Giuseppe Campisi

Le cultivar siciliane di ciliegio dolce: aspetti fenologici, morfologici e genetico-molecolari

research product

Growth and yields of 'Arbequina' high-density planting systems in three different olive growing areas in Italy

The sustainability of the traditional olive-growing sector in EU countries characterised by high production costs and a low selling price for the oil was mainly determined by EU subsidies available for the sector. With the opening of the free trade area by the Barcellona Declaration of 1995 and a cut in EU subsidies in 2014, crucial changes in the sector are now needed. In order to increase the competitiveness of EU olive production, attention should be given to new high-yielding and mechanized cultivation systems. In the 1990s, Spain introduced new high-density planting systems (1,200-2,000 trees/ha) using three low-vigour and early-fruiting cultivars ( Arbequina , Arbosana and Koroneiki )…

research product

Aspetti agronomici della peschicoltura biologica nel Mezzogiorno d'Italia

research product

Genetic diversity and clonal variation within the main Sicilian olive cultivars based on morphological traits and microsatellite markers

The richness of Olea europaea (L.) genetic resources in Sicily is well documented. In the last 30 years, mostof the local cultivars, landraces and ecotypes have been gathered together in a large ex-situ collection,containing more than 300 genotypes. In this study, 45 putative clones of the main Sicilian olive cultivarswere characterized morphologically using microsatellite markers to unambiguously identify possiblesuperior genotypes. The microsatellites employed were polymorphic (observed heterozygosity = 0.71;polymorphic information content = 0.59), discriminated 52% of the genotypes and enabled the detectionof intra-cultivar polymorphism, derived from both somatic mutations, indicating th…

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research product

Olive Growing in a Time of Change: From Empiricism to Genomics

Since its beginning, the olive crop has been a long-lived agricultural system in the Mediterranean Basin being well adapted to this area. Traditional olive growing, still prevalent in most producing areas, is characterized by low tree density and rainfed orchards with low yield and manually harvested. The traditional olive growing technology is local, diverse, and empirically based. New high density, irrigated, and mechanically harvested orchards has been progressively planted since the end of World War II. These plantations produce high crops at low costs, but they reduce the diversity of cultivars, increase the demand of inputs and the risk of environment unbalances. The expansion and int…

research product

Varietà locali, valore aggiunto per l'olio extravergine d'oliva

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Modelli d'impianto "in parete" per una coltivazione sostenibile

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Control of the crop load by NAA in relation to time of application and chemical concentration in Sicilian indigenous table olive cultivars

research product

Morphological, phenological and molecular characterization of the Sicilian indigenous olive (Olea europaea sativa L) germplasm

research product

Horticultural performance of 23 Sicilian olive genotypes in hedgerow systems: Vegetative growth, productive potential and oil quality

Abstract The super high density (SHD) model is a new olive growing system characterized by earlier and higher yields, fully mechanized harvesting and reduced orchard management costs. Until recently all commercial SHD orchards were planted primarily with three varieties: ‘Arbequina’, ‘Arbosana’ and ‘Koroneiki’. To increase variety diversity, broaden available olive oil chemical and organoleptic profiles, and olive oils for marketing, minor local varieties should be evaluated for adaptability to the SHD system. This study compares multiple Sicilian native genotypes to the three current cultivars ‘Arbequina’, ‘Arbosana’ and ‘Koroneiki’. The cumulative fruit and oil production, trunk-cross sec…

research product

Indagini sull'attitudine alla conservazione di frutti del germoplasma di pesco siciliano: prime osservazioni su montagnole, percoche, sbergie e tabacchiere.

research product

Vecchie varietà per una nuova peschicoltura in Sicilia

research product

Analisi climatologiche alla toposcala per la valutazione della variabilità ambientale in rapporto alle esigenze ecologiche delle cultivar di pesco di due distretti frutticoli della Sicilia

research product

Intra-cultivar Diversity in sicilian and calabrian olive (olea europaea L.) Cultivars Depicted by Morphological Traits and SSR Markers

In this study, SSR analysis was performed on a large number of putative clones of the main olive cultivars from two Italian regions, Sicily and Calabria, in order to study the genetic relatedness, and to detect any degree of genetic diversity, which can be used to unambiguously identify possible superior clones. These putative clones have been collected and observed in the last ten years, following an extensive investigation carried out in traditional olive growing areas, thanks to the reports of farmers, millers, technician, growers and nurseries. The set of microsatellite (SSR) markers used allowed the detection of the genetic diversity, resulting from somatic mutation, indicating the pre…

research product

Fruit physical and chemical composition of the pistachio cultivar "Bianca" as affected by post-harvest treatments

research product

Utilization of phenoclimatic models to study the climatic changes on fruit trees phenology

research product

Morphological and SSR molecular markers based genetic variability in 39 olive cultivars ( Olea europaea L.) originated in Southern Italy

research product

Fruit qualitive variation in several pistachio cultivars in the time-course of storage

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Tecnica colturale da migliorare per l'olivo da mensa del Belice

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Indagini sulla crescita dei frutti e sulle caratteristiche qualitative dell’olio in rapporto alla carica produttiva in due cultivar di olivo siciliane

research product


In this study, SSR analysis was performed on a large number of putative clones of the main olive cultivars from two Italian regions, Sicily and Calabria, in order to study the genetic relatedness, and to detect any degree of genetic diversity, which can be used to unambiguously identify possible superior clones. These putative clones have been collected and observed in the last ten years, following an extensive investigation carried out in traditional olive growing areas, thanks to the reports of farmers, millers, technician, growers and nurseries. The set of microsatellite (SSR) markers used allowed the detection of the genetic diversity, resulting from somatic mutation, indicating the pre…

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Scelte agronomiche e gestione colturale nella peschicoltura siciliana: risultati di un biennio di osservazioni.

research product

La qualità delle olive non peggiora con alte produzioni

research product

La peschicoltura tardiva siciliana

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Il germoplasma autoctono del pesco (P. persica L. Batsch) in Sicilia: aspetti fenologici, morfologici e molecolari

research product

Olivo: le varietà siciliane adatte alla raccolta meccanica

research product

CULTIVAR DI OLIVO SICILIANE. Identificazione validazione, caratterizzazione morfologica e molecolare e qualità degli oli. Contiene manuale per la caratterizzazione primaria di cultivar di olivo siciliane.

research product

Le cultivar di olivo (Olea europaea L.)siciliane della collezione costituita dal Dipartimento di Colture Arboree di Palermo presso l’azienda ‘Campo Carboj’ dell’Ente di Sviluppo Agricolo della Regione Siciliana.

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Crescita vegetative ed aspetti ecofisiologici in giovani piante di olivo inoculate con il virus associato all’ingiallimento fogliare (OLYaV).

research product

Fenologia della maturazione e caratteristiche qualitative dei frutti di pesco del germoplasma autoctono della Sicilia

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SPECIALE PESCO: L'offerta siciliana tra innovazione e tradizione

research product

Morphological, phenological and molecular characterization of the Sicilian indigenous olive (Olea europaea sativa L.)germplasm

research product

Olivo in Sicilia

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Variabilità di caratteri biometrici e molecolari (ssr) del germoplasma autoctono di ciliegio in Sicilia

research product

Le cultivar di olivo siciliane in collezione presso il DCA di Palermo

research product

Esigenze bio-termiche e stima del periodo di sviluppo del frutto in cultivar di pesco a differente epoca di maturazione

In this experiment carried out in Sicily (37.35N 12.58E), fruit growth was studied in relation to thermal time accumulated from bloom to fruit harvest for peach cultivars whose fruit development period ranges from 76 to 170 days. Thermal time was calculated in terms of GDH (base temperature 6.2-10 °C, optimum temperature 23.3-24.5 °C and critical temperature 33.7-39.4 °C) by the use of non-linear models. Climatic and phenological data (bloom and harvest dates) were considered for a minimum of four to a maximum of six years. Taking into account the whole FDP, the accuracy of the GDH model in predicting harvest time ranged from 0.6 day, in the early ripening peach cultivar Anita, to 6.4 days …

research product

Le cultivar di olivo siciliane (pp.15-37)

research product

Efficienza produttiva, dinamica di maturazione e qualità dell'olio della cultivar Arbequina in cinque diversi distretti olivicoli italiani

research product