Hector Gerbaldo

Primary enduring negative symptoms in schizophrenia and major depression.

Abstract Primary enduring negative symptoms (PENS) were studied in 26 patients with DSM-III-R schizophrenia and in 94 patients with unipolar major depressive episodes 5 years after the index episode. PENS were assessed with the Schedule for Deficit Syndrome (SDS). Negative symptoms were also assessed with the Scale for Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS) and subclassified into primary and secondary according to the SDS. The frequency of PENS did not differ significantly between schizophrenics and non-schizophrenic patients. Enduring negative symptoms (regardless of whether primary or not) were more frequently observed in schizophrenia (65% according to the SDS, and 88% according to the S…

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Bestimmt die Episodenzahl den Ausgang unipolarer Depressionen?

Bei affektiven Psychosen wissen wir noch nicht ausreichend, wie eng die verschiedenen Parameter des Verlaufs und des Ausgangs miteinander korreliert sind. Eine wichtige, bisher nicht geklarte Frage ist, ob die psychosoziale Anpassung bei unipolaren Depressionen von einem phasenhaften Krankheitsverlauf abhangig ist. Ziel unserer Untersuchung war es, zu prufen, ob Patienten mit der Erstmanifestation einer Major Depression funf Jahre nach Indexuntersuchung eine bessere psychosoziale Anpassung erreichen als Patienten mit fruheren Episoden.

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Introduction: New Conceptual Aspects of Negative Symptoms

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Negative symptomatology: psychopharmacological strategies and methodological aspects for drug evaluation

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The deficit syndrome in schizophrenic and nonschizophrenic patients: preliminary studies.

One hundred and eighty-seven patients suffering from DSM-III-R schizophrenia, schizoaffective, schizophreniform (psychotic group), unipolar, bipolar and other disorders were interviewed 5 years after discharge. Deficiencies were assessed by means of the Schedule for Deficit Syndrome (SDS) and the Scale for Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS). Binocular thresholds for discomfort to high luminances (TDHL) were assessed in 17 patients with a deficit syndrome. Results suggest that patients with psychotic disorders are in a high-risk group for deficit syndrome. Nevertheless, 9-28% and 9-30% of the 'nonpsychotic' group according to the SANS and the SDS, respectively, showed primary enduring ne…

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