A non-relativistic model for the $[cc][\bar{c}\bar{c}]$ tetraquark
We use a non-relativistic model to study the spectroscopy of a tetraquark composed of $[cc][\bar{c}\bar{c}]$ in a diquark-antidiquark configuration. By numerically solving the Schr\"{o}dinger equation with a Cornell-inspired potential, we separate the four-body problem into three two-body problems. Spin-dependent terms (spin-spin, spin-orbit and tensor) are used to describe the splitting structure of the $c\bar{c}$ spectrum and are also extended to the interaction between diquarks. Recent experimental data on charmonium states are used to fix the parameters of the model and a satisfactory description of the spectrum is obtained. We find that the spin-dependent interaction is sizable in the …