R. Marino
R. Marino, N. Tzankova Dintcheva, F.P. La Mantia LLDPE/caly/compatibilizers nanocomposites: rheological behaviour under shear and non-isothermal elongational flow
An Italian experience on crash modeling for roundabouts
In the last few years a considerable amount of safety models and evaluation tasks have been developed and specifically dedicated to roundabouts. Several safety performance functions (SPFs), indeed, have been implemented for roundabouts worldwide. Since SPFs are developed using crashes, traffic volume and other characteristics of a specific site (or geographical area), their direct transferability to other contexts different from those in which SPFs were calibrated is not always possible and, in any case, it must be done very carefully. A safety performance function cannot be used without a transferability evaluation for sites not included in the geographic area for which it was developed. S…
La pianificazione stradale in Sicilia, prima dell’unità d’Italia
Morphology modification of a polyethylene/clay nanocomposite samples under convergent flow
The morphology of PE/CL nanocomposite samples subjected to convergent flows is studied. Elongational flow – the typical flow involved in spinning and film-blowing processing operations – significantly increases with the reduction of the capillary diameter. The values of the convergent extensional stress (calculated by Cogswell's formula) for the PE/CL systems, for all the adopted capillary geometries, are greater than the calculated values for pure polyethylene. The applied convergent flow, at the entrance of the capillary, is able to change the clay morphology and consequently the final material properties on the PE/CL system with limited affinity between the matrix and organo-modified cla…
Time to onset of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws: a multicentre retrospective cohort study
Objectives: Osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) is a potentially severe adverse effect of bisphosphonates (BP). Although the risk of ONJ increases with increasing duration of BP treatment, there are currently no reliable estimates of the ONJ time to onset (TTO). The objective of this study was to estimate the TTO and associated risk factors in BP-treated patients. Subjects and Methods: Retrospective analysis of data from 22 secondary care centres in seven countries relevant to 349 patients who developed BP-related ONJ between 2004 and 2012. Results: The median (95%CI) TTO was 6.0 years in patients treated with alendronate (n = 88) and 2.2 years in those treated with zoledronate (n = 218). Multiv…
Emergency management in patients with haemophilia A and inhibitors on prophylaxis with emicizumab: AICE practical guidance in collaboration with SIBioC, SIMEU, SIMEUP, SIPMeL and SISET
Emicizumab has been approved in several countries for regular prophylaxis in patients with congenital haemophilia A and FVIII inhibitors because it substantially reduces their bleeding risk and improves quality of life. However, although significantly less frequent, some breakthrough bleeds may still occur while on emicizumab, requiring treatment with bypassing or other haemostatic agents. Thrombotic complications have been reported with the associated use of activated prothrombin complex concentrates. In addition, when surgery/invasive procedures are needed while on emicizumab, their management requires multidisciplinary competences and direct supervision by experts in the use of this agen…
Improving Reliability of Road Safety Estimates with High Correlated Accidents Count Data
Estimating traffic operations at multi-lane roundabouts: A case study
This paper addresses traffic modeling issues at urban multi-lane roundabouts where, despite circulating vehicles have priority, negotiation of the right-of-way can occur between antagonist traffic flows, as a result of minor drivers’ failing to obey the nominal operating rule (stop or yield control). Existing models for the estimation of operational performances have the shortcoming of not representing the interdependencies between entering and circulating vehicles at multi-lane roundabouts. An analytical capacity model derived from field observations was developed for this kind of intersections in a previous study. The complexity of the model lies in the difficulty of observing the behavio…