Alfred Sanchis
Neandertal spatial patterns and occupation dynamics: a regional focus on the central region in Mediterranean Iberia
En el siguiente trabajo se estudian varios conjuntos pertenecientes al Paleolítico medio procedentes del mediterráneo peninsular ibérico con el objetivo de examinar los patrones de ocupación y las estrategias de gestión del territorio. Se presta especial atención al abastecimiento de las materias primas y los comportamientos tecnológicos, los datos procedentes de la fauna y los análisis microespaciales. La variabilidad en los tipos de ocupación de los distintos conjuntos nos muestra una gran diversidad y una multitud de factores, aunque no parece tener una sola explicación cultural, funcional, temporal o ambiental. Más bien son explicaciones que responden a una amplia variabilidad en los co…
Evidencias de interacción Homo-Cuon en diversos yacimientos del Pleistoceno superior de la zona central del Mediterráneo ibérico
Los nuevos restos óseos del género Cuon determinados en varios yacimientos arqueológicos del Pleistoceno superior de la zona central del Mediterráneo ibérico prueban la existencia de diversas formas de interacción entre estos carnívoros y los grupos humanos prehistóricos. Se pone de manifiesto, por un lado, la capacidad del cuón para acumular los restos de sus presas (caza y/o carroñeo) durante fases de competencia con los grupos humanos por la ocupación de las cavidades, como puede ser el caso de los niveles basales de la Cova del Parpalló, y por otro, la existencia de acciones antrópicas de predación y/o procesado sobre las carcasas de estos cánidos (Cova Negra y Coves de Santa Maira). La…
Neanderthal and carnivore activities at Llonin Cave, Asturias, northern Iberian Peninsula: Faunal study of Mousterian levels (MIS 3)
Abstract This paper presents a study of the macromammalian fauna recovered from Mousterian levels of Llonin Cave. The sample is highly heterogeneous and comprises six species of ungulates, including Rupicapra pyrenaica, Capra pyrenaica, and Cervus elaphus, and seven species of carnivores, predominantly Ursus spelaeus, Crocuta spelaea, Canis/Cuon and Panthera pardus. The archaeozoological and taphonomic study of the remains shows preferential use of basal levels of the cave as a den for hyenas and leopards. Neanderthals were also present during this phase and they would have acted mainly on deer and some caprines, while the action of hyenas would mainly have been linked to scavenging of elem…
Exploring LGM subsistence in Cantabrian and Mediterranean Iberian areas : ungulates bone assemblages as nutritional and industrial resource among Solutrean groups
Exploring LGM subsistence in Cantabrian and Mediterranean Iberian areas: ungulates bone assemblages as nutritional and industrial resource among Solutrean groups
Nuevos datos procedentes del yacimiento del Paleolítico medio del Puntal del Gat (Benirredrà, Valencia)
Pleistocene leopards in the Iberian Peninsula: New evidence from palaeontological and archaeological contexts in the Mediterranean region
This study analyses the fossil record of leopards in the Iberian Peninsula. According to the systematic and morphometric features of new remains, identified mainly in Late Pleistocene palaeontological and archaeological sites of the Mediterranean region, they can be attributed to Panthera pardus Linnaeus 1758. The findings include the most complete leopard skeleton from the Iberian Peninsula and one of the most complete in Europe, found in a chasm (Avenc de Joan Guit on) south of Valencia. The new citations and published data are used to establish the leopard's distribution in the Iberian Peninsula, showing its maximum development during the Late Pleistocene. Some references suggest that th…
Cueva Antón: A multi-proxy MIS 3 to MIS 5a paleoenvironmental record for SE Iberia
Overlying a palustrine deposit of unknown age (complex FP), and protected from weathering and erosion inside a large cave/rock-shelter cavity, the sedimentary fill of Cueva Antón, a Middle Paleolithic site in SE Spain, corresponds in most part (sub-complexes AS2-to-AS5) to a ca.3 m-thick Upper Pleistocene terrace of the River Mula. Coupled with the constraints derived from the deposit’s paleoclimatic proxies, OSL dating places the accumulation of this terrace in MIS 5a, and radiocarbon dates from the overlying breccia cum alluvium (sub-complex AS1) fall in the middle part of MIS 3; the intervening hiatus relates to valley incision and attendant erosion. The two intervals represented remain …
Leopardos en la cueva de Llonin (Asturias, MIS3): estudio de la colección e interacción con los grupos humanos
Study of the collection and interactions with human groups): We present the taxonomic and taphonomic analysis of the leopard sets (Panthera pardus) of the MIS 3 levels (“Cono Posterior”) from Llonin Cave (Asturias). In the basal level (VIII) there are one adult leopard remains without anthropogenic modifications, who died in the cave. This individual occupied the cave in alternation with other carnivores and Neanderthals. In the upper level (VI) an unusual set of leopard remains has been identified in association with some several stalactites and other fauna and lithic remains. These remains were arranged there by humans on purpose, and it can be related to the hunted-gatherer symbolic worl…
Could the central‐eastern Iberian Mediterranean region be defined as a refugium? Fauna and flora in MIS 5–3 and their implications for Palaeolithic human behaviour
Environment and subsistence strategies at La Viña rock shelter and Llonin cave (Asturias, Spain) during MIS3
The sites of La Viña and Llonin have an important archaeological sequence corresponding to Marine Isotope Stage 3: Mousterian, Aurignacian and Gravettian periods. La Viña is a complex rock shelter with continuous occupations, being some (basically the Mousterian and the Aurignacian in contact levels) altered by post-depositional processes as a consequence of the irregular bedrock morphology and the type of processes involved. The cave of Llonin mainly consists of occasional human/carnivores occupations during the Mousterian and the Gravettian. The current multidisciplinary research has allowed us to obtain and match several preliminary data: site formation processes, fauna and stable isotop…
Diachronic variation in the Middle Paleolithic settlement of Abrigo de la Quebrada (Chelva, Spain)
Abstract This paper compares levels IV and VIII of Abrigo de la Quebrada. The study includes knapping technique, raw material, fauna, and the spatial distribution of lithic and bone remains. Although both levels correspond to cumulative palimpsests, patterns of resource management and use of space that suggest changes in the rhythm of occupation and the functionality of the settlements can be discerned. A change in mobility patterns probably underpins the differences between these two levels of Quebrada, but assessing this hypothesis is made difficult by the lack of comparable documentation for other sites in the region.
Rabbit role in prehistoric human diet: a review from the Iberian Mediterranean central region
Los restos de conejo (Oryctolagus cuniculus) son muy abundantes en los conjuntos de fauna de los yacimientos arqueológicos del Pleistoceno y Holoceno inicial del Mediterráneo ibérico. En este sentido se presenta una revisión de los datos disponibles sobre el consumo humano de este lagomorfo desde el Paleolítico medio hasta el Mesolítico en la zona central del Mediterráneo ibérico. Se hace un repaso a los conjuntos de conejo y a los estudios tafonómicos desarrollados para definir su importancia en las dietas humanas. Aunque existen datos del consumo de estas presas desde el Paleolítico medio en este ámbito geográfico, es durante el Paleolítico superior y Epipaleolítico cuando este recurso es…
Gendering fibulae: animals and gender roles in Iberian Iron Age societies
Desde la Antigüedad, los animales domésticos y salvajes han sido parte integrante de la vida del ser humano como alimento para su supervivencia, como transporte y también como iconos en la construcción del imaginario cultural. En la cultura ibérica las representaciones figuradas en diversos soportes (cerámica, escultura en piedra, terracotas, metales y monedas), “lo imaginario”, y los restos faunísticos de poblados, necrópolis y lugares culturales, “lo real”, ilustran las relaciones entre las sociedades de la Edad del Hierro de la mitad SE de la Península Ibérica con los animales de su entorno. En este trabajo se analiza un tipo de objeto de la indumentaria íbera: las fíbulas, como ejemplo …
Neanderthal subsistence and short-term human occupation patterns during MIS 5. New data from Abrigo de la Quebrada (Valencia, Spain)
Abstract Abrigo de la Quebrada (Chelva, Valencia) is a Middle Palaeolithic site with Neanderthal occupations, composed by nine archaeological levels that extend from MIS 3–5 in the upper levels (II-V), up to MIS 5 in the lower levels (VI-IX), with dates for level VI of 80.0 ± 4.7 ky and 83.2 ± 5.4 ka. Level IV show short and repeated human occupations, with a high density of materials related to hunting activities focus on several ungulates as ibex, equids and cervids. However, the lower levels (VII, VIII and IX) respond to different sedimentation rates and occupations. Archaeozoological and taphonomic studies show mixed occupations. Raptors or small carnivores seem to be responsible of the…