“Congratulations, you’re on TV!”: Middle-space performances of live tweeters during the FIFA World Cup
Social television has transformed the traditional role of the television viewers by providing ‘ordinary people’ access to the public stage. This article describes how public access to television affected the dialogues of Finnish tweeters on Twitter during the massive media event of the FIFA World Cup. Through the lens of digital conversation analysis, the study shows how the media publicity of tweets changed the direction of the interaction between tweeters and transformed their roles vis-à-vis the television show, making one of them into a ‘media flasher’ and the others viewers of his or her performance. The publicity was constructed as important through noticings, congratulations, and com…
On the participatory agency of texts: Using institutional forms in performance appraisal interviews
Abstract Drawing on studies of the performative effects and agency of texts in organizations, the paper investigates how the agency of texts figures through their participatory status in interaction. The empirical data for the study consist of video-recorded performance appraisal interviews in a Finnish public organization in which the interaction relies heavily on an appraisal form. The data are analyzed through a sequential analysis that draws on multimodal conversation analysis and ethnographic knowledge. The analysis shows that the human participants orient to three different acts that are inscribed in the textual document: 1) presenting demands for the participants; 2) offering topics …
Drawing conclusions about what co-participants know: Knowledge-probing question–answer sequences in new employee orientation lectures
This study aims to uncover the processes of interaction through which knowledge acquisition in new employee orientation is monitored and controlled. Using video-recordings of orientation lectures as data, the study focuses on question–answer sequences in which the lecturer’s question probes into the state of the employees’ knowledge; in particular, it looks at the third turn of the sequence, in which the lecturer comes to a conclusion concerning the participants’ knowledge. This is shown to be an unavoidably practical accomplishment, which is contingent on both the often ambivalent responses of the participants and the design of the knowledge-probing question. Also, the lecturer orients to…
Yhteisymmärryksen rakentamisen monet keinot
Arvioitu teos
 Jenny Paananen: Yhteisymmärryksen rakentaminen monikulttuurisilla lääkärin vastaanotoilla. Turun yliopistonjulkaisuja – Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Sarja – Ser. C Osa – Tom. 465. Scripta Lingua Fennica Edita. Turku: Turun yliopisto 2019. isbn 978-951-29-7556-3. Johdanto 119 s., artikkelit 132 s. Luettavissa verkossa osoitteessa http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-29-7557-0.
Digitaalinen diskurssi työelämän kontekstissa : menetelmällisiä haasteita ja ratkaisuehdotuksia
Digital technologies have become an inseparable part of most workplace activities. In this article, we discuss the study of digital work in the context of complex organizational practices. We lay out some methodological challenges and suggest some possible solutions to them. Firstly, we contend that we should take into consideration the multimedial nature of organizational practices. Secondly, several kinds of data – such as video-recordings of face-to-face encounters, screenshots from digital platforms, ethnographic observation and interviews – may be needed to gain an understanding of such practices. Thirdly, the analyst needs to pay attention to the affordances of the media that the part…
Negotiation of expertise and multifunctionality : PowerPoint presentations as interactional activity types in workplace meetings
This article investigates exchanges between the presenter and another participant within PowerPoint presentations in workplace meetings. Using ethnomethodological conversation analysis as a method, it examines 1) how participants orient to each other's expertise, 2) what is accomplished through the exchange and 3) how the PowerPoint slide is interwoven with the process. The results show how the exchanges establish the presentation as information delivery in which the complexity of professional knowledge is displayed and negotiated. Moreover, there is an orientation to directive functions of the presentation activity. The PowerPoint slides as a text and as a material object are evoked for th…
Keskustelun vuorottelujäsennyksen perussystematiikka : Suomennos
Changing the ownership of ideas: Multimedial accomplishment of collaborative reflection in an organizational workshop
Reflecting on work processes together with one's co-workers is becoming increasingly important in workplaces. This study examined collaborative reflection in the organizational context through analyzing a case of a complex workplace setting where an enterprise social media platform, talk-in-interaction, and handwriting were used to engage participants in the process of reflection. Drawing on the concept of remediation, the results show that collaborative reflection is interactionally accomplished through a multimedial activity chain, in which the ownership of presented ideas is transformed from individual ideas into shared views of the team. The study shows in detail how the process of coll…
Digital Documenting Practices : Collaborative Writing in Workplace Training
The present article examines collaborative writing in organizational consulting and training, where writing takes place as part of a group discussion assignment and is carried out by using digital writing technologies. In the training, the groups use digital tablets as their writing device in order to document their answers in the shared digital platform. Using multimodal conversation analysis as a method, the article illustrates the way writing is interactionally accomplished in this setting where digital writing intertwines with face-to-face interaction as the groups jointly formulate a documentable written entry for specific institutional purposes. The results show how writing is manage…
Näkökulmia tutkijoiden ja tutkittavien väliseen vuoropuheluun
Vuorovaikutus, osallistuminen ja tekstin yhteinen tuottaminen : Tapaustutkimus valmennusryhmäkeskusteluista
Osallistumiseen kasvattaminen on keskeinen, läpi elämän jatkuva sosialisaation haaste. Konkreettinen osallistumiseen kasvattamisen keino on tekstin yhteinen tuottaminen kasvokkaisessa vuorovaikutuksessa, mitä tässä tapaustutkimuksessa tarkastelemme kahdessa ryhmässä: 1) uusiin työkäytänteisiin keskittyvässä henkilöstökoulutuksessa ja 2) työelämään valmentavassa mielenterveyskuntoutuksessa. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on keskustelunanalyysi, jonka avulla yhtäältä selvitämme, miten osallistumista pyritään edistämään tekstin yhteisen tuottamisen avulla. Toisaalta tarkastelemme tämän tavoitteen toteutumista käytännössä kysyen, millaisia osallistumisen mahdollisuuksia ja rajoitteita tekstin avulla osall…
Epilogi : Tutkittavat äänessä
Conversation Analysis
Conversation analysis (CA) is primarily a method for the study of spoken interaction. It is most of all concerned with the sequential organization of interaction, but it is also interested in the inferential frameworks people use in making sense of each other in interaction. It was originated by Harvey Sacks in the 1960s, and it is influenced by the ethnomethodological sociology of Harold Garfinkel. In the study of religion/s, it can be used for the microanalytic study of various kinds of religious activity types. With the help of the method, the analyst can both explicate the central religiously relevant tasks the participants accomplish in these activity types and uncover the interactiona…
Soveltava keskusteluntutkimus tutkijan ja tutkittavien vastavuoroisena toimintana
Conducting a task while reconstructing its meaning
This article investigates the way an institutional task of a meeting is oriented to by different meeting participants and developed in and through local interaction. Our data come from a city organization, where a large organizational change is planned and prepared through a series of face-to-face encounters and accompanying written texts. Using the notion of recontextualization and by connecting it to the conversation analytical method and to the notion of intersubjectivity, the study examines how the institutional task that is verbalized in written form prior to the meeting is conceptualized by meeting participants in their turns of talk. By doing so, the study will particularly shed ligh…
Vuorovaikutus, osallistuminen ja tekstin yhteinen tuottaminen
Osallistumiseen kasvattaminen on keskeinen, läpi elämän jatkuva sosialisaation haaste. Konkreettinen osallistumiseen kasvattamisen keino on tekstin yhteinen tuottaminen kasvokkaisessa vuorovaikutuksessa, mitä tässä tapaustutkimuksessa tarkastelemme kahdessa ryhmässä: 1) uusiin työkäytänteisiin keskittyvässä henkilöstökoulutuksessa ja 2) työelämään valmentavassa mielenterveyskuntoutuksessa. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on keskustelunanalyysi, jonka avulla yhtäältä selvitämme, miten osallistumista pyritään edistämään tekstin yhteisen tuottamisen avulla. Toisaalta tarkastelemme tämän tavoitteen toteutumista käytännössä kysyen, millaisia osallistumisen mahdollisuuksia ja rajoitteita tekstin avulla osall…
Digitaalinen diskurssi työelämän kontekstissa – menetelmällisiä haasteita ja ratkaisuehdotuksia
Digital technologies have become an inseparable part of most workplace activities. In this article, we discuss the study of digital work in the context of complex organizational practices. We lay out some methodological challenges and suggest some possible solutions to them. Firstly, we contend that we should take into consideration the multimedial nature of organizational practices. Secondly, several kinds of data – such as video-recordings of face-to-face encounters, screenshots from digital platforms, ethnographic observation and interviews – may be needed to gain an understanding of such practices. Thirdly, the analyst needs to pay attention to the affordances of the media that the part…
Public note-taking on a digital platform as a workplace practice
Unlike traditional note-taking with pen and paper, in which the note-taking process is only partially accessible to the co-participants, note-taking in the digitalized workplace may be done publicly, so that both the content of notes and the process of writing them are observable to the co-participants. Using multimodally oriented conversation analysis, this study focused on public note-taking in interaction sequences where the facilitator of a workplace project records the results of a workshop discussion on a digital platform. The analysis revealed that while the facilitator was entitled to decide which portions of talk are recorded, the affordances of digital technology, its publicness …