V, Conti F, Cuena-Lombraña A, D'Alessandro E, Dal Corso G, Dalla Vecchia A, De Natale A, Del Guacchio E, Di Gregorio G, Di Gristina E, Di Stefano M, Fanfarillo E, Federici A, Federici G, Ferretti G, Festi F, Fiaschi T, Filibeck G, Fois M, Gariboldi L, Gestri G, Gubellini L, Guiggi A, Hofmann N, Laface VLA, Lallai A, Lazzeri V, Lecis AP, Lonati M, Lucchese F, Lupoletti J, Maestri S, Mainetti A, Mantino F, Mascia F, Masin RR, Mei G, Merli M, Messina A, Musarella CM, Nota G, Olivieri N, Paura B, Pellegrini R, Pica A, Pittarello M, Podda L, Praleskouskaya S, Prosser F, Ratini G, Ravetto Enri S, Roma-Marzio F, Salerno G, Selvaggi A, Soldano A, Spampinato G, Stinca A, Tardella FM, Tavilla G, Tomaselli V, Tomasi G, Tosetto L, Venanzoni R, Lastrucci L (2022) Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 13. Italian Botanist 13: 27-44. https://doi.org/10.3897/italianbotanist.13.85863
Supplementary data
Supplementary material 1 from: Galasso G, Domina G, Adorni M, Angiolini C, Apruzzese M, Ardenghi NMG, Assini S, Aversa M, Bacchetta G, Banfi E, Barberis G, Bartolucci F, Bernardo L, Bertolli A, Bonali F, Bonari G, Bonini I, Bracco F, Brundu G, Buccomino G, Buono S, Calvia G, Cambria S, Castagnini P, Ceschin S, Dagnino D, Di Gristina E, Di Turi A, Fascetti S, Ferretti G, Fois M, Gentili R, Gheza G, Gubellini L, Hofmann N, Iamonico D, Ilari A, Király A, Király G, Laface VLA, Lallai A, Lazzaro L, Lonati M, Longo D, Lozano V, Lupoletti J, Magrini S, Mainetti A, Manca M, Marchetti D, Mariani F, Mariotti MG, Masin RR, Mei G, Menini F, Merli M, Milani A, Minuto L, Mugnai M, Musarella CM, Olivieri N, Onnis L, Passalacqua NG, Peccenini S, Peruzzi L, Pica A, Pinzani L, Pittarello M, Podda L, Prosser F, Ravetto Enri S, Roma-Marzio F, Rosati L, Sarigu M, Scafidi F, Sciandrello S, Selvaggi A, Spampinato G, Stinca A, Tavilla G, Toffolo C, Tomasi G, Turcato C, Villano C, Nepi C (2020) Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 9. Italian Botanist 9: 47-70. https://doi.org/10.3897/italianbotanist.9.53401
Supplementary data
Supplementary material 1 from: Galasso G, Domina G, Andreatta S, Angiolini C, Ardenghi NMG, Aristarchi C, Arnoul M, Azzella MM, Bacchetta G, Bartolucci F, Bodino S, Bommartini G, Bonari G, Buono S, Buono V, Caldarella O, Calvia G, Corti E, D'Antraccoli M, De Luca R, De Mattia F, Di Natale S, Di Turi A, Esposito A, Ferretti G, Fiaschi T, Fogu MC, Forte L, Frigerio J, Gubellini L, Guzzetti L, Hofmann N, Laface VLA, Laghetti G, Lallai A, La Rosa A, Lazzaro L, Lodetti S, Lonati M, Luchino F, Magrini S, Mainetti A, Marignani M, Maruca G, Medagli P, Mei G, Menini F, Mezzasalma V, Misuri A, Mossini S, Mugnai M, Musarella CM, Nota G, Olivieri N, Padula A, Pascale M, Pasquini F, Peruzzi L, Picella G, Pinzani L, Pirani S, Pittarello M, Podda L, Enri SR, Rifici CD, Roma-Marzio F, Romano R, Rosati L, Scafidi F, Scarici E, Scarici M, Spampinato G, Stinca A, Wagensommer RP, Zanoni G, Nepi C (2019) Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 8. Italian Botanist 8: 63-93. https://doi.org/10.3897/italianbotanist.8.48621
: Data type: species data
Supplementary material 1 from: Bartolucci F, Domina G, Alessandrini A, Angiolini C, Ardenghi NMG, Bacchetta G, Banfi E, Bolpagni R, Bonari G, Bräuchler C, Calvia G, Cancellieri L, Cannucci S, Carruggio F, Conti F, Cavallaro V, Fanfarillo E, Ferretti G, Festi F, Fiaschi T, Foggi B, Forte L, Fröhner SE, Galasso G, Gestri G, Gottschlich G, Labadessa R, Lastrucci L, Lazzaro L, Mereu G, Morabito A, Mugnai M, Musarella CM, Orsenigo S, Pazienza G, Pennesi R, Peruzzi L, Pierini B, Podda L, Prosser F, Rossi G, Scoppola A, Spampinato G, Stinca A, Tomaselli V, Zangari G, Nepi C (2019) Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 7. Italian Botanist 7: 125-148. https://doi.org/10.3897/italianbotanist.7.36148
: Data type: species data
Supplementary material 1 from: Galasso G, Domina G, Alessandrini A, Ardenghi NMG, Bacchetta G, Ballelli S, Bartolucci F, Brundu G, Buono S, Busnardo G, Calvia G, Capece P, D'Antraccoli M, Di Nuzzo L, Fanfarillo E, Ferretti G, Guarino R, Iamonico D, Iberite M, Latini M, Lazzaro L, Lonati M, Lozano V, Magrini S, Mei G, Mereu G, Moro A, Mugnai M, Nicolella G, Nimis PL, Olivieri Н, Pennesi R, Peruzzi L, Podda L, Probo M, Prosser F, Ravetto Enri S, Roma-Marzio F, Ruggero A, Scafidi F, Stinca A, Nepi C (2018) Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 6. Italian Botanist 6: 65-90. https://doi.org/10.3897/italianbotanist.6.30560
Supplementary data : Explanation note: 1. Nomenclature updates; 2. Note updates; 3. Distribution updates; 4. Synonyms, misapplied or included names.
Supplementary material 1 from: Galasso G, Domina G, Adorni M, Ardenghi NMG, Bonari G, Buono S, Cancellieri L, Chianese G, Ferretti G, Fiaschi T, Forte L, Guarino R, Labadessa R, Lastrucci L, Lazzaro L, Magrini S, Minuto L, Mossini S, Olivieri N, Scoppola A, Stinca A, Turcato C, Nepi C (2018) Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 5. Italian Botanist 5: 45-56. https://doi.org/10.3897/italianbotanist.5.25910
Supplementary data : Explanation note: 1. Nomenclature updates; 2. Status/Note updates; 3 Distribution updates; 4. Synonyms, misapplied or included names.
Supplementary material 1 from: Galasso G, Domina G, Ardenghi NMG, Aristarchi C, Bacchetta G, Bartolucci F, Bonari G, Bouvet D, Brundu G, Buono S, Caldarella O, Calvia G, Cano-Ortiz A, Corti E, D'Amico FS, D'Antraccoli M, Di Turi A, Dutto M, Fanfarillo E, Ferretti G, Fiaschi T, Ganz C, Guarino R, Iberite M, Laface VLA, La Rosa A, Lastrucci L, Latini M, Lazzaro L, Lonati M, Lozano V, Luchino F, Magrini S, Mainetti A, Manca M, Mugnai M, Musarella CM, Nicolella G, Olivieri N, Orrù I, Pazienza G, Peruzzi L, Podda L, Prosser F, Ravetto Enri S, Restivo S, Roma-Marzio F, Ruggero A, Scoppola A, Selvi F, Spampinato G, Stinca A, Terzi M, Tiburtini M, Tornatore E, Vetromile R, Nepi C (2019) Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 7. Italian Botanist 7: 157-182. https://doi.org/10.3897/italianbotanist.7.36386
: Data type: species data
Supplementary material 1 from: Galasso G, Domina G, Andreatta S, Argenti E, Bacchetta G, Bagella S, Banfi E, Barberis D, Bardi S, Barone G, Bartolucci F, Bertolli A, Biscotti N, Bonali F, Bonini F, Bonsanto D, Brundu G, Buono S, Caldarella O, Calvia G, Cambria S, Campus G, Caria MC, Conti F, Coppi A, Dagnino D, Del Guacchio E, Di Gristina E, Farris E, Ferretti G, Festi F, Fois M, Furlani F, Gigante D, Guarino R, Gubellini L, Hofmann N, Iamonico D, Jiménez-Mejias P, La Rosa A, Laface VLA, Lallai A, Lazzaro L, Lonati M, Lozano V, Luchino F, Lupoletti J, Magrini S, Mainetti A, Marchetti D, Marenzi P, Marignani M, Martignoni M, Mei G, Menini F, Merli M, Mugnai M, Musarella CM, Nicolella G, Noor Hussain A, Olivieri N, Orlandini S, Peccenini S, Peruzzi L, Pica A, Pilon N, Pinzani L, Pittarello M, Podda L, Probo M, Prosser F, Raffaelli C, Ravetto Enri S, Rivieccio G, Rosati L, Sarmati S, Scafidi F, Selvi F, Sennikov AN, Sotgiu Cocco G, Spampinato G, Stinca A, Tavilla G, Tomaselli V, Tomasi D, Tomasi G, Trenchi M, Turcato C, Verloove F, Viciani D, Villa M, Wagensommer RP, Lastrucci L (2021) Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 11. Italian Botanist 11: 93-119. https://doi.org/10.3897/italianbotanist.11.68063
Supplementary data