Latvijas Zinātņu Akadēmija

Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2009, Pavasaris (203)

Contents: E.R.Mustel, President of the Astronomical Council of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Congratulations to Editorial Board of “Zvaigžņotā debess” ; Z.Alksne. Gould’s Belt ; I.Daube. At the Radioastrophysical Observatory of the Latvian Academy of Sciences ; Z.Alksne, A.Alksnis. Lopsided Galaxies ; A.Alksnis. HII Region Gum 29 – a Stellar Nursery ; D.Docenko. On Collision of Asteroid 2008 TC3 with the Earth ; V.Lapoška. On „Leap Second” ; I.Vilks, M.Gills. Beginning of the International Year of Astronomy in Paris: Impressions by Latvian Delegates ; J.Jaunbergs. Equatorial Ridge on Iapetus ; M.Sudārs. Space Shuttle Is Not Likely to Retire Next Year ; I.Vilks. Planet Satellite Names in Lat…

research product

Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2008, Vasara

Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija, Latvijas Universitāte

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2012/13, Ziema (218)

Saturs: Dienas kārtībā – «melnie caurumi» ; «Pioneer-10» dodas uz Jupiteru ; A.Alksnis. Dīvains miglājs, kam daudz nosaukumu ; M.Ņečajeva, I.Šmelds. Jonosfēras pētījumi Ventspils Starptautiskajā radioastronomijas centrā ; L.Gulbe. Satelīts ne tikai televīzijai, bet arī mežu uzraudzībai ; I.Ķešāns. Nīls Ārmstrongs ; Pirmo reizi “ZvD”: Ints Ķešāns ; E.Bervalds. Par Jāņa Ikaunieka iecerēm un VSRC (nobeigums) ; J.Dambītis, A.Cibulis. Ievērojamais Latvijas matemātiķis Arvīds Lūsis (1900–1969) ; A.Alksnis. LVU astronomijas specialitātes studenti – 1952. gada diplomandi (3.turpin.) ; I.D., I.P. Šoziem atceramies: Arturs Balklavs-Grīnhofs (2.I 1933.) – 80, Ernests Grasbergs (8.III 1938.) – 75 ; K.Š…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2000, Rudens (169)

Contents: M.Zepe. Water Steam in the Venus Atmosphere ; B.Sala, L.Kondraševa. Use of Solar Energy ; A.Balklavs. Century Long Astrophysics ; Z.Alksne, A.Alksnis. Plenty of Extrasolar Planets ; Z.Alksne, A.Alksnis. Unexpected Discovery of Spiral Structure in a Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy ; A.Balklavs. Hunting for the Black Holes ; J.Jaunbergs. Private Enterprise on Mir ; T.Czarnik. Surviving Explosive Decompression ; M.Gills. Space Research 40 Years Ago – Chronicle ; M.Krastiņš. Impressions about Rose Center for the Earth and Space ; K.Bērziņš. On Friendly Terms with Cosmology: Basic Principles and Models of the Universe (continuation) ; V.Flerov, A.Cēbers, D.Docenko, V.Kaščejev. Latvia 24th Open…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2018, Pavasaris (239)

Contents: “ZVAIGŽŅOTĀ DEBESS” FORTY YEARS AGO: A.Balklavs. Some Considerations about Communication with Extraterrestrial Civilizations (abridged) ; I.Rabinovičs. Does the Moon Affect Living Nature? (abridged) ; DEVELOPMENTS in SCIENCE: K.Schwartz. Brown Dwarfs ; DISCOVERIES: I.Pundure. Odd Movements of Star Reveal Lonely Black Hole in Globular Star Cluster ; I.Pundure. Gaia Enables Viewing Evolution of Orion Constellation over Coming 450 000 Years ; J.Kuzmanis. A Guest from Another Stars ; SPACE RESEARCH and EXPLORATION: J.Jaunbergs. To Catch the Galactic Visitor `Oumuamua ; J.Jaunbergs. Invisible Connections of Dione ; LATVIAN SCIENTISTS: The List of Popular Science Papers (1958-2016) by P…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2013, Vasara (220)

Saturs: Pēdējā "Apollo" ekspedīcija uz Mēnesi ; Vissavienības Astronomijas un ģeodēzijas biedrības Latvijas nodaļa ; M.Gills. ESON – astronomijas popularizēšanas tīkls ; S.Kropa. Dvēsele Atakamas tuksnesī ; M.G. Īsumā: ESO Astro Camp Eiropas vidusskolēniem 2013.gada decembrī ; A.Alksnis. Atklāta vēl viena no Saulei vistuvākajām kaimiņzvaigznēm ; A.Alksnis. Tuvēja zvaigzne, kas ir izveidojusies jau drīz pēc Lielā Sprādziena ; A.Alksnis. Čeļabinskas superbolīds – simtgades notikums ; A.Alksnis. Nevis pārsteidzoša nova, bet gan kvazāra uzliesmojums ; I.Eglītis. Orius – Baldones observatorijā atklātais centaurs ; R.Misa. Denisa Tito Marsa iedvesmas fonds ; A.A. Īsumā: Ap zvaigzni Gleznotāja Bet…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2011, Vasara (212)

Contents: “ZVAIGŽŅOTĀ DEBESS” FORTY YEARS AGO: A.Balklavs. Extremely Distant New Objects of Metagalaxy (abridged) ; Newspaper „Literaturnaja Rossija” 9 April 1971. Astronautics: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (abridged) ; CONFERENCE “The VIEW from SPACE. FIRST MANNED SPACE FLIGHT – 50”: M.Gills. Conference on the Eve of Human Space Flight Anniversary ; J.Ekmanis, S.Negrejeva. Mstislav Keldysh and Golden Age of Soviet Science ; T.Millers. Contribution of Scientists of the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry to the Development of Space Technologies and Materials ; G.Vilka. Remembrance of Friedrich Zander in Rīga ; O.Plepis. My Contribution to the Development of Space Medicine ; J.Stradiņš. Latvia’s …

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2017/18, Ziema (238)

Contents: “ZVAIGŽŅOTĀ DEBESS” FORTY YEARS AGO: I.Vilka. Starry Sky and Birds’ Journeys (abridged) ; N.Cimahoviča. Spirals of Saturn’s Rings (abridged) ; I.Šmelds. V Readings of Friedrich Zander ; DEVELOPMENTS in SCIENCE: K.Schwartz. Most Distant Galaxy Clusters and 3D Structure of the Universe ; DISCOVERIES: M.Gills. The Day when Multi-Messenger Astronomy Was Announced ; I.Pundure. ESO Telescopes and Hubble Observe the Source of Gravitational Waves for the First Time ; I.Eglītis. Asteroid “Balklavs” ; SPACE RESEARCH and EXPLORATION: R.Misa. Mission of Cassini – Discoveries to the Very End ; J.Jaunbergs. The Icy World Tethys ; OBSERVATORIES and INSTRUMENTS: M.Gills. The Giant Radio Telescope…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2016, Vasara (232)

Contents: “ZVAIGŽŅOTĀ DEBESS” FORTY YEARS AGO: A.Balklavs. New Studies and Conclusions on Nucleus of the Galaxy (abridged) ; U.Dzērvītis. Discussion on Planetary System of Barnard’s Star Continues (abridged) ; M.Eliāss. Meeting of Solar Radio Radiation Section (abridged) ; DEVELOPMENTS in SCIENCE: O.Dumbrājs. Neutrino Oscillations: from the Outset to the Nobel Prize ; R.Misa. Conversation with Andris Ambainis on Quantum Computing Science ; DISCOVERIES: F.Gahbauer. First Direct Detection of Gravitational Waves ; I.Pundure. ATLASGAL Survey of Milky Way Completed ; SPACE RESEARCH and EXPLORATION: J.Jaunbergs. The Story of Pluto’s Satellites ; K.Schwartz. Conducting Ice and Magnetic Field of Ur…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2012, Rudens (217)

Saturs: P.Stučkas LVU ieguldījums astronomijas speciālistu sagatavošanā ; Starp "maldugunīm" un zvaigznēm ; A.Alksnis. Dawn kosmosa misija palīdz atklāt asteroīda Vesta noslēpumus ; D.Docenko. Komentārs: Par Higsa bozona atklāšanu ; I.P. Frīdriha Candera 125.dzimšanas dienai Krievijas Pasts izdevis marku ; P.Leckis. Mākoņu pārklātais pavadonis ; D.Kotlere, I.Šmelds. Kosmisko atlūzu novērojumi Ventspils Starptautiskajā radioastronomijas centrā ; Pirmo reizi “ZvD”: Dace Kotlere ; I.P. Divas dienas, godinot Jāni Ikaunieku (28.IV 1912.–27.IV 1969.) ; I.Pundure. Jāņa Ikaunieka devums Latvijas astronomijai ; N.Cimahoviča, Imants Vilks, R.Saveļjeva, T.Millers, A.Krastiņš. Atmiņas par Ikaunieku ; E…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2005, Rudens

Latvijas Zinātnes padome, Latvijas Universitāte

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 1996, Pavasaris (151) - 1996/97, Ziema (154)

Sākot ar 1996, Rudens(153) "Zvaigžņotā Debess" izdevējs ir apgāds "Mācību grāmata".

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2007, Pavasaris

Latvijas Zinātnes padome, Latvijas Universitāte

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2004, Rudens (185)

Contents: L.Kondraševa and I.Zimina. New Riga Planetarium ; I.Rabinovičs. Remembering Fricis Blumbahs ; N.Cimahoviča. 50 cm Reflector Constructed in Riga ; J.Tambergs. Problems of Dialogue between Quantum Mechanics and Theology. A.Alksnis, Z.Alksne. The Sloan Great Wall ; A.Balklavs. Radio Galaxy – Emitter of Very High Energy Gamma-Rays ; A.Balklavs. Cosmic Objects in Photos – 2 ; A.Balklavs. New Assessments of Fine-Structure Constant Variability ; N.Cimahoviča. Dark Electric Matter Objects Around Us ; A.Balklavs. New Data on the Solar Granulation ; J.Jaunbergs. The Sinking Cliffs on Io ; D.Krieviņš. Space Launchers of Early XXI Century ; M.Sudārs. SpaceShipOne Closest to X-Prize ; J.Harja.…

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Zvaigžnotā Debess: 2007, Vasara

Latvijas Zinātnes padome, Latvijas Universitāte

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2015, Rudens (229)

Latvijas Universitāte

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2018, Vasara (240)

Jauna hipotēze par I tipa pārnovu izcelšanos ; No 108 minūtēm līdz 96 dienām ; Maiņzvaigznes (astronomija skolā) ; O.Dumbrājs. Nēteres teorēmai 100 gadu ; K.Švarcs. Jauni novērojumi tālā un tuvā kvazārā ; I.P. Īsumā: ALMA un VLT iegūst liecību par zvaigžņu veidošanos tikai 250 miljonus gadu pēc Lielā Sprādziena ; I.Pundure. Lagūnas miglājs – zvaigžņu bērnistaba Habla skatījumā ; I.Pundure. ALMA un APEX atklāj veidojošos galaktiku megasaplūšanu agrīnajā Visumā ; K.Salmiņš. LU Astronomijas institūts pirmais veicis nanopavadoņa S-NET lāzermērījumus ; J.Jaunbergs. Zeme atpakaļskata spogulī ; J.Jaunbergs. Sniegotā Helēne un mazais Polideiks ; R.Misa. Latvijas uzņēmums Eventech piedalīsies Luna-2…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2010/11, Ziema (210)

Contents: “ZVAIGŅOTĀ DEBESS” FORTY YEARS AGO: Bursting Stars. J. Francman (abridged). Geodesists Help Renew the Spire of St. Peter’s Church. J. Klētnieks (abridged). DEVELOPMENTS in SCIENCE: The Solar Neutrino Problem. O. Smirnova. NEWS: At Last the Planet at the Star β Pictoris Is Imaged. A. Alksnis, Z. Alksne. SPACE RESEARCH and EXPLORATION: The Trail of an Asteroid Reveals a Recent Collision. A. Alksnis. INTERNATIONAL YEAR of ASTRONOMY 2009: International Year of Astronomy 2009 in Philately. The Rest of the World except Series EUROPA (concluded). J. Limansky. ACADEMIC STAFF of the UNIVERSITY of LATVIA: Assistant Professor in Physics Ojārs Šmits (24.04.1930.-14.03.1993.) of the Latvian Un…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 1995, Pavasaris (147) - 1995/96 Ziema (150)

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2000, Pavasaris (167)

Contents: P.Müürsepp. B.Schmidt, Prominent Optician of 20th Century ; J.Miezis. Buildings on the Moon ; Z.Alksne, A.Alksnis. Stars Enshrouded in Envelopes ; A.Alksnis. Goals and Progress of the DENIS Program ; Z.Alksne. Shapley Supercluster – Playground of Clusters of Galaxies ; A.Alksnis. Wide Field Imager Discovers Distant Galaxies ; J.Jaunbergs. Roton SSTO: First Flight Tests ; M.Gills. Space Research 40 Years Ago – Chronicle ; I.Vilks. The Secret of Low-Probability Complexity in the Universe ; K.Bērziņš. On Friendly Terms with Cosmology: Development of Cosmological Views (concluded) ; A.Balklavs. Astronomy in the Internet (WWW) ; V.Flerov, A.Cēbers. Latvia 23rd Open Olympiad of Physics:…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2010, Rudens (209)

Contents: G.Carevsky, I.Daube. Comet Bennett ; E.Fogels. Srinivasa Ramanujan ; M.Krastiņš. Smallest Planet of the Solar System: a Riddle of Centuries (1st part) ; A.Alksnis, Z.Alksne. Hot Jupiters and Their Retrograde Motion ; V.Karitāns. James Webb Space Telescope. What will it Be? ; K.Salmiņš. GFZ CHAMP Laser Tracking Award to SLR Station Riga ; J.Jansons. Vladimir Afanasjev, Officer of the Baikonur Cosmodrom in the 1970s (concluded) ; J.Limansky. International Year of Astronomy 2009 in Philately. Series EUROPA (2nd sequel) ; J.Dambītis. Centenary of Prominent Latvian Mathematician Ernests Fogels (1910-1985) ; J.Klētnieks. Sketches of History of Astronomy (concluded) ; M.Gills. Public Sun…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2000/01, Ziema (170)

Contributor other: Barklavs, Arturs

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2001, Rudens (173)

Contents: G.Ozoliņš. Radio-Locators Investigate Solar System ; U.Dzērvītis. First Radio Star Discovered ; J.Āboliņš. Science, Dinosaurs and Evolution: Cosmos and Life on Earth ; Z.Alksne, A.Alksnis. Our Galaxy Swallows Its Companions ; A.Balklavs. New Data on Massive Objects in the Galactic Cores ; A.Balklavs. Actualities of Investigations of Dwarf Galaxies ; Z.Alksne. The Web of the Early Universe Primordial Filaments ; M.Gertāns. NEAR Mission Successfully Completed ; I.Vilks. Spaceflight. Almost Everyday Life (1973-2000) (concluded) ; J.Jaunbergs, D.Meldere. Mr. Tito’s Great Space Adventure ; N.Cimahoviča, A.Balklavs. Radio Astronomy in Latvia. How It All Happened ; J.Jansons. First Unive…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2007, Rudens

Latvijas Zinātnes padome, Latvijas Universitāte

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2010, Vasara (208)

Contents: N.Cimahoviča. Sun’s Researcher in the Far East ; A.Balklavs. A New Hypothesis on Formation of Galaxies ; A.Balklavs. Gravitation and Peculiar Galaxies ; A.Barzdis. First Population Stars and Galaxies ; Z.Alksne, A.Alksnis. Does Giant Planet Orbit Dwarf Star? ; A.Alksnis, Z.Alksne. Epsilon Aurigae Eclipsed by Dark Dust Disk ; M.Ābele, K.Adgere, E.Grabs, L.Osipova, E.Rutkovska, J.Vjaters, V.Veckalns. Latvian Students Take Part in the Project European Student Moon Orbiter ; Announcement on the 3rd International Symposium on Dark-Sky Parks: 6-10 September 2010, Croatia ; J.Jansons. Vladimir Afanasjev – Officer of the Baikonur Cosmodrom in the 1970s ; J.Limansky. The International Year…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 1998, Pavasaris (159) - 1998/99, Ziema (162)

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2001, Pavasaris (171)

Contents: J.Ikaunieks and G.Petrov. Plan of the Radio interferometer of the Astrophysical Laboratory of the LAS ; Z.Alksne and L.Reiziņš. Astronomical Calculations by Electronic Computer ; Z.Alksne, A.Alksnis. The First Decade of the Hubble Space Telescope ; Z.Alksne. Both a Planet and a Dust Disk Orbit Iota (ι) Horologii ; Z.Alksne. The Story of Sakurai’s Star is Continuing ; J.Jaunbergs. Space News on the Web ; I.Vilks. Spaceflight. Period of Great Success (1961-1973) ; I.Abakumov. From History of the Photographic Observations of Earth Artificial Satellites ; M.Kūle. Attitude to Person: Modern Variations ; K.Bērziņš. On Friendly Terms with Cosmology: Basic Principles and Models of the Uni…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2008, Rudens

Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija, Latvijas Universitāte

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 1991, Pavasaris (131) - 1991/92 Ziema (134)

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2005, Pavasaris

Contents: A.Balklavs, N.Cimahoviča, J.Ikaunieks. Radio Astronomy in the Baltic Republics ; L.Maistrovs. Keeping Watch on Precision ; A.Balklavs. The Anthropic Principle ; Z.Alksne, A.Alksnis. Has Exoplanet Been Spotted at Last? ; J.Freimanis. The Distance to Pleiades and Problems with Hipparcos ; A.Balklavs. Does the Chandra See Black Holes in Distant Galaxy? ; A.Balklavs. Massive Black Holes – Remnants of the First Stars’ Evolution ; A.Balklavs. Cosmic Objects in Captivating Photos – 4 ; M.Gills. A Collision or a Unique Event? ; J.Jaunbergs. Volcanological Safari of Io ; D.Krieviņš. Space Launchers of Early XXI Century. Europe, Japan, China and other States ; M.Sudārs. Huygens Landing on t…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2011, Pavasaris (211)

Contents: “ZVAIGŽŅOTĀ DEBESS” FORTY YEARS AGO: A.Alksnis. XIV General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (abridged) ; H.Strods. Jaunlaicene’s Watchmaker (abridged) ; I.Daube. At the Radioastrophysical Observatory of the Latvian Academy of Sciences (abridged). 50 YEARS SINCE GAGARIN’S SPACE FLIGHT: R.Misa. Dream about Cosmos ; A.Zalcmane. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky Astronautics Museum in Kaluga; E.Bērziņa. Outer Space in Pauls Stradins Museum of History of Medicine. NEWS: A.Alksnis. Different Faces of Whirpool Galaxy ; A.Alksnis. The Kleopatra’s Trio and other Minor Planets Groups. SPACE RESEARCH and EXPLORATION: V.Kalniņš. NASA Preparing Solar Probe Plus to Plunge into Sun's Atmos…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 1992, Pavasaris (135) - 1992/93 Ziema (138)

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2009, Vasara (204)

Contents: E.Conners. The Trojan Asteroids ; V.Šmēlings. Men on the Moon! ; E.Bervalds. Astronomical Domes and “Sauna” ; Z.Alksne, A.Alksnis. Sakurai’s Object Fails to Escape Own Dust ; Z.Alksne, A.Alksnis. R CrB Stars Surrounded by Dust Clouds ; M.Gills. April Started with Astronomy ; A.Alksnis. First Stamps Dedicated to Astronomy by Latvia’s Post-Office ; I.Pundure. Arturs Balklavs and Astronomy of Latvia (till 1969) ; M.Sudārs. Satellite Collisions – What Threat Do They Pose? ; I.Vilks. Dwarf Planets Names in Latvian ; Announcement on the 2nd International Symposium on Dark-sky Parks: 14-19 September 2009, Slovenia ; A.Andžāns. The Best Way to Fight Darkness Is to Switch on Light (Intervi…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2016, Rudens (233)

Latvijas Universitāte

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2009/10, Ziema (206)

Contents: TASS and Soviet Press materials. Flight of the Group of Three Soviet Spaceships ; Soviet and Foreign Press materials. Second Expedition on the Moon ; Č.Šklennik. Excursion to an Ancient Laboratory ; M.Gills. Opening Address ; Conference “Astronomy in Latvia” Programme ; From Presentation Abstracts ; I.Pundure. First Enterprise of this Kind ; N.Cimahoviča. Astronomical Contribution to Culture ; A.Alksnis. First Findings of Space Mission CoRoT ; I.Pundure. Ten Years of Chandra Hot Universe Exploration ; M.Gills. The Beginning of Autumn with Astronomy ; Buying Stars and Star Names (translation from IAU) ; I.Pundure. Arturs Balklavs and Astronomy of Latvia (1990-1997) ; J.Jaunbergs. A…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2006, Vasara

Latvijas Zinātnes padome, Latvijas Universitāte

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2017, Vasara (236)

Contents: In MEMORIAM of ANDREJS ALKSNIS: Curriculum Vitae of Andrejs Alksnis (1928-2017) ; Condolences and Parting Words ; List of Publications by Professor Andrejs Alksnis ; “ZVAIGŽŅOTĀ DEBESS” FORTY YEARS AGO: J.Francmanis. Enigma of Saturn’s Rings Brightness (abridged) ; E.Mūkins. Crater on Mercury Named After Rainis (abridged) ; Ā.Alksne. The Starry Sky in the Summer of 1977 (abridged) ; DEVELOPMENTS in SCIENCE: K.Schwartz. Early Universe Through the Eyes of Telescopes ; DISCOVERIES: K.Schwartz. Dwarf Galaxy Henize 2-10 with a Massive Black Hole ; J.Kuzmanis. Hot Topic – FRB 121102 ; SPACE RESEARCH and EXPLORATION: J.Kalvāns. Are Earth's Oceans of Interstellar Origin? ; J.Jaunbergs. ‘D…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2009, Rudens (205)

Contents: I.Daube. Jānis Ikaunieks ; A.Balklavs. Mountains on the Venus ; TASS and “Pravda” materials. Soviet Automatic Stations “Venera-5” and “Venera-6” Reach Venus ; A.Alksnis. Gathering of Astronomers at the University ; A.Alksnis, M.Ābele, I.Eglītis, B.Rjabovs, K.Salmiņš, I.Pundure. Directions of Scientific Research of the UL Institute of Astronomy Assessed ; D.Docenko. Meteorite Fallen in Sudan Recovered ; A.Alksnis. How Asteroids Will Disturb Observation with Extremely Large Telescopes ; M.Gills. Daily in Network with Astronomy ; I.Pundure. Arturs Balklavs and Astronomy of Latvia (continued) ; M.Sudārs. IXV – Step towards Reusable Space Vehicles ; V.Kalniņš. Hyperdrive and Heim’s Qua…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2004/05, Ziema

Contents: Ņ.Ozoliņa. Earthquakes in Latvia ; I.Daube. Space Craft “Ranger-7” ; M. Gailis. Moon Investigation in Riga ; J.Tambergs. Problems of Dialogue between Quantum Mechanics and Theology (concluded) ; Z Alksne, A.Alksnis. Ultra-Cool Dwarf Pair Weighed ; A.Balklavs. Successful Hunt of Protostars ; A.Balklavs. Silhouette of a Black Hole ; A.Balklavs. A Distant Giant Quasar ; A.Balklavs. Cosmic Objects in Captivating Photos – 3 ; J.Freimanis. Extragalactic Planetary Nebulae ; J.Jaunbergs. Cassini Enters the Saturnian System ; D.Krieviņš. Space Launchers of Early XXI Century. The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) ; J.Bārzdiņš. Professor Rusins-Martins Freivalds on the Path of Science…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2000, Vasara (168)

Contributor other: Barklavs, Arturs

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2006, Pavasaris

Latvijas Zinātnes padome, Latvijas Universitāte

research product

Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2017, Pavasaris (235)

Contents: “ZVAIGŽŅOTĀ DEBESS” FORTY YEARS AGO: E.Mūkins. Clouds of Venus: Structure and Composition (abridged) ; J.Miezis. 3rd All-union Young Astronomers Gathering (abridged) ; DEVELOPMENTS in SCIENCE: K.Schwartz. New Discoveries in the Milky Way ; DISCOVERIES: I.Eglītis. Small Planets Get Latvian Names ; I.Pundure. Earth-mass World Revealed around Proxima Centauri ; SPACE RESEARCH and EXPLORATION: J.Jaunbergs. Mysteries of Saturn’s Clouds ; A.Slavinskis. Contribution of Estonian Student Satellite Programme ESTCube to Largest Challenges for Humanity ; R.Misa. Impossible Engine that Is likely Possible ; I.Pundure. ESO VLT to Search for Planets in Alpha Centauri System ; EARTH and COSMOS: J.…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2008, Pavasaris

Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija, Latvijas Universitāte

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2011/12, Ziema (214)

Saturs: Gamma staru astronomijas problēmas ; Apollo-14 Mēness ekspedīcija ; A.Laure. Protoplanetāro miglāju stadija zvaigžņu evolūcijā ; A.A. Jaunumi īsumā: Oglekļa zvaigzne un rentgenstaru avots ; A.Alksnis. Heršels ielūkojas Miras galvā ; D.Docenko. Jauns dziļš debess apskats WiggleZ ir pabeigts: gaidām rezultātus ; A.A. Jaunumi īsumā: Pundurplanēta Erīda ir precīzi izmērīta. Atvērto durvju dienā Garhingā... ; M.Gertāns. Iepazīstot Kenedija kosmosa centru un atvadoties no Space Shuttle ; J.Dambītis. Ievērojams Latvijas matemātiķis – docents Nikolajs Brāzma (1913-1966) ; J.Jansons. Fiziķu centieni 1950.-1960. gados atgriezt fundamentālo zinātni Universitātē ; V.Fļorovs, A.Cēbers, D.Bočarov…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 1993, Pavasaris (139) - 1993/94 Ziema (142)

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 60.gadskārta

Contents: In Remembrance of Jānis Ikaunieks, Arturs Balklavs and Andrejs Alksnis: I.Pundure. «ZVAIGŽŅOTĀ DEBESS» Was Leading to the Truth … ; I.Pundure. Astronomers of Latvian Origin in IAU Management ; DISCOVERIES: I.Pundure. Gaia’s Most Accurate Star Map of Milky Way and Its Surroundings ; SPACE RESEARCH and EXPLORATION: I.Pundure. ESA Selects Three New Missions to Explore the Universe ; LATVIAN SCIENTISTS: The List of Popular Science Papers (1958-2016) by Professor Andrejs Alksnis (concluded) ; In memoriam: Dr.sc.ing. Edgars Bervalds (1936-2019) ; In memoriam: Dr.phys. Natālija Cimahoviča (1926-2019) ; FLASHBACK: I.Pundure. On Hawking’s Publication in the Vatican’s Commentarii Series ; F…

research product

Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2017, Rudens (237)

Contents: “ZVAIGŽŅOTĀ DEBESS” FORTY YEARS AGO: U.Dzērvītis. Dispute on Hubble’s Constant Value (abridged) ; E.Mūkins. Ten «Venera»’s: Devices, Journeys and Results (abridged) ; DEVELOPMENTS in SCIENCE: K.Schwartz. New Discoveries in the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex ; SPACE RESEARCH and EXPLORATION: J.Jaunbergs. Salty Emanations of Enceladus ; R.Misa. Voyager: the Longest and Farthest ; OBSERVATORIES and INSTRUMENTS: J.Kuzmanis. Dragon Looks at the Sky ; K.Salmiņš. On ILRS Technical Workshop 2017 in Riga ; CONFERENCES and MEETINGS: M.Sudārs. Trends of Space Infrastructure Development in Europe ; M.Gills. Congress of European Planetary Science 2017 in Riga ; FLASHBACK: N.Cimahoviča. On Whirl…

research product

Zvaigžņotā Debess: 1997, Pavasaris (155) - 1997/98, Ziema (158)

Sākot ar 1997, Rudens (157) " Zvaigžņotā Debess" autori: Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija un Latvijas Universitātes Astronomijas institūts.

research product

Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2011, Rudens (213)

Contents: “ZVAIGŽŅOTĀ DEBESS” FORTY YEARS AGO: A.Spektors. New Radiotelescopes (abridged) ; N.Cimahoviča. Solar Researchers Gather in Samarkand (abridged) ; DEVELOPMENTS in SCIENCE: M.Krastiņš. Smallest Planet of Solar System: Riddle of Centuries (2nd part) ; NEWS: A.Alksnis. New Look at „Oddball” Star Cluster NGC 6791 ; CONFERENCE “The VIEW from SPACE. FIRST MANNED SPACE FLIGHT – 50”: U.Stirna. Creation of Space Technologies and Materials ; ACADEMIC STAFF of the UNIVERSITY of LATVIA: A.Salītis. Centenary of Latvian Astronomer Professor K.Šteins (1911-1983) ; LATVIAN SCIENTISTS: I.Vilks. Remembering Leonora Roze (1928-2010) ; For SCHOOL YOUTH: A.Bruņeniece, I.Dudareva. Human Adventure in Sp…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2015, Vasara (228)

Latvijas Universitāte

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 1994, Pavasaris (143) - 1994/95 Ziema (146)

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2005, Vasara

Contents: In memoriam Arturs Balklavs-Grīnhofs ; Parting Words to Arturs Balklavs ; List of Publications by Prof. Dr.phys. Arturs Balklavs-Grīnhofs ; Astronomy in 25 Years of Soviet Latvia ; Man in Space: Based on newspaper “Pravda” materials ; U.Dzērvītis. Centenary of the Theory of Relativity ; A.Balklavs. Gamma Emission from the Galactic Centre ; A.Alksnis, Z.Alksne. Fewer Brown Dwarfs, More Red Ones ; A.Alksnis. New Observations of the Eruptive Variable Star V838 Mon ; A.Balklavs. Cosmic Objects in Captivating Photos – 5 ; J. Freimanis. On Polarization of Continuous Solar Spectrum ; J.Jaunbergs. The Very First Contact with Titan ; A.Millers. Biological Effects of Cosmic Rays ; J.Jansons…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 1999, Pavasaris (163) - 1999/2000, Ziema (166)

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2010, Pavasaris (207)

Contents: E.Cielēns. Have Events in Space Influenced Evolution of Life on the Earth? ; A.Balklavs. Do Pulsars Radiate also in X-Rays? ; Soviet Press materials. Satellite of Friendship In Orbit ; I.Kalviņš. Innovation in Latvia: an Illusion or Reality? ; I.Eglītis. Half Comet-Half Asteroid Discovered With Baldone Schmidt Telescope ; A.Alksnis. While Rosetta is on the Fly from Steins to Lutetia ; M.Gills. Astronomy beyond 2009 ; IAU1001 Press Release. The International Year of Astronomy 2009: The Largest Science Education and Public Outreach Event in History ; J.Limansky. The International Year of Astronomy 2009 in Philately. Series EUROPA ; A.Bruņeniece, I.Dudareva. Wonders of the Solar Syst…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2005/06, Ziema

Latvijas Zinātnes padome, Latvijas Universitāte

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2006, Rudens

Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija, Latvijas Universitāte

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2008/09, Ziema

Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija, Latvijas Universitāte

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2016/17, Ziema (234)

Contents: “ZVAIGŽŅOTĀ DEBESS” FORTY YEARS AGO: A.Balklavs. New Possibilities in Search of Cosmic Gravitational Waves (abridged) ; E.Mūkins. «Venus-9» and «Venus-10» Scientific Accomplishment (abridged) ; DEVELOPMENTS in SCIENCE: K.Schwartz. The Unknown Solar Corona ; DISCOVERIES: I.Pundure. Gaia Has Obtained Billion-Star 3D Map ; SPACE RESEARCH and EXPLORATION: J.Jaunbergs. Tar Lakes of Titan ; R.Misa. A Step Closer to Stars ; CONFERENCES and MEETINGS: J.Balodis. Copernicus Is Becoming an Impressive Business ; K.Bērziņš. Conference of Young European Radioastronomers at the Latvian Centre in Germany ; FLASHBACK: A.Alksnis. Short Trips and Faraway Journeys (concluded) ; For SCHOOL YOUTH: D.Bo…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2014/15, Ziema (226)

Contents: “ZVAIGŽŅOTĀ DEBESS” FORTY YEARS AGO: J.Stradiņš. Vestige of Otto Schmidt in Latvia (abridged) ; Leonora Roze. All-Union Conference in Latvian State University (abridged) ; DEVELOPMENTS in SCIENCE: K.Schwartz. Gravitational Waves and Cosmic Inflation ; DISCOVERIES: A.Alksnis. Light Echoes from Supernova 2014J in Galaxy M82 ; A.Alksnis. Discovery of the Benešov Meteorites 20 Years after the Bolide Event ; I.Pundure. Giant Filament on the Sun Watched by NASA's SDO ; I.Pundure. MAVEN’s Mars Exploration Mission Started ; SPACE RESEARCH and EXPLORATION: R.Misa. Plasma Engines and Ad Astra Rocket Company ; LATVIAN SCIENTISTS: J.Freimanis. Reviewing My 60 Years of Life (concluded) ; KĀRLI…

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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmijas, Latvijas Universitātes Astronomijas institūta populārzinātnisks gadalaiku izdevums

Contents: JĀNIS IKAUNIEKS – 100: N.Cimahoviča. Subjacent Was Venture ; I.P. Articles on Jānis Ikaunieks and Articles by Jānis Ikaunieks in Zvaigžņotā debess ; “ZVAIGŽŅOTĀ DEBESS” FORTY YEARS AGO: A.Balklavs. Ball Lightning and Solar Activity (abridged) ; Streamer with the USSR State Emblem on Mars (TASS materials) ; NEWS: I.Eglītis. Asteroid Baldone – Christmas Gift for Latvia ; I.Eglītis. LUAI Astrophysics Observatory Discovers First Trojan Asteroid ; V.Kalniņš. Exceeding Speed of Light in CERN Experiment from the Theory of Relativity Viewpoint ; O.Dumbrājs. Higgs Boson ; NOBEL PRIZE WINNERS: D.Docenko. Nobel Prize in Physics for Discovery of Accelerating Expansion of Universe ; SPACE RESE…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2001, Vasara (172)

Contents: U.Dzērvītis. Sensational Discovery in Experimental Physics ; G.Rozenfelds. Solar Eclipse in Kamishin ; Z.Alksne, A.Alksnis. Search for Exsoplanets: Success and Complications ; Z.Alksne. A Star is Growing in a Bok Globule ; A.Balklavs. Observation of an Interesting Object by Cosmic Radio Interferometer ; A.Balklavs. HALCA – Step in Space Radio Interferometry ; T.Czarnik. Physiological Adaptation to Weightlessness ; Ilgonis Vilks. Spaceflight. Period of Great Success (1961-1973) (concluded) ; Ilgonis Vilks. Spaceflight. Almost Everyday Life (1973-2000) ; V.Straupe. About Astronomy in One of the Biggest Museum of Natural Sciences ; Imants Vilks. Contemporary Science on Eternal Life ;…

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2006/07, Ziema

Latvijas Zinātnes padome, Latvijas Universitāte

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2007/08, Ziema

Latvijas Zinātnes padome, Latvijas Universitāte

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Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2012, Vasara (216)

Contents: “ZVAIGŽŅOTĀ DEBESS” FORTY YEARS AGO: E.Bervalds. From Intention to Reality (abridged) ; A.Egle. Conceptions of Our Ancestry About Heavenly Bodies and Astronomical Phenomena (abridged) ; NEWS: I.Eglītis. Asteroid Discovered at Baldone Observatory Named after Ikaunieks ; A.Alksnis. ALMA Helps to Study Planetary System of Star Fomalhaut ; A.Alksnis. More than Ten Light-Years Long Filament of Cosmic Dust Discovered ; A.Alksnis. Billions of Rocky Planets in the Milky Way ; SPACE RESEARCH and EXPLORATION: M.Sudārs. The Little Secret Space Shuttle Is Flying! ; M.Sudārs. Too Much Litter! Not in Rubbish Dump, but in the Space! ; “ENERĢIJA un PASAULE” VISITS “ZVAIGŽŅOTĀ DEBESS”: Talk with D…

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