Nguyen Van De
Strongyloidiasis in northern Vietnam: epidemiology, clinical characteristics and molecular diagnosis of the causal agent.
Abstract Background Strongyloidiasis is a health problem in Vietnam, but appropriate information is still limited. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence, geographical distribution, epidemiological aspects, symptoms and other health indicators of Strongyloides stercoralis infections in patients from 27 provinces of northern Vietnam attending the Hanoi Medical University Hospital during 2016 and 2017. Methods Blood samples of 2000 patients were analyzed for S. stercoralis infection with an IgG ELISA test. Seroprevalence was analyzed by gender, age group, locality of origin (rural or urban areas) and symptoms. Stools from the seropositive patients were examined for the detectio…
Early Postnatal and Preschool-Age Infection by Fasciola spp.: Report of Five Cases from Vietnam and Worldwide Review
Fascioliasis is reported in five Vietnamese children aged 4 years or younger. A 10-month-old girl child and a 12-month-old boy child are the youngest patients ever diagnosed. Eggs in stools suggested an infection occurred at 5-6 months and 7-8 months of age, respectively. DNA sequencing and egg size indicated this to be the first report of a verified Fasciola gigantica infection in so small children. No specific diagnosis could be obtained in two 3-year-old children detected in the acute phase. A big and gravid ectopic F. gigantica-like worm was surgically found in a 4-year-old boy presenting with peritonitis. A worldwide review showed only 38 past cases in preschool children. They included…