Effects of age, and protein malnutrition followed by a balanced diet on the non-parallel change in digestive enzymes in the pancreas and their secretion in the rat.
1. Ninety male Wistar rats were divided into two groups. A control group (C) was fed on a balanced diet, containing 200 g protein/kg for 51 d. An experimental group (E) was fed on a low-protein diet containing 50 g protein/kg for 28 d (PM), and then on a balanced diet for 23 d (BR). At different days of PM and BR, the pancreas and the pancreatic juice were collected 40 min after injection of 0.1 mCi [3H]leucine. The amounts of amylase (EC3.2.1.1), trypsinogen 2 (EC3.4.21.4), chymotrypsinogen 1 (EC3.4.21.1) and lipase (EC3.1.1.3) were determined after separation by the isoelectric focussing technique. Incorporation of [3H]leucine into the four hydrolases of pancreatic juice and pancreas was …