Miljenko Jurković


Le monastère Saint-Pierre d’Osor (île de Cres) : neuvième campagne d’études archéologiques

During the 2014 campaign exhaustive excavations of the early medieval mausoleum and monastic tombs situated between the mausoleum and the bell tower south of the abbey church of St Peter in Osor were completed. The results of the excavation of the interior of the reduced church revealed several floor levels that are contemporary to the Romanesque basilica, as well as the foundations of the Romanesque chancel screen situated in front of the north apse, and the presence of many burials. Some of them can be identified as privileged tombs, due to their position and their contents. Several floor levels corresponding to the phases anterior to the Romanesque church were also discovered, although i…

research product

Monastère Saint-Pierre d’Osor (Croatie, île de Cres).

La campagne de fouille 2015 de la Mission franco-croate Saint-Pierre d’Osor a porté sur l’achèvement de la fouille de l’église réduite engagée l’année précédente. L’église réduite du XVe-XVIe siècle correspond à une partie de la nef centrale et du bas-côté nord de l’église du XIe siècle dont elle conserve le mur gouttereau nord. Ce mur a fait l’objet d’une étude du bâti dès la première année de la mission en 2006, qui a permis d’établir le phasage complexe des élévations et de constater la présence d’une phase antérieure au XIe siècle au niveau de l’annexe nord (sacrisitie-memoria) Une première tranchée de sondage avait également été ouverte en 2006, révélant les vestiges du mur-stylobate n…

research product

Le monastère Saint-Pierre d'Osor (île de Cres) : septième campagne d'études archéologiques

The 2012 campaign of the archaeological research project permitted the exhaustive excavations of the immediate surroundings of the southern nave of the abbey church of St Peter in Osor. The richness and the complexity of the discovered structures confirmed the great archaeological potential of this sector. Namely, a funeral zone that is situated south to the church is occupied by two buildings perpendicular to the church which we interpret as a mausoleum (the one on the west) and a chapel with one privileged burial (the one on the east). The great number of built tombs or simples graves confirmed that this sector had funeral function even before the XIth century and the construction of the …

research product

Le monastère Saint-Pierre d'Osor (île de Cres) : sixième campagne d'études archéologiques

In the 2011 campaign the southern and central apses, as well as the southern nave of the abbey church of St Peter, together with its immediate surroundings were excavated. The primary analysis of the eastern part of the Venetian town wall was undertaken as well. The geophysical survey of the western and south-eastern parts of the complex has equally been continued. The initial results allow us to present a phasing of the early Romanesque church, possibly preceded by two earlier churches, as well as to complete the ground plan thanks to the discovery of the former bell-tower, containing a funerary room (maybe a chapel) in its ground level. Furthermore, the monastic topography was clarified b…

research product

Le monastère Saint-Pierre d’Osor (île de Cres) : huitième campagne d’études archéologiques

Two protohistoric Liburnian graves are the most ancient structures discovered in this year’s campaign which was essentially focused on the sector IV, south of the abbey church of Saint Peter in Osor. This area is particularly rich in medieval built tombs of the mo-nastic cemetery that developed next to the church and a mausoleum. The precise datation of this funeral building, which was being used in the 10th century, is still to be determined, but it has been confirmed that its construction preceded the foundation of the monastery, for at least few decades. A great many monks have chosen the mausoleum as their burial site. In the excavations of the first bay of the basilica other tombs were…

research product

Le monastère Saint-Pierre d'Osor (île de Cres) : cinquième campagne d'études archéologiques

U ovome radu izloženi su rezultati peta kampanje arheoloških i konzervatorskih istraživanja benediktinskog samostana i crkve Sv. Petra u Osoru na otoku Cresu, održane tijekom svibnja i lipnja 2010. godine, koja je dio znanstvenoga projekta MIC-a za kasnu antiku i srednji vijek Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i istraživačkog centra ARTeHIS C.N.R.S.–a iz Dijona, te Konzervatorskoga odjela u Rijeci. Osnovni rezultati tiču se istraživanja srednjovjekovnoga groblja smještenoga iza začelja crkve kao i kasnoantičkih stambenih građevina. Također su predstavljeni rezultati sondažnih istraživanja sjeverno i južno od crkve. Zahvaljujući korištenju različitih metoda istraživanja (geofizička istraživanja, arheolo…

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