Esa Ala-ruona

Psyykkisesti oireileva asiakas musiikkiterapiassa : alkuarvioinnin käytäntöjä, sovelluksia ja teoriaa

research product

Enhancing the efficacy of integrative improvisational music therapy in the treatment of depression : study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Abstract Background Depression is among the leading causes of disability worldwide. Not all people with depression respond adequately to standard treatments. An innovative therapy that has shown promising results in controlled trials is music therapy. Based on a previous trial that suggested beneficial effects of integrative improvisational music therapy (IIMT) on short and medium-term depression symptoms as well as anxiety and functioning, this trial aims to determine potential mechanisms of and improvements in its effects by examining specific variations of IIMT. Methods/design A 2 × 2 factorial randomised controlled trial will be carried out at a single centre in Finland involving 68 adu…

research product

Scoping review and concept analysis of early adolescents’ emotional skills : Towards development of a music therapy assessment tool

Introduction: This paper describes the concept and content of early adolescents’ emotional skills among the general population. The research literature contains many emotional skills-related terms with overlapping meanings, and it can be challenging to determine which are applicable for example, to a music therapy assessment tool. This study comprises the first phase of developing an assessment tool for early adolescents’ emotional skills, namely, determining what is to be assessed. Method: A scoping review of the literature is presented with written definitions of emotional skills-related terms, as well as a concept analysis of the terms performed using Walker and Avant’s method. Results: …

research product

Non-Structured Initial Assessment of Psychiatric Client in Music Therapy

This paper is based on the grounded theory study, in which experienced music therapy clinicians were interviewed and their conception of an initial assessment were examined in detail. The main result of the study is a qualitative synthesis of initial assessment procedures, including the description of the process how a therapist gains his/her understanding of a client during an assessment period. In practice, an overall structure and a setting of assessment sessions enable practical activities, which are client-centered and usually non-structured. Activities can be seen as a chain of interactional conditions, under which the necessary data is collected: acting, experiencing, encountering, s…

research product

Musical interaction in music therapy for depression treatment

Music therapy is efficacious for the treatment of depression. Compared to other psychotherapeutic forms, it allows for the emergence of various modes of mutual interaction, thus enabling multiple channels for emotional expression and fostering therapeutic alliance. Although musical interaction patterns between client and therapist have been regarded as predictors of therapeutic outcome in depression, this has not yet been systematically investigated. We aim to address this gap by analyzing the possible linkage between musical interaction features and changes in depression score. In a clinical trial, digital piano improvisations from 58 Finnish clients and their therapists were recorded ove…

research product

sj-docx-1-pom-10.1177_03057356221084368 – Supplemental material for Musical interaction in music therapy for depression treatment

Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-pom-10.1177_03057356221084368 for Musical interaction in music therapy for depression treatment by Martin Hartmann, Anastasios Mavrolampados, Petri Toiviainen, Suvi Saarikallio, Katrien Foubert, Olivier Brabant, Nerdinga Snape, Esa Ala-Ruona, Christian Gold and Jaakko Erkkilä in Psychology of Music

research product

Psykiatristen asiakkaiden alkuarviointi musiikkiterapiassa

research product

Professional freedom : A grounded theory on the use of music analysis in psychodynamic music therapy

Although music is the fundamental element of music therapy, music analysis methods are a particularly under-researched area. This study investigates how and when psychodynamically orientated music therapists employ the analysis of musical material in both clinical work and research. Constructivist grounded theory was employed in the collection and analysis of the data. Eight participants, all highly experienced in psychodynamic music therapy, were recruited using referral sampling. In-depth interviews focused on therapists’ experiences of working with different client groups, and the applicability of different assessment methods. Strauss and Corbin’s coding paradigm was used to determine ca…

research product

Neglect, virtual reality and music therapy : A narrative review

research product

Alkuarviointi kliinisenä käytäntönä psyykkisesti oireilevien asiakkaiden musiikkiterapiassa : strategioita, menetelmiä ja apukeinoja

Assessment in music therapy refers to the process of collecting and analyzing information about a client for planning and implementing necessary therapeutic interventions, and mapping the possible aims and a course of therapy (e.g. Bruscia 1987). Music therapy assessment may also reveal new information about a client for establishing diagnostic hypotheses, especially if a client’s communication is otherwise very restricted and confined. Conducting an assessment enables a therapist to gain insight into a client’s personal traits, functioning and overall situation, and to further determine possible problems, needs and resources from a clinical viewpoint.Music therapy assessment in its differe…

research product

sj-docx-1-pom-10.1177_03057356221084368 – Supplemental material for Musical interaction in music therapy for depression treatment

Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-pom-10.1177_03057356221084368 for Musical interaction in music therapy for depression treatment by Martin Hartmann, Anastasios Mavrolampados, Petri Toiviainen, Suvi Saarikallio, Katrien Foubert, Olivier Brabant, Nerdinga Snape, Esa Ala-Ruona, Christian Gold and Jaakko Erkkilä in Psychology of Music

research product

Improvisaatiopohjainen yksilömusiikkiterapia masennuksen hoidossa : kontrolloitu, satunnainen tutkimus

Masennus on yleinen sairaus, joka vaikuttaa ihmisen elämään laaja-alaisesti, heikentäen muun muassa yksilön sosiaalisia taitoja ja vaikeuttaen kykyä tunnistaa ja ilmaista tunteita. Masennukseen liitetään myös vaikeudet ilmaista ja säädellä negatiivisia tunteita kuten vihaa. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin kliiniseen improvisaatioon perustuvan lyhytkestoisen musiikkiterapia-intervention lisäarvoa Käypä hoidon mukaiseen masennuksen hoitoon (engl. standard care, jatkossa Se) lisättynä verrattuna pelkkään se hoitoon. Psykiatriset arviot toteutettiin sekä koe- että kontrolliryhmille lähtötilanteessa ennen satunnaistamista, sekä kolmen kuukauden (musiikkiterapiaintervention jälkeen) ja kuuden ku…

research product

The effect of improvisational music therapy on the treatment of depression: protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Background. Music therapy is frequently offered to individuals suffering from depression. Despite the lack of research into the effects of music therapy on this population, anecdotal evidence suggests that the results are rather promising. The aim of this study is to examine whether improvisational, psychodynamically orientated music therapy in an individual setting helps reduce symptoms of depression and improve other health-related outcomes. In particular, attention will be given to mediator agents, such as musical expression and interaction in the sessions, as well as to the explanatory potential of EEG recordings in investigating emotion related music perception of individuals with depr…

research product