Katja Natale

Parents' causal attributions concerning their children's academic achievement

Katja Natale seurasi väitöstutkimuksessaan vanhempien lastensa koulumenestystä koskevien kausaaliattribuutioiden eli syyselitysten muotoutumista lasten siirtyessä esikoulusta kouluun. Hän tutki kuinka tärkeinä vanhemmat pitivät kykyä, yrityksen määrää, tehtävien vaikeustasoa ja lapsen saamaa ohjausta selittämässä lasten onnistumista ja epäonnistumista koulussa. - Koulunsa aloittavien lasten vanhempia voisi neuvoa viestimään lapsilleen, että heillä on kykyjä onnistua haastavissakin koulutehtävissä. Tällainen viesti vaikuttaa positiivisesti lasten koulutaitojen kehitykseen ja minäkuvan muuttumiseen realistisemmaksi, Natale suosittaa.Onnistuminen kyvykkyyttä, epäonnistuminen yrityksen puutetta…

research product

Cross‐lagged associations between kindergarten teachers' causal attributions and children's task motivation and performance in reading

The present study investigated whether kindergarten teachers' causal attributions would predict children's reading‐related task motivation and performance, or whether it is rather children's motivation and performance that contribute to teachers' causal attributions. To investigate this, 69 children (five to six years old at baseline) and their teachers were examined twice during the kindergarten year. Teachers filled in a questionnaire measuring their causal attributions twice during the kindergarten year. Information about the children's reading‐related task motivation and performance was gathered at the beginning of and at the end of the kindergarten year. The results showed that the hig…

research product

Children's school performance and their parents' causal attributions to ability and effort: A longitudinal study

Abstract The present study investigated the cross-lagged associations between parents' attributions of ability and effort concerning their children's success and failure, and children's academic performance in kindergarten and primary school. Two hundred seven children and their parents were followed over three years. The parents completed a questionnaire concerning their causal attributions for their children's performance three times. Children's performance in mathematics and reading was tested twice a year. The results showed that children's high academic performance predicted parents' attributions of their children's success to ability, whereas low performance predicted parental attribu…

research product

Mothers' Causal Attributions Concerning the Reading Achievement of Their Children With and Without Familial Risk for Dyslexia

The present study analyzed data from the Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Dyslexia to investigate the factors to which mothers of children with and without familial risk for dyslexia attribute the causes of their first-grade children's reading achievement. Mothers' causal attributions were assessed three times during their children's first school year. Children's verbal intelligence was assessed at 5 years and their word and nonword reading skills at 6.5 years. The results showed that the higher the word reading skills the children had, the more their mothers attributed their success to ability than to effort. However, if children had familial risk for dyslexia, their mothers' attribution o…

research product