Collective spontaneous emission of two entangled atoms near an oscillating mirror
We consider the cooperative spontaneous emission of a system of two identical atoms, interacting with the electromagnetic field in the vacuum state and in the presence of an oscillating mirror. We assume that the two atoms, one in the ground state and the other in the excited state, are prepared in a correlated (symmetric or antisymmetric) {\em Bell}-type state. We also suppose that the perfectly reflecting plate oscillates adiabatically, with the field modes satisfying the boundary conditions at the mirror surface at any given instant, so that the time-dependence of the interaction Hamiltonian is entirely enclosed in the instantaneous atoms-wall distance. Using time-dependent perturbation …
Spontaneous emission of an atom near an oscillating mirror
We investigate the spontaneous emission of one atom placed near an oscillating reflecting plate. We consider the atom modeled as a two-level system, interacting with the quantum electromagnetic field in the vacuum state, in the presence of the oscillating mirror. We suppose that the plate oscillates adiabatically, so that the time-dependence of the interaction Hamiltonian is entirely enclosed in the time-dependent mode functions, satisfying the boundary conditions at the plate surface, at any given time. Using time-dependent perturbation theory, we evaluate the transition rate to the ground-state of the atom, and show that it depends on the time-dependent atom-plate distance. We also show t…