Agustín Bayot

Emotional Self-Regulation Therapy: A New and Efficacious Treatment for Smoking

Abstract We describe emotional self-regulation therapy, a recently-developed suggestion technique for the treatment of smoking, and present data attesting to its efficacy. Of the 38 individuals who completed treatment, 82% (47% of the initial sample) stopped smoking altogether and 13% (8%of the initial sample) reduced their smoking. A follow-up at 6 months showed that 66% (38% of the initial sample) of those who had completed the treatment remained abstinent and reported minimal withdrawal symptoms or weight gain. In a no-treatment comparison group, only 8% reduced their smoking or became abstinent.

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Preference between two methods of active-alert hypnosis: not all techniques are created equal.

Abstract In a cross-over design (N = 80), we compared the differential liking and preference for two hypnotic techniques involving physical activity: Active-alert and waking-alert (or alert-hand) procedures. Participants expressed significantly higher liking and preference for the waking-alert as compared to the active-alert procedure. The latter technique, which also had significantly lower suggestibility scores (Cardena et al., 1998) was also associated with a significantly higher attrition rate (23%). These significant differences may be explained by the greater physical effort and difficulty associated with the active-alert technique. It seems that the waking-alert method extends the ad…

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Conocimiento y racismo. El fomento de la educación intercultural en el aula. Implementación del proyecto EUROSUR en Castilla-La Mancha

Todos estamos comprobando que en los últimos años ene España hay más inmigrantes, personas que vienen de otros lugares culturalmente diferentes. Aunque el número de inmigrantes exacto es difícil saberlo (Kottak, 1994:102), se estima que en España hay unos 600.000; quizás esta cifra suba a unos 800.000 como un cálculo relativo si se tienen en cuenta los "indocumentados". De cualquier manera el país d ela Comunidad Económica Europea que menos inmigrantes tiene es España con solo el 1,6% de la población total, la media de la Unión supera el 6%. Por otra parte también debemos recordar que aún viven fuera de España más de millón y medio de emigrantes. Todavía las cifras de los que entran y de lo…

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El trabajo social educativo a través del modelo eurosur.

La dinámica migratoria de las tres últimas décadas ha supuesto la entrada en los países europeos de grupos de extranjeros que buscan una mejora de su situación socioeconómica. Y, dada la política europea de cierre de fronteras, tienden a establecerse definitivamente y a consolidar procesos de reagrupación familiar.

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La educación intercultural a través del modelo EUROSUR

La educación intercultural a través del modelo EUROSUR

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Counseling and attention for the diversity: description of programs and actions in some emerging groups

This article offers points for reflection, practical elements and criteria for adoption in relation to addressing diversity and its orientation. Formal and informal contexts are dealt with from a social and educational perspective; the diversity which can be found in the ordinary population and those included within the so called “emerging groups” are also focused on. Within this framework the function of the educational psychologist lies not only in knowing the basic characteristics of the groups which most represent diversity and in evaluating specific situations, but also in bringing solutions to the problems specific to each group, both as individuals and as a collective, by means of th…

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Addictive smoking behavior often is described as a process involving a series of stages. Because the initation stage is crucial in the acquisition of smoking behavior, the purpose of this article is to describe the most important factors operative at this stage, such as stress, coping, social skills, self-efficacy and attitude changes. Problems posed by programs designed to prevent addictive smoking behavior and methodological and conceptual issues concerning intervention programs and theories of smoking are discussed. Finally, issues related to future research in the area of smoking cessation are considered.

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Exploratory factorial analysis and psychometrics properties on the Scale of Sensed Parental Competencies. Version for parents (ECPP-p)

The lack of parental  (or relative) competence is related to the development of a model of unsuitable behaviour in children (sons or daughters), suffering the consequences of this fact. However, practically there is no existence of evidences that can measure this. The Scale of Parental Competence Sensed (parents vision) (ECPP-P) it is composed by twenty-two items which are structured in five factors. The ECPP shows some psychometric properties highly acceptables.

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