Paola La Scala
Museums: new icons of the Digital Age
Museum is much more than a place for preserving artifacts and objects. Indeed, throughout history, the museums, flexible and adaptive places, have been designed as social aggregators, to house objects and collections in which community could identify. They have always represented powerful means of communication through their ability to convey knowledge and to involve its audience (tourists and local residents). For over half a century, museums have become an important design topic, accompanied by a sharp increase in the creation of new architectural formal configurations. Also the role of museum has been changing: museum is not only a place for exhibiting, also the container itself has beco…
The Museum of London, a City Museum as Narrative Exhibition
From temples of sacred objects to repositories of colonial trophies and from monuments of civility to spaces for self-expression, the shape and the appeal of museums through history has been fashioned to hold particular collections of objects. Moreover the museums have been also designed to adapt to particular display techniques appropriate for a particular collection. In the last century, a period of structural reinvention in the design and shaping of the exhibitions, the museum making is challenging, creative, and complex. The ‘new museum making’ includes emotive exhibitions within communicative buildings in order to create ‘narrative experiences’ which integrate objects, spaces, and audi…
Network of small towns. Themes and projects in the territory of Tindari
The protection of natural and cultural resources in small towns is a topic of growing interest within the European context and aims to enhance the local heritage toward an interaction consciously balanced between human activities. The project Tindari 2030: Natural emotion led by the research group LabCity Architecture aims to indicate and enhance the territory of Tindari with regard to its natural, cultural and religious resources, such as the Sanctuary of the Black Madonna, an archaeological site (396 BC), the sandy naturalistic system of the 'Laghetti di Marinello',the 'Coda di Volpe' trail, which is the remaining part of the 'Via Francigena Palermo-Messina per la marina'. This project in…
PROGETTARE LO SPAZIO INTERCULTURALE. Approccio multi-scalare nel quartiere Albergheria a Palermo / DESIGNING INTERCULTURAL SPACE. A multi-scalar approach in the Albergheria neighbourhood in Palermo
Migration has always been a major driver of urban transformation stimulating opportunities and challenges for cities and encouraging architectural and urban designers for taking a proactive and dynamic role in responding to the crisis. Enhancing these changes, and designing intercultural spaces for local communities, is a complex and urgent spatial challenge, that should be addressed by a multi-scalar approach aiming to integrate urban, architectural and public spaces. This paper illustrates a research-action resulting from a collective work developed on key urban spaces of the Albergheria neighborhood of Palermo, where a design-led research based on a multiscalar regeneration approach (urb…
Michelle Henning: Museum, Media and Cultural Theory
La recensione di Museum, media and cultural theory, primo risultato pubblicato relativo alla ricerca condotta da Michelle Henning sui media comunicativi e sulla loro applicazione all’interno dei musei, mira ad analizzare gli aspetti contenutistici del testo, a contestualizzarne il contenuto nei filoni teorici di riferimento e a sottolinearne l’importanza nell’ampio dibattito attuale sull’argomento cui fa riferimento, le nuove strategie di esposizione nei musei.
Mediterranean City in Transition
The critical knowledge of the complex urban context of Palermo has led the research group LabCity ARCHITECTURE to some observations, from a didactic and research point of view, on the theme of inter-active infrastructure as an interpretative and operative figure of project in the city. Thus the projects for the future stations Politeama, Porto and Libertà of the Railway Ring offer possibilities for urban connection at the same time as hybridization and integration of urban mobility system to public space.
Rete di centri minori. Temi e progetti nel territorio di Tindari
The protection of natural and cultural resources in small towns is a topic of growing interest within the European context and aims to enhance the local heritage toward an interaction consciously balanced between human activities. The project Tindari 2030: Natural emotion led by the research group LabCity Architecture aims to indicate and enhance the territory of Tindari with regard to its natural, cultural and religious resources, such as the Sanctuary of the Black Madonna, an archaeological site (396 BC), the sandy naturalistic system of the 'Laghetti di Marinello',the 'Coda di Volpe' trail, which is the remaining part of the 'Via Francigena Palermo-Messina per la marina'. This project in…
A Palermo sulle tracce dei Fenici: comunicare per valorizzare
Nell’immagine di Palermo sono impressi i segni tangibili e intangibili dei molteplici popoli che l’hanno dominata. Nella pluralità di queste civiltà, meritano un racconto a sé i Fenici, fondatori della città, le cui tracce nel centro storico, restano ancora nascoste e spesso poco conosciute. Un opportuno recupero di tali testimonianze archeologiche può avvenire attraverso la loro comunicazione museografica al pubblico (turisti e cittadini). Tale contributo intende definire possibili strategie (ad esempio pannelli e applicazioni su dispositivi digitali) efficaci per trasmettere il significato storico e culturale di questi luoghi, inseriti in un percorso unico, e valorizzarne la memoria.
For three decades, numerous urban renewal projects have involved European cities located on rivers, demonstrating how an interpretation of the urban and peri-urban areas is related to questions about high-quality ecological development and environmental sustainability. This report places the majority of large projects involving river cities among new environmental practices, usually adhered to for large events which are seen as tools for transforming the land and the image of the host city. In this context, cities near rivers are increasingly aware of the natural environment which shapes the identity of a place and which requires ordinary and extraordinary renewal projects. This is the fram…
Valledolmo 2030: la città che cura
The small towns can become the places to reactivate the rural areas of our country through essential factors starting from the natural and cultural heritage, from social inclusion, from psycho-physical well-being, helping to reverse the unstoppable phenomenon of the flight of young people. The current Covid-19 emergency has revealed the crucial role of health, not only in terms of health facilities, but also in new ways to feel better, spend more free time outdoors, eat healthily and boost the economies of Local communities. It is in this context that the research-action project of the research group and the LabCity Architecture degree laboratory aims to investigate the theme of the city th…
Musei e nuove tecnologie per allestire
In recent years, the application of new technology has become more widespread in expanding areas. In the field of cultural heritage, this technology has brought important changes to traditional systems of protection, management and enhancement; there are new languages for communicating the different values of cultural heritage, contributing to a more extensive dissemination of culture assets.The application of new media in indoor museums is changing the way of presenting objects and communicating their meaning, and renders the visit more enjoyable, involving and exciting.However, the excessive use of these tools can become overwhelming when compared to the objects themselves, transforming t…
Comunicare l'archeologia: innovazioni multimediali negli allestimenti museali
Negli ultimi anni il tema della comunicazione museale attraverso i più avanzati strumenti di comunicazione è diventato, per i museografi, di forte interesse progettuale. Da diversi anni viene condotto infatti un dibattito molto acceso sui metodi e mezzi di comunicazione a supporto della narrazione archeologica in continuo contrasto fra tradizionalisti e rinnovatori, sul rapporto tra gli oggetti e la multimedialità e sul museo come luogo di apprendimento e divertimento. La ricerca approfondisce l'uso e il ruolo delle nuove tecnologie di comunicazione concentrandosi sulla possibilità di inserimento di essi negli allestimenti a carattere archeologico. Negli ultimi anni, i new media hanno appor…
Esperienze didattiche e traiettorie di architettura in Corea del Sud
Over the last few years the concept of knowledge-based has acquired increasing acceptance, thus providing a new context in which knowledge may become a fundamental resource for innovation. To this end, the internationalization of academic activity is a fundamental tool for awareness in interaction in didactic and research methodology. This article presents a few thoughts regarding he teaching and research of the LabCity Architecture (DARCH-UNIPA group), on the theme of the transformation of the city of Busan, in South Korea, through the re-composition of disseminated parts of the city and the enhancement of the urban and natural heritage of the contemporary city.
New technology for archaeological museums: three case studies on the Mediterranean coast
The archaeology/technology combination has long been accepted with the second being seen to be at the service of the study and conservation of the first. Much less immediate and recent is the combination between the archaeological museum and technology for communication. Certainly, becauseof its ability to express dynamic and immediate information, new technology, if well integrated in the exhibition and well calibrated with the presence of original objects, can be a very effective support to the public’s appreciation. The paper aims to provide some examples that seem to adequately describe good integration practices between the authentic and the mediated, between the original and the virtu…
Comunicare per valorizzare: un progetto per il sito Archeologico di Eraclea Minoa
Innovativi processi e linguaggi multimediali stanno trasformando i tradizionali sistemi di valorizzazione dei beni culturali. La pervasiva diffusione delle tecnologie digitali e virtuali ha infatti permesso l’elaborazione di strumenti e metodi particolarmente efficaci per la comunicazione e valorizzazione anche degli aspetti immateriali di oggetti e siti caratterizzati dal loro valore storico e dai significati culturali che trasmettono. In particolare la complessità e ricchezza d’implicazioni culturali proprie dei siti archeologici, richiedono oggi efficaci elementi di informazione e comunicazione per attivare coinvolgimento e piena consapevolezza nei visitatori, anche se in presenza di poc…
Museum and Exhibition Design in the Digital Age
From temples of sacred objects to repositories of colonial trophies and from monuments of civility to spaces for self-expression, the shape and the appeal of museums through history has been fashioned to hold particular collections of objects. Moreover the museums have been also designed to adapt to particular display techniques appropriate for a particular collection. In the last century, a period of structural reinvention in the design and shaping of the exhibitions, the museum making is challenging, creative, and complex. The ‘new museum making’ includes emotive exhibitions within communicative buildings in order to create ‘narrative experiences’ which integrate objects, spaces, and audi…
Bridging Heritage and Tourist UX: A Socially-Driven Perspective
The paper illustrates the potential of smart-phones as a medium of exchange of memories and experiences. Our application aims at providing diverse types of cultural user experience: to enable tourists to explore new places from a social-driven perceptive; to support new forms of connection and interaction between users and information (data exchange, contents sharing, feedback); to compose interactive narrative conveying the richness of information of interest to the user; to allow users to experience the narrative and underlying physical environment as a mixed-reality experience while allowing for deeper, context-specific exploration at any time through AR system.