Ivan Spina

High-Speed Machines: Typologies, Standards, and Operation under PWM Supply

This paper presents an overview of the most recent state of the art in the field of high-speed electric machines fed through high-frequency converters. This type of systems is rapidly wide spreading in aeronautical and automotive applications, as well as microturbines. Each typology has its own advantages and downsides, which are analytically presented in this paper. Some types of high-speed electric machines require high-frequency voltage supply, highly stressing the dielectric materials of the winding insulation system. For this reason, in high-speed electric drives, premature failure may occur and a reduction of the total system reliability has been observed in the past years. Such issue…

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Mathematical Model of a PM Brushless Motor with Different Stator-Rotor Pole Pairs Number

The paper presents a mathematical model of Permanent Magnet AC brushless machines (PMSM) having a number of stator poles-obtained via the distribution of the three-phase winding- different from the rotor one, realized by the displacement of the permanent magnets. For these so- called ‘Fractional-Slot’ motors (where few total slots generate high equivalent number of poles) the available mathematical models appear partial and/or incomplete, despite of numerous designing considerations made in literature. In this paper an analytical approach is developed to point out an instantaneous- values mathematical model with concentrated parameters, that can be suitable for control architecture systems …

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A Constrained Optimal Model Predictive Control for Mono Inverter Dual Parallel PMSM Drives

The actual trends in the design of AC drives are directed to the reduction of the total weight, volume and cost. Usually, this implies the necessity to adopt new motor topologies and converter architectures. An important role is played by the mono-inverter dual parallel motor (MIDP), which gives the possibility to reduce the total weight and costs of power converters. This paper proposes a novel model predictive control algorithm in order to improve the transient performances of a MIDP used for an overhead carrier. The effectiveness of the proposal control is verified through some numerical simulations.

research product

A novel fuel cell-based power system modeling approach

Nowadays, fuel cells are the most promising source of energy for stationary applications. Unfortunately, the power density of fuel cells is not adequate for modern applications. A fuel cell - based hybrid power supply is required. The fuel cell is coupled with a high-energy density power source to improve performances of the composite power source. A power management stage is introduced between the two basic sources to control the power flow path from the fuel cell to the auxiliary source and the load. In order to avoid effects of a limited power density of the fuel cell on the whole power supply, sophisticated power management algorithms are implemented. Accurate modeling is required to te…

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Controlled Fault-Tolerant Power Converters for Power Quality Enhancement

Power quality depends generally on the interaction of electrical power with electrical equipments. If electrical equipments operate correctly and reliably without being damaged or stressed, a suitable level of power quality is assured. On the other hand, if the electrical equipment malfunctions, is unreliable, or is damaged during normal usage, power quality is poor and probably the economical loss could be important like the technical one. In the scenario of the Distributed Generation, power quality issues will be moreover important because an higher dissemination of power conditioning equipment will be requested and this obviously increases the sources of vulnerability of the electrical s…

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