G. Caccamo
The HCV Sicily Network: A web-based model for the management of HCV chronic liver diseases
Epidemiological studies report that in Sicily reside about 30,000 citizens with a diagnosis of chronic hepatitis due to HCV. The availability of direct antiviral action (DAA) is a real therapeutic breakthrough, but the high cost of the therapeutic regimes limits their use and forced the National Health System to establish clinical priority for the treatment.The HCV Sicily Network is a web-based model of best medical practice, which was designed to improve the management and the treatment of HCV chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis. The network includes 41 centers and 84 gastroenterologists or infectivologists connected by a web platform that recorder the diagnosis and the clinic priority for the…
Add-on peginterferon alfa-2a to nucleos(t)ide analogue therapy for Caucasian patients with hepatitis B ‘e’ antigen-negative chronic hepatitis B genotype D
Nucleos(t)ide analogues (NAs) and peginterferon have complementary effects in chronic hepatitis B, but it is unclear whether combination therapy improves responses in genotype D-infected patients. We conducted an open-label study of peginterferon alfa-2a 180 μg/week added to ongoing NA therapy in hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg)-negative, genotype D-infected patients with HBV DNA <20 IU/mL. The primary endpoint was proportion of patients with ≥50% decline in serum HBsAg by the end of the 48-week add-on phase. Seventy patients received treatment, 11 were withdrawn at week 24 for no decrease in HBsAg, and 14 withdrew for other reasons. Response rate (per-protocol population) was 67.4% (29/43) at…
Prevalence of metabolic syndrome: A comparative analysis in an unselected sample of mediterranean subjects
Abstract AIM: The metabolic syndrome (MS) is associated with increased cardiovascular and cerebrovascular risk. This study aimed to compare the difference of the three established diagnostic criteria of MS, developed by Adult Treatment Panel III (ATP III), American Heart Association (AHA) and National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), and International Diabetes Federation (IDF), with regard to the prevalence of the syndrome and the ability to correctly identify individuals with cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease or subclinical atherosclerosis. METHODS: We studied 947 consecutive patients underwent clinical evaluation between the 1997-2002. The project design included a medical …
Is early recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma in HCV cirrhotic patients affected by treatment with direct-acting antivirals? A prospective multicentre study
SummaryBackground Data on HCV-related hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) early recurrence in patients whose HCC was previously cured, and subsequently treated by direct-acting antivirals (DAAs), are equivocal. Aim To assess the risk of HCC early recurrence after DAAs exposure in a large prospective cohort of HCV-cirrhotic patients with previous successfully treated HCC, also looking for risk factors for cancer early recurrence. Methods We enrolled 143 consecutive patients with complete response after curative treatment of HCC, subsequently treated with DAAs and monitored by the web-based RESIST-HCV database. Clinical, biological, and virological data were collected. The primary endpoint was the…
Insulin resistance and acute coronary syndrome
BACKGROUND: Insulin resistance (IR), which can be quantified by HOMA index (fasting glucose X fasting insulin/22.5), is considered the "primum movens" for the development of Metabolic Syndrome. Many authors have suggested that insulin resistance could raise both incidence and mortality of coronary heart disease (CHD). IR is also associated with important predictors of cardiovascular disease, as increased concentration of LDL or triglyceride, decreased concentration of HDL, high systolic blood pressure, visceral obesity. There is accumulating evidence that chronic sub-clinical inflammation, as measured by inflammatory markers as C-reactive protein (CRP) and fibrinogen, is related with insuli…
Vasospastic angina and scombroid syndrome: a case report
Scombroid syndrome is a fish poisoning characterised by the onset of symptoms compatible with a pseudoallergic reaction; it is rarely also responsible of signs and symptoms of acute coronary syndromes, as demonstrated in this case report.
Prediction of vascular events in subjects with subclinical atherosclerosis and the metabolic syndrome: The role of markers of inflammation
AIM: The presence of the metabolic syndrome (MS) increases cardiovascular morbidity and mortality and we aimed to assess the outcome in subjects with the MS and subclinical atherosclerosis. METHODS: We followed-up for five years 339 Mediterranean subjects with asymptomatic carotid intima-media thickness >0.9 mm (men: 60%; age: 66±5 years), of whom 130 had the MS (men: 59%; age: 66±5 years), evaluating at baseline traditional cardiovascular risk factors (including male gender, older age, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, smoking, family history of cardiovascular diseases, dyslipidemia) and plasma levels of C-reactive protein and fibrinogen. RESULTS: Cardio- and cerebrovascular events were reg…