Statistics anxiety in university students in assessment situations
Many students have feelings of state anxiety when exams, and these feelings probably affect their performance. Statistics courses have been identified as producing the most anxiety. The purpose of our study is to measure statistics anxiety throughout an academic course (pre-test and three assessments) in order to observe its change and analyze the relationship between statistics anxiety and academic achievement. The sample is composed of 30 Psychology students taking a course in research designs and statistics (26.7% men and 73.3% women) with a mean age of 20.31 years (SD = 3.76). The results show that the students begin with a high level of statistics anxiety that gradually declines as the…
Factorial Invariance of the Scale Beliefs About Children’s Adjustment in Same-Sex Families in Spanish, Chilean, and Hispanic University Students
This study examines the factorial invariance of the Scale on Beliefs About Children’s Adjustment in Same-Sex Families (SBCASSF) across countries in three samples: Chilean, Spanish, and Hispanic university students. The scale analyzes attitudes toward the consequences of the rearing and education of children by parents with a homosexual sexual orientation. The instrument consists of two subscales: Individual Opposition and Normative Opposition. The Spanish sample is composed of 199 university students, the Chilean sample is made up of 279 students, and the Hispanic sample consists of 114 students. The results provide empirical evidence for the reliability of the SBCASSF in the samples from …
Spanish Validation of the Polymorphous Prejudice Scale in a Sample of University Students
ABSTRACTThe shortened version of the Polymorphous Prejudice Scale (PPS) analyzes new manifestations of prejudice toward gay men and lesbian women. Specifically, this instrument consists of 16 items distributed in four subscales: values gay progress, positive beliefs about gay men, positive beliefs about lesbian women, and resistance to heteronormative expectations. The aim of the current study is to add new evidence about the reliability and validity of the scale. The scale is administrated to 348 heterosexual university students from Spain with a mean age of 22.62 years (SD = 7.63). Reliability and factorial validity estimates are presented. A four-factor structure is supported using confi…
Book Review: Statistical Inference as Severe Testing
The Role of Neuroticism in Predicting Psychological Harassment in Nursing: A Longitudinal Study
Psychological harassment is a serious occupational risk for nurses, but little is known about its related factors and possible predictors. The objective of the present study was to investigate whether nursing students&rsquo
Replication crisis or an opportunity to improve scientific production?
Etiology of Homosexuality and Attitudes Toward Same-Sex Parenting: A Randomized Study
Attribution theory suggests the hypothesis that heterosexuals' attitudes toward homosexual sexual orientation will be more negative when homosexuality is attributed to controllable causes. Our randomized study analyzed (a) whether beliefs about the genetic or environmental etiology of the homosexual sexual orientation can be immediately modified by reading a text and (b) the causal effect of attributions about the controllability (environmental etiology) or noncontrollability (genetic etiology) of homosexual sexual orientation on the rejection of same-sex parenting and their social rights. The sample was composed of 190 Spanish university students with a mean age of 22.07 years (SD = 8.46).…
Ensayos : revista de la Escuela Universitaria de Formación del Profesorado de Albacete
espanolLos objetivos: analizar las propiedades psicometricas de una escala breve de ansiedad ante la evaluacion academica y comprobar si hay diferencias entre los alumnos que cursan una materia del area de metodologia o de otras areas. La muestra esta formada por 404 alumnos de Psicologia (M = 21.03 anos, DT = 5.45). El 56.4% reciben formacion en metodologia y el 43.6% en otras areas. Los resultados senalan que los estudiantes que reciben formacion en materias metodologicas informan de un mayor grado de ansiedad ante la evaluacion y perciben que tienen menor autoeficacia. Las implicaciones de los hallazgos estan vinculadas con la ensenanza de los contenidos de metodologia y alerta a los doc…
Spanish Scientists' Opinion about Science and Researcher Behavior.
Encuestamos a 348 investigadores de Psicología y Educación en España, sobre temas como su percepción de una crisis en la ciencia, su confianza en la calidad de los resultados publicados y el uso de prácticas de investigación cuestionables (QRP). También se recogieron sus percepciones respecto a la presión por publicar y la competencia académica. Los resultados indican que una gran parte de la muestra de académicos españoles piensa que existe una crisis en la Ciencia, principalmente por falta de inversión económica, y duda de la calidad de los hallazgos publicados. También sienten una fuerte presión para publicar en revistas de alto factor de impacto y un clima laboral altamente competitivo.…
Longitudinal study predicting burnout in Spanish nurses: The role of neuroticism and emotional coping
Abstract The aim of the present study was to investigate whether nursing students' neuroticism trait and coping styles can predict nurses' professional burnout. A three-wave longitudinal study with a time lag of 6 years was conducted, following nursing students from three Spanish universities until they joined the health labor market. The sample consisted in 249 students in the first year of their nursing studies (T1), 199 at the end of their studies (T2), and 70 registered nurses three years after graduation (T3). Predictor variables were neuroticism, emotional and behavioural coping. Criterion variables were the three components of burnout (emotional exhaustion, despersonalization, and pe…
COVID–19. Effect of Moral Messages to Persuade the Population to Stay at Home in Spain, Chile, and Colombia
1.362 / 5.000 Resultados de traducción Analizar si el contenido de tres mensajes morales (deontológico, utilitarismo ético, virtud ética) y un mensaje de control afectan diferencialmente la probabilidad de realizar cuatro comportamientos: lavarse las manos, participar en reuniones públicas, quedarse en casa/evitar el contacto social y reenviar el mensaje para informar a más personas. En nuestro estudio, el emisor del mensaje es un profesor universitario. Estas variables se miden en términos de sus intenciones de comportamiento y las intenciones de comportamiento de los demás (creencias sobre el comportamiento de los demás). Ensayo controlado aleatorizado. Nuestro estudio incluye el análisis…