Garello Stefana
Recensione di "Che cos'è la gestualità di Emanuela Campisi"
Recensione del libro "Che cos'è la gestualità " di Emanuela Campisi
Pragmatics, Metaphor Studies and the Challenge of Mental Imagery
Metaphor is considered a figurative use of language, a term that seems to recall the imagistic dimension characterizing this kind of utterances. Tzvetan Todorov (1967) speaks of “figure” as “visibility of speech”: as a figure, metaphor provides a kind of figurability to what is communicated. As Paul Ricoeur wrote in La métaphore vive (Ricoeur, 1975), metaphor makes “speech appear”. Precisely because of the reliance on the idea of figure, it is therefore not surprising that discussions on metaphor often refer to the role that mental images play in their comprehension. A long tradition holds that the formation of a mental image is fundamental for the comprehension of certain kinds of metaphor…