Elin Thygesen
Research is on digital solutions that contribute to prevention, health promotion and coping. The center conducts interdisciplinary, practical, user oriented research and development with high professional quality. We develop knowledge and solutions through co-creation between users, the health service, business, and academia.
Using ICT training as an arena for intergenerational learning experience. A case study
Published version of a paper from the Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics; August 22; 2014; Grimstad; Norway In Norway; the responsibility of citizens’ e-inclusion services relies on municipalities through the administration of se-lected electronic health information and services; these insti-tutions face the challenge of educating to use these health systems. In the case of ICT-illiterate people; the questions about what is the necessary ICT knowledge for basic use and how this content should be pedagogically delivered arose. This paper presents a pioneer intergenerational model for ICT education; in which young generations teach the basics of ICT use to elderly people without IC…
User-centred Design of the User Interface of a Collaborative Information System for Inter-municipal Dementia Team
In the Norwegian Health sector there are currently undergoing changes at local, regional and national level triggered by recent health reforms. Municipalities are facing for first time the duty of implementing new primary health services. Inter-municipal coordination (IMC) health care teams have been created to operate across borders to share costs, extend geographical range of operation and optimise resources. This study focuses on the development and evaluation of the user interface (UI) functional prototype of a collaborative information system for IMC dementia team in Norway. Employing a user-centred design approach, the interface prototype was built based on the information gathered on…
Association between self-reported care needs and the allocation of care in Norwegian home nursing care recipients
saevareid h.i., thygesen e., lindstrom t.c. & nygaard h.a. (2012) Association between self-reported care needs and the allocation of care in Norwegian home nursing care recipients. International Journal of Older People Nursing7, 20–28 doi: 10.1111/j.1748-3743.2010.00247.x Objectives. This study investigated the relationship between patients’ self-reported illness, daily afflictions, and the frequency of home nursing care, and whether patients’ coping resources influenced the allocation of care. Design, sample and measurements. A cross-sectional survey was adopted. Two hundred and forty-two people aged 75 years and above receiving home nursing care participated in the study. Binary logisti…
Usability Evaluation of Electronic forms and Collaborative Assessment Report in an Inter-municipality Health Care team for Dementia Diagnose
Despite that paper-based medical procedures have historically been the most common way of registering and exchanging patient data; it does not avoid the potential risks of unauthenticated access; unregistered data loss; legibility and difficulty to share the data with third parties. The Coordination Reform 2009 (Samhandlingsreformen) has demanded from municipalities to implement health services for citizens based on electronic messaging that eases the access to and sharing of patient data. In the context of the Research project “Collaboration without borders” (Samhandling uten grenser); electronic forms and collaborative assessment report by videoconference have been usability tested in thi…
Critical issues for employees in inter-municipal health care services: a multiple case study
Abstract Background Traditional, hierarchical government structures have recently been challenged by increased complexity, fragmented services and heavy public demand. When healthcare services become fragmented and decentralised, they require redesign. Inter-municipal cooperation is a strategy to deal with current challenges and future demographic changes. Few studies exist that can help us conceptualize challenges regarding employment in this context and inform managers in the involved municipalities. This study aims to identify critical issues for employees in inter-municipal health care services and to elaborate on how and why these issues are experienced. Methods A multiple qualitative …
Advancing beyond the system: telemedicine nurses' clinical reasoning using a computerised decision support system for patients with COPD - an ethnographic study.
Abstract Background Telemedicine is changing traditional nursing care, and entails nurses performing advanced and complex care within a new clinical environment, and monitoring patients at a distance. Telemedicine practice requires complex disease management, advocating that the nurses’ reasoning and decision-making processes are supported. Computerised decision support systems are being used increasingly to assist reasoning and decision-making in different situations. However, little research has focused on the clinical reasoning of nurses using a computerised decision support system in a telemedicine setting. Therefore, the objective of the study is to explore the process of telemedicine …
Important challenges for coordination and inter-municipal cooperation in health care services: a Delphi study
Published version of an article in the journal: BMC Health Services Research. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1472-6963-13-451 Open Access Background: Demographical changes have stimulated a coordination reform in the Norwegian health care sector, creating new working practices and extending coordination within and between primary and hospital care, increasing the need for inter-municipal cooperation (IMC). This study aimed to identify challenges to coordination and IMC in the Norwegian health care sector as a basis for further theorizing and managerial advice in this growing area of research and practice. Methods. A Delphi study of consensus development was …
Use of welfare technology to increase employment of individuals with intellectual disabilities
Digitalisation of municipal healthcare collaboration with volunteers: a case study applying normalization process theory
Abstract Background Increasing use of volunteers in healthcare requires structured collaboration between healthcare services and volunteers. The aim of this research was to explore critical issues and strategies in the implementation process of a digital solution for collaboration with and coordination of volunteers in municipal healthcare services. Methods Qualitative data collection was used to study implementation of a digital system for collaboration with volunteers in three Norwegian municipalities. Three rounds of interviews were conducted with healthcare employees from a volunteer centre and from municipality healthcare units in three municipalities: before implementation, and 6 and …
Bedre kvalitet gjennom økt kompetanse? : undervisningssykehjemmet i Agder
Tittel: Bedre kvalitet gjennom økt kompetanse? Problemstilling: Bidrar satsing på kompetanseutvikling til bedre kvalitet på helse- og omsorgstjenestene i sykehjem? Formål: Formålet er å vurdere betydningen av kompetanseutvikling i regi av Undervisningssykehjemsprosjektet i Agder, samt å gjennomføre en evaluering og drøfting av primært en videreutdanning i eldreomsorg for hjelpepleiere og omsorgsarbeidere. Bakgrunn: Undervisningssykehjemmet i Agder ble etablert januar 2001. Den bærende ideen i Undervisningssykehjemmet er at kompetanseheving er et viktig bidrag til bedret kvalitet på helse-, omsorg-, og sosialtjenestene. Men hva er god kvalitet? Hva slags kompetanse må våre medarbeidere ha? V…
Innovative Simulation of Health Care Services in the Usability Laboratory: Experiences from the Model for Telecare Alarm Services-project
In Norway, a recent health reform urged municipalities to prepare for telecare alarm services to handle alarms associated to welfare technology and telecare technology in citizens’ homes. That requires a re-organisation of health and social services in many municipalities and several are preparing to establish new telecare alarm services operated in inter-municipal response centres. In this context, the research project “Model for Telecare Alarm Services” aims to study how existing telecare alarm services in Norwegian municipalities are organised and operated, and identify critical factors when designing new models for future services. This paper presents how an innovative simulation of hea…
Unlocking the limitations: Living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and receiving care through telemedicine-A phenomenological study
Aims and objectives To describe the lived experiences of quality of life among a group of patients living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who were included in a telemedical intervention after hospitalisation for disease exacerbation. Background Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease have high symptom burden, poor control of symptoms and a need for greater requirements in care. Telemedicine can provide benefits for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease by improving self-management. Design Descriptive phenomenological approach. Methods Ten in-depth interviews were conducted with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients participating in a telemedical…
A sense of belonging: A meta-ethnography of the experience of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease receiving care through telemedicine.
To synthesize the qualitative research in the literature addressing how patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease experience care received by telemedicine.Meta-ethnography.Twelve studies, published from 2013 - 2018, were identified by a search of relevant systematic databases in June 2017, including updated searches performed in June 2018.The studies were reviewed and critically appraised independently by three researchers. The review followed the seven steps of meta-ethnography developed by Noblit and Hare, including a line-of-argument synthesis.The synthesis revealed three second-order constructs: presence, transparency, and ambivalence. Using a line-of-argument synthesis, a mod…
Experiences of community-dwelling older adults with the use of telecare in home care services:a qualitative systematic review
BACKGROUND: The aging population will lead to a rise in the number of people with age-related diseases, and increasing demand for home care services. Telecare is seen as a solution to this challenge by promoting aging in place. Nevertheless, there is still a poor understanding of older adults' experiences with the actual use of telecare.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this review was to identify and synthesize the best available qualitative evidence of community-dwelling older adults' experience with the use of telecare in home care services.INCLUSION CRITERIA: This review considered studies that focused on qualitative data, examining older adults' experiences with the use of active and passive techn…
Challenges of Mainstreaming Telecare. Exploring actualization of telecare affordances in home care services
Additional file 2 of Digitalisation of municipal healthcare collaboration with volunteers: a case study applying normalization process theory
Additional file 2. Interview guide NPT (round 3).
Norwegian municipal rehabilitation services in transition
Background: Intending to meet increased demands of health care services due to the demographic change with an increasing elderly population, Norwegian municipalities along with many other western countries over the last couple of years have increased responsibility for providing rehabilitation services. The services include integrated homebased rehabilitation and institution- based rehabilitation services. The purpose of this study: How have workforces from the primary healthcare services experienced an increased responsibility for somatic rehabilitation? Methods: The study was based on qualitative research methods. We conducted five focus-group interviews with 25 participants with professi…
Communication and information exchange between primary healthcare employees and volunteers - Challenges, needs and possibilities for technology support.
In light of the challenges posed by an ageing population and tighter public budgets, governments worldwide are seeking innovative ways of improving health service delivery. Volunteers can contribute to such improvement, but this requires effective coordination and communication between volunteers and healthcare employees. In this case study, conducted in two Norwegian municipalities during September-October 2017, the aim was to understand how collaboration and coordination is carried out between several stakeholders: volunteers, volunteer family members of healthcare service users and healthcare employees. Our results show that daily cooperation was largely unsystematic, and stakeholders em…
Psychological distress and its correlates in older care-dependent persons living at home.
This study examined psychological distress in older people receiving home nursing care. The influence of risk factors and personal resources on their perceived psychological distress was also examined.A linear regression analysis was applied in a cross-sectional sample of 214 patients aged 75 years and older. Psychological distress was measured using the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). The independent variables were sex, education, age, living arrangement, household composition, reported illnesses, Barthel ADL Index, self-rated health, Subjective Health Complaints, Clinical Dementia Rating Scale, Sense of Coherence and Revised Social Provision Scale.Of the 214 participants, 23 (10.7%) r…
The Subjective Health Complaints Inventory: a useful instrument to identify various aspects of health and ability to cope in older people?
Aims: The aims were to investigate the factor structure of the Subjective Health Complaints Inventory (SHC) in a population of 75 years and above and to identify whether somatic, psychosocial, and coping factors were associated with the SHC factors. Methods: Data from 242 elderly persons were analyzed. The measures were: the SHC Inventory, Sense of Coherence, Social Provision Scale, Self-Rated Health, General Health Questionnaire, Clinical Dementia Rating, Reported Illness, Barthel ADL Index, sex, age, and education. Results: The factor analysis resulted in four subgroups: musculoskeletal pain (15% of variance), gastrointestinal problems (12% of variance), respiratory/allergy complaints (1…
Caring by Telecare? A Hermeneutic Study of Experiences among Older Adults and Their Family Caregivers
Aims and objectives To obtain a deeper understanding of the persistent use of telecare for older adults and their family caregivers. Background Telecare is seen as part of the solution in home care services for ageing in place. Previous studies have shown that telecare is a complex intervention, and there is still a poor understanding of older adults' and their family caregivers' experience with the use of telecare. Design This study used a qualitative hermeneutic research approach. Method Interviews were conducted with 18 older adults and follow-up interviews were conducted with 15 participants after 5-6 months of use. In addition, interviews were conducted with seven close family caregive…
Barriers to exchanging healthcare information in inter-municipal healthcare services: a qualitative case study
Abstract Background In recent years, inter-municipal cooperation in healthcare services has been an important measure implemented to meet future demographic changes in western countries. This entails an increased focus on communication and information sharing across organisational borders. Technology enables efficient and effective solutions to enhance such cooperation. However, the systems in the healthcare sector tend not to communicate with one another. There is a lack of literature focusing on communication and information sharing in inter-municipal healthcare services. The aim of this article is to investigate both the characteristics of communication and information sharing, and the f…
‘I Got To Answer the Way I Wanted To’: Intellectual Disabilities and Participation in Technology Design Activities
User involvement in technology design processes can have positive implications for the designed service, but less is known about how such participation affects people with intellectual disabilities. We explored how 13 individuals with intellectual disabilities experienced participation in the design of a transport support application. The study is based on qualitative interviews, photovoice interviews, participant observations, and Smileyometer ratings. A thematic analysis generated the following themes: a sense of pride and ownership, an experience of socialization, and a sense of empowerment. The findings suggest that participation in design activities is a primarily positive experience t…
Key challenges and best practices in the coordination of volunteers in healthcare services: A qualitative systematic review.
Cooperation between voluntary organisations and volunteers within healthcare services contributes to the development of public welfare. The coordination process between healthcare services and volunteers must therefore be studied to understand associated challenges and best practices. This paper presents a systematic literature review of studies that have used qualitative methods. The review was conducted to identify the knowledge base concerning these issues. The search was performed in 4 April 2019 on five databases: EbscoHost, Ovid, Scopus, Emerald and Svemed+. The selection criteria included papers published between 1 January 2009 and 4 April 2019. In total, 5,340 papers were extracted;…
Telemedicine to support coping resources in home-living patients diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Patients’ experiences
Introduction The way in which telemedicine contributes to promote coping and independence might be undervalued in the development of telemedicine solutions and the implementation of telemedicine interventions. This study explored how home-living patients diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) experienced follow-up using telemedicine, and the extent to which the implemented technology was able to support and improve the patients’ coping resources and independence. Methods A qualitative approach with individual semi-structured interviews was used. Ten patients diagnosed with COPD participated. The data were transcribed verbatim and a qualitative content analysis method wa…
Additional file 1 of Digitalisation of municipal healthcare collaboration with volunteers: a case study applying normalization process theory
Additional file 1. Interview guide (round 1 and 2).
Mapping Elderly Citizen’s Computer and ICT Use in a Small-sized Norwegian Municipality
In Norway, many citizensâ services are exclusively or at least delivered online. They usually require sufficient knowledge to use information and communication technologies (ICT). As part of an Interreg IV European project focused on e-inclusion for elderly, this work presents a study to map computer and Internet use among the elderly. The study was carried out in a small municipality of 10 000 inhabitants in Southern Norway, of whom15% were 65-year-olds or older. 178 replies out of 500 were obtained. Results showed that 9 out of 10 had access to and frequently used a computer at home. However, there still was 1 out of 5 who did not make effective use of ICT. Importantly, half of the resp…