Cristina González-gaya

Analysis of the Scoring Formula of Economic Criteria in Public Works Procurement

[EN] Public works procurement regulates two award procedures from within the same criteria: either the price or a variety of different conditions. Although the question of price may not seem the most important factor to be considered, it is imperative to always be aware of it when bearing in mind the award criteria. Economic scoring formulae (ESF) are numerous and each agency has the authority to determine which will be used for each of their bids, making this article a comparative analysis of all the options. The results show that most formulas give the highest score to the most economic bidder, it is necessary to eliminate the use of formulas that give the highest score to the offers whic…

research product

Estudio de la Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el sector construcción valenciano

[EN] Construction is a sector with a high accident rate due to its own characteristics (high component of labor and develops outdoor) and its organizational characteristics as working patterns, methods of implementation and higher outsourcing. Management of Health and Safety is a determining factor in obtaining best execution of work and lower rates of accidents. This paper presents a study of the current level of Health and Safety Management in the construction sector in Valencia (Spain) from a survey of a group of technicians with experience in the sector. The main results are the size of the company is an important key to health and safety, both in terms of training as in the management …

research product

Determination of disproportionate tenders in public procurement

[EN] Public procurement is one of the fundamental pillars of the construction sector and the understanding of its statutory regulation is one of the keys to success. The government regulates the concept of disproportionate tenders to avoid deals that are too low, something which could jeopardise the execution of the work or cause problems during implementation such as conflicting prices, project modifications and delays. The criteria for determining the disproportionality of the offers are numerous and each contracting authority determines which to use in each process by carrying out a comparative analysis. The results show that the formulas of disproportionality based on a percentage of th…

research product

Estudio de la Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el sector construcción valenciano = Study of Safety and Health Management in the construction sector of Valencia

ResumenLa construcción es un sector que presenta un alto nivel de siniestrabilidad debido a sus características propias (alto componente de mano de obra y que se desarrolla al aire libre) y por sus características organizativas, como los ritmos de trabajo, las metodologías de ejecución y la elevada subcontratación. La gestión de la Seguridad y Salud es un factor determinante a la hora de obtener mejoras en la ejecución de los trabajos y menores tasas de accidentes. En este trabajo se realiza un estudio del nivel actual de gestión de la seguridad y salud en el sector construcción en Valencia (España) a partir de una encuesta realizada a técnicos con experiencia en el sector. Los principales …

research product

A Methodology to Detect the Deviations of the Project s Budget Compared to Market Prices

[EN] The budget of a project reflects the cost of the investment needed to build an infrastructure, install a system or acquire new materials or supplies. A well-formulated budget in accordance with market prices, allows contractors to prepare offers according to their technical, economic and financial characteristics. On the other hand, it avoids current philosophies that aim to get the contract at any price. Philosophies subsequently used to point out problems and claims during the execution of the project (contradictory prices, delays, etc.) in order to recover some or the entire economic bid carried out during the tendering. In this paper a simple and fast methodology is developed to ch…

research product

Risk Analysis of a Fuel Storage Terminal Using HAZOP and FTA

[EN] The size and complexity of industrial chemical plants, together with the nature of the products handled, means that an analysis and control of the risks involved is required. This paper presents a methodology for risk analysis in chemical and allied industries that is based on a combination of HAZard and OPerability analysis (HAZOP) and a quantitative analysis of the most relevant risks through the development of fault trees, fault tree analysis (FTA). Results from FTA allow prioritizing the preventive and corrective measures to minimize the probability of failure. An analysis of a case study is performed; it consists in the terminal for unloading chemical and petroleum products, and t…

research product

Public procurement: current situation and points of improvement

[ES] La construcción pública ha sido, es y será uno de los pilares fundamentales del sector construcción español, si bien la actual situación de crisis económica y la reducción de la inversión pública en nuevas infraestructuras ha generado un descenso de actividad hasta niveles similares a los años noventa. El retorno a índices de actividad más elevados no solo se conseguirá con la recuperación de la economía del país, sino que será necesario realizar ciertas mejoras en los procesos de licitación con objeto de conseguir una mayor funcionalidad y flexibilidad en la contratación pública de obras.

research product

Risk Assessment of a compound feed process based on HAZOP analysis and linguistic terms

[EN] The size and complexity of industrial plants, along with the characteristics of the products used, require a study, analysis and control of the existing risks in every industrial process. In this paper, a methodology for risk assessment in industrial plants, based on the combination of risks identification through the Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) analysis and the risks evaluation through linguistic variables and fuzzy numbers is applied to a case study consisting on a compound feed plant located in the town of Silla (Valencia, Spain). The results from this study show that the main risk in the compound feed production process is the formation of explosive atmospheres (ATEX). Therefore…

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