Weak decays of heavy hadrons into dynamically generated resonances
In this paper, we present a review of recent works on weak decay of heavy mesons and baryons with two mesons, or a meson and a baryon, interacting strongly in the final state. The aim is to learn about the interaction of hadrons and how some particular resonances are produced in the reactions. It is shown that these reactions have peculiar features and act as filters for some quantum numbers which allow to identify easily some resonances and learn about their nature. The combination of basic elements of the weak interaction with the framework of the chiral unitary approach allow for an interpretation of results of many reactions and add a novel information to different aspects of the hadron…
Theoretical study of the Ξ(1620) and Ξ(1690) resonances in Ξc→π+MB decays
Nonleptonic weak decays of ${\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Xi}}}_{c}$ into ${\ensuremath{\pi}}^{+}$ and a meson $(M)$-baryon $(B)$ final state, $MB$, are analyzed from the viewpoint of probing $S=\ensuremath{-}2$ baryon resonances, i.e., $\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Xi}}(1620)$ and $\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Xi}}(1690)$, of which spin-parity and other properties are not well known. We argue that the weak decay of ${\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Xi}}}_{c}$ is dominated by a single quark-line diagram, preferred by the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa coefficient, color recombination factor, the diquark correlation, and the kinematical condition. The decay process has an advantage of being free from meson resonances in the ${\ens…
Λ(1405)production in theπ−p→K0πΣreaction
We discuss the mechanisms that lead to $\ensuremath{\Lambda}(1405)$ production in the ${\ensuremath{\pi}}^{\ensuremath{-}}p\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{K}^{0}\ensuremath{\pi}\ensuremath{\Sigma}$ reaction. The problem has gained renewed interest after different works converge to the conclusion that there are two resonances around the region of $1400\phantom{\rule{0.3em}{0ex}}\text{MeV}$, rather than one, and that they couple differently to the $\ensuremath{\pi}\ensuremath{\Sigma}$ and $\overline{K}N$ channels. We look at the dynamics of that reaction and find two mechanisms which eventually filter each one of the resonances, leading to very different shapes of the $\ensuremath{\pi}\ensuremath{\S…
Two-meson cloud contribution to the baryon antidecuplet self-energy
We study the self-energy of the SU(3) antidecuplet coming from two-meson virtual clouds. Assuming that the exotic Theta+ belongs to an antidecuplet representation with N(1710) as nucleon partner, we derive effective Lagrangians that describe the decay of N(1710) into N pi pi with two pions in s- or p-wave. It is found that the self-energies for all members of the antidecuplet are attractive, and the larger strangeness particle is more bound. From two-meson cloud, we obtain about 20 % of the empirical mass splitting between states with different strangeness.
A narrow quasi-bound state of the DNN system
Abstract We have investigated a charmed system of DNN (composed of two nucleons and a D meson) by a complementary study with a variational calculation and a Faddeev calculation with fixed-center approximation (Faddeev-FCA). In the present study, we employ a DN potential based on a vector–meson exchange picture in which a resonant Λ c ( 2595 ) is dynamically generated as a DN quasi-bound state, similarly to the Λ ( 1405 ) as a K ¯ N one in the strange sector. As a result of the study of variational calculation with an effective DN potential and three kinds of NN potentials, the D N N ( J π = 0 − , I = 1 / 2 ) is found to be a narrow quasi-bound state below Λ c ( 2595 ) N threshold: total bin…
Two-meson cloud contribution to the baryon antidecuplet binding
We study the two-meson virtual cloud contribution to the self-energy of the SU(3) antidecuplet, to which the Theta+ pentaquark is assumed to belong. This is motivated by the large branching ratio of the N(1710) decay into two pions and one nucleon. We derive effective Lagrangians that describe the N(1710) decay into N-pi-pi with two pions in s or p wave. We obtain increased binding for all members of the antidecuplet and a contribution to the mass splitting between states with different strangeness which is at least 20 % of the empirical one. We also provide predictions for three-body decays of the pentaquark antidecuplet.
Two-, Three-, Many-body Systems Involving Mesons. Multimeson Condensates
In this talk we review results from studies with unconventional many hadron systems containing mesons: systems with two mesons and one baryon, three mesons, some novel systems with two baryons and one meson, and finally systems with many vector mesons, up to six, with their spins aligned forming states of increasing spin. We show that in many cases one has experimental counterparts for the states found, while in some other cases they remain as predictions, which we suggest to be searched in BESIII, Belle, LHCb, FAIR and other facilities.
Antikaon-nucleon interaction and Lambda(1405) in chiral SU(3) dynamics
The properties of the Lambda(1405) resonance are key ingredients for determining the antikaon-nucleon interaction in strangeness nuclear physics, and the novel internal structure of the Lambda(1405) is of great interest in hadron physics, as a prototype case of a baryon that does not fit into the simple three-quark picture. We show that a quantitative description of the antikaon-nucleon interaction with the Lambda(1405) is achieved in the framework of chiral SU(3) dynamics, with the help of recent experimental progress. Further constraints on the Kbar N subthreshold interaction are provided by analyzing pi Sigma spectra in various processes, such as the K-d -> pi Sigma n reaction and the…
Determining the Θ+ quantum numbers through the K+p→π+K+n reaction
Abstract We study the K+p→π+K+n reaction with some kinematics suited to the production of the Θ+ resonance recently observed. We show that, independently of the quantum numbers of the Θ+, a resonance signal is always observed in the K+ forward direction. In addition, we also show how a combined consideration of the strength at the peak, and the angular dependence of polarization observables can help determine the Θ+ quantum numbers using the present reaction.
First study of the two-body scattering involving charm hadrons
Physical review / D 106(5), 052010 (2022). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.106.052010
Weak decay ofΛc+for the study ofΛ(1405)andΛ(1670)
We study the ${\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Lambda}}}_{c}$ decay process to ${\ensuremath{\pi}}^{+}$ and the meson-baryon final state for the analysis of $\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Lambda}}$ resonances. Considering the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix, color suppression, diquark correlation, and the kinematical condition, we show that the final meson-baryon state should be in a pure $I=0$ combination, when the meson-baryon invariant mass is small. Because the $I=1$ contamination usually makes it difficult to analyze $\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Lambda}}$ resonances directly from experiments, the ${\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Lambda}}}_{c}$ decay is an ideal process to study $\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Lambda}}$ resonances.…
The nature of Lambda (1405) hyperon resonance in chiral dynamics
10th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics. Tokai, JAPAN, SEP 14-18, 2009
Energy and width of a narrowI=1/2DNNquasibound state
The energies and widths of $DNN$ quasi-bound states with isospin I=1/2 are evaluated in two methods, the fixed center approximation to the Faddeev equation and the variational method approach to the effective one-channel Hamiltonian. The $DN$ interactions are constructed so that they dynamically generate the $\Lambda_c(2595)$ (I=0, $J^{\pi} =1/2^-$) resonance state. We find that the system is bound by about 250 MeV from the $DNN$ threshold, $\sqrt{s} \sim 3500$ MeV. Its width including both the mesonic decay and the $D$ absorption, is estimated to be about 20-40 MeV. The I=0 $DN$ pair in the $DNN$ system is found to form a cluster that is similar to the $\Lambda_c(2595)$.
Narrow Bound States of the DNN System
We report on a recent calculation of the properties of the $DNN$ system, a charmed meson with two nucleons. The system is analogous to the $\bar K NN$ system substituting a strange quark by a charm quark. Two different methods are used to evaluate the binding and width, the Fixed Center approximation to the Faddeev equations and a variational calculation. In both methods we find that the system is bound by about 200 MeV and the width is smaller than 40 MeV, a situation opposite to the one of the $\bar K NN$ system and which makes this state well suited for experimental observation.
Photoproduction of K∗ for the study of Λ(1405)
Abstract The photo-induced K ∗ vector meson production is investigated for the study of the Λ(1405) resonance. This reaction is particularly suited to the isolation of the second pole in the Λ(1405) region which couples dominantly to the K N channel. We obtain the mass distribution of the Λ(1405) which peaks at 1420 MeV, and differs from the nominal one. Combined with several other reactions, like the π−p→K0πΣ which favours the first pole, this detailed study will reveal a novel structure of the Λ(1405) state.