J. Antonio Raga

Gastrointestinal helminths of Risso's dolphin Grampus griseus from the Western Mediterranean.

The gastrointestinal helminth fauna of 17 Risso's dolphins Grampus griseus (Cuvier, 1812) from the Western Mediterranean was analysed. Five helminth species were found. Adults and juveniles of Hadwenius delamurei were collected from the duodenum of 7 animals. Adults were located significantly more anteriorly than juveniles, which is compatible with a previous hypothesis that species of Hadwe- nius undergo an ontogenetic migration towards the anterior duodenum. Eggs from Pholeter gastrophilus appeared in 1 small cyst in the main stomach. Adults of Tetrabothrius forsteri and Trigonocotyle globicephalae were collected from the duodenum of 1 and 4 individuals, respectively. Metaces- todes, Scol…

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Hadwenius tursionis (Marchi, 1873) n. comb. (Digenea, Campulidae) from the bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus (Montagu, 1821) in the western Mediterranean

The taxonomic position of Synthesium tursionis (Marchi, 1873) (Digenea, Campulidae) is revised, based on material from 147 worms from four bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus stranded off the Comunidad Valenciana (Spanish western Mediterranean). The species is transferred to Hadwenius, as H. tursionis n. comb., and characterised by a high length/width ratio of the body, spinose cirrus and unarmed metraterm. Synthesium, a monotypic genus, becomes a synonym of Hadwenius. The intraspecific variation of some morphological traits is briefly discussed.

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Intestinal Helminth Fauna of Bottlenose DolphinTursiops truncatusand Common DolphinDelphinus delphisfrom the Western Mediterranean

We report on the intestinal helminth fauna of 15 bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus and 6 short-beaked common dolphins Delphinus delphis from the western Mediterranean. Eight helminth species were found in bottlenose dolphin, i.e., the digeneans Synthesium tursionis, Brachycladium atlanticum, and Pholeter gastrophilus, the nematode Anisakis sp., and the cestodes Tetrabothrius forsteri, Diphyllobothrium sp., Strobilocephalus triangularis, and tetraphyllidean plerocercoids. Brachycladium atlanticum, S. triangularis , and tetraphyllidean plerocercoids are new host records. No T. forsteri had previously been reported in Mediterranean bottlenose dolphins. Three species of helminths were reco…

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Balaenophilus manatorum (Ortíz, Lalana and Torres, 1992) (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) from loggerhead sea turtles, Caretta caretta, from Japan and the western Mediterranean: amended description and geographical comparison.

The ectoparasitic harpacticoid copepod, Balaenophilus manatorum (Ortiz, Lalana and Torres, 1992) (syn. Balaenophilus umigamecolus Ogawa, Matsuzaki and Misaki, 1997), has been reported on 3 species of marine turtles from the Pacific and the Mediterranean and from the West Indian manatee off Cuba in the Caribbean. The 3 available descriptions of this species were made using light microscopy. In this paper, we provide an amended description of B. manatorum using scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) for specimens in the collection from which B. umigamecolus was originally described. This material was collected from 1 loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta, from Japan. The use of SEM allowed us …

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Establishing the relative importance of sympatric definitive hosts in the transmission of the sealworm, Pseudoterranova decipiens: a host-community approach

The importance of a given host to a particular parasite can be determined according to three different criteria: host preference, host physiological suitability and host contribution to transmission. Most studies on the sealworm Pseudoterranova decipiens have focussed on the latter factor, but few attempts have been made to develop a quantitative transmission model evaluating the relative importance of each host. The purpose of this study was to propose a flow-chart model to study sealworm transmission within a seal community. The model was applied to hypothetical data of four seal species acting as definitive hosts of P. decipiens sensu stricto in eastern Canada: harp seal Phoca groenlandi…

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Phenotypic tradeoffs between egg number and egg size in three parasitic anisakid nematodes

Phenotypic tradeoffs between number and size of eggs were tested in three component populations of three marine anisakid nematodes: Anisakis simplex, Pseudoterranova decipiens and Contracaecum osculatum. Body and uterine volumes (as proxies of female size), and egg number, mean egg volume and clutch volume (as descriptors of reproductive output) were measured in 50 females of each species. Evidence of a phenotypic tradeoff was detected only in A. simplex; the first time that has been found in a parasite population. Comparison of feasible values inferred from the van Noordwijk and de Jong's model and current data showed that interindividual variation in egg size was narrower than expected in…

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Cestodes from Hector's beaked whale ( Mesoplodon hectori ) and spectacled porpoise ( Phocoena dioptrica ) from Argentinean waters.

Single individuals of 2 little-known cetacean species, Mesoplodon hectori and Phocoena dioptrica, stranded and died on the coast of Argentina (Buenos Aires and Chubut provinces, respectively) and were studied for the presence of helminths. The cestodes found were described and illustrated using light microscopy. The following cestode taxa were recovered: Tetrabothrius (Tetrabothrius) hobergi n. sp. (several fragmented specimens, at least 1 gravid) and Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 1 (several fragmented immature specimens) from M. hectori, and Tetrabothrius (s.l.) sp. 2 (single fragmented immature specimen) and 2 morphotypes of tetraphyllidean larvae from P. dioptrica. Tetrabothrius (T.) hobergi …

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Diphyllobothriids (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) from the long-finned pilot whale Globicephala melas (Traill, 1809) off the Faroe Islands, with comments on the taxonomy of Diphyllobothrium Cobbold, 1858 species from cetaceans

The taxonomy of marine species of the genus Diphyllobothrium, particularly those parasitic in cetaceans, is rather confused. During parasitological investigations of long-finned pilot whales Globicephala melas from waters off the Faroe Islands, five diphyllobothriid species were detected: Diphyllobothrium sp. (possibly D. polyrugosum), D. stemmacephalum, Diphyllobothrium sp. A, Diphyllobothrium sp. B and Diphyllobothriidae sp. D. stemmacephalum is reported for the first time from G. melas. The stituation regarding the taxonomy of Diphylobothrium species from cetaceans is briefly reviewed. It is concluded that the recent development of genetic techniques may be of great value in relation to …

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Living Together: The Parasites of Marine Mammals

The reader may wonder why, within a book of biology and conservation of marine mammals, a chapter should be devoted to their parasites. There are four fundamental reasons. First, parasites represent a substantial but neglected facet of biodiversity that still has to be evaluated in detail (Windsor, 1995; Hoberg, 1997; Brooks and Hoberg, 2000. Perception of parasites among the public are negative and, thus, it may be hard for politicians to justify expenditure in conservation programmes of such organisms. However, many of the reasons advanced for conserving biodiversity or saving individual species also apply to parasites (Marcogliese and Price, 1997; Gompper and Williams, 1998). One fundame…

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Comparison of a Manual and an Automated Method to Estimate the Number of Uterine Eggs in Anisakid Nematodes: To Coulter or Not to Coulter. Is That the Question?

Studies reporting numbers of eggs in vagina and utero in nematodes often give little information of the technique used for the estimations. This situation hampers comparison among studies, because, so far, differences in estimations provided by different techniques have not been assessed. This note examines whether a manual method based on visual counts in aliquots and an automated method using a Coulter counter yield equivalent estimations of egg numbers in vagina and utero of 3 anisakid nematode species (Anisakis simplex, Pseudoterranova decipiens, and Contracaecum osculatum). The number of eggs from 50 females per nematode species was estimated using both techniques. The automated and ma…

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