Ridha El Mokni
The florula of hypersaline habitats in Central Mediterranean and its biological traits
Salinity is one of the most widespread soil degradation processes. In fact in saline soils uneven temporal and spatial water distribution and localized high concentration of salts occur, characterizing restricted habitats where most of the present organisms are halophilic or salt tolerant. Soils could be classified hypersaline when salt concentration exceeds certain thresholds (1, 2). For this study were analysed 10 hypersaline soil localities from Sicily (Birgi, Isola Lunga, Salinelle Marsala, Capo Feto, Piana del Signore, Vendicari) and Tunisia (Qurba, Khniss, Ras Dimas, Chebba). These areas are temporarily flooded in autumn and winter, with longer permanence of water in some zones. Salt …
A prioritised inventory of crop wild relatives and wild harvested plants of Tunisia
AbstractAn inventory of crop wild relatives (CWR) and wild harvested plants (WHP) occurring in Tunisia, based on the integration of the last available floristic checklists, is presented. The taxa were prioritised according to economic value of the related crop, potential for crop improvement, threat status, endemism, inclusion in the ITPGRFA (Annex I) and average annual contributions to dietary energy (kilocalories) per capita per day by applying a scoring system based on 4 priority levels. Of a total of 2912 taxa belonging to the Tunisian Flora, 2504 CWR and/or WHP (86% of the total), from 143 families and 686 genera, were identified, 2445 of which are CWR and 847 are WHP. In detail, 1654 …
New records of Asteraceae for the non-native flora of Tunisia and north Africa with some nomenclatural remarks
International audience; Sixteen new Asteraceae are added to the non-indigenous flora of Tunisia. Six of them (Dimorphotheca ecklonis, Gaillardia pulchella, Gazania linearis var. linearis, Guizotia abyssinica, Rudbeckia triloba and Tithonia diversifolia) are also new for the flora of North Africa. Chrysanthemum morifolium is here first reported for the Mediterranean Basin. Seven genera (Argyranthemum, Bidens, Dimorphotheca, Gaillardia, Guizotia, Rudbeckia and Tithonia) are recorded for the first time for the vascular flora of Tunisia. Most of these species escaped from gardens and pots and became casual along roadsides and/or disturbed areas after cypsela dispersion (except for Chrysanthemum…
<p><strong>Lectotypification of six names of species of <em>Scabiosa</em> s.l. (Caprifoliaceae) endemic to North Africa and related taxonomic notes</strong></p>
As part of an ongoing project for the investigation of the Algerian-Tunisian flora, six names of species of Caprifoliaceae subfam. Dipsacaceae, endemic to central and western North Africa, described in the 19th and 20th Centuries under the genus Scabiosa, are here lectotypified. They are: Scabiosa camelorum Cosson & Durieu, Scabiosa cartenniana Pons & Quézel, Scabiosa daucoides Desf., Scabiosa farinosa Cosson, Scabiosa parielii Maire, and Scabiosa robertii Barratte. Taxonomic notes, distributisson and new unpublished data about plant phenology of these taxa are given.
Plantes vasculaires nouvelles ou rares pour la Tunisie présentes sur les îles (Galite, Zembra, Kuriat, Monastir, Kerkennah, Kneiss, Djerba)
International audience; Vascular plants new or rare for Tunisia occurring on the islands (Galite, Zembra, Kuriat, Monastir, Kerkennah, Kneiss, Djerba).-This study concerns the indigenous vascular plants newly reported for Tunisia and discovered on the islands during some field trips performed since 2014. Five native taxa are new to Tunisia: Bellis perennis, Carthamus creticus, Moraea mediterranea, Asplenium balearicum and Galium minutulum, the latter two also being new to North Africa. Information on 24 rare or poorly known taxa, most often of great biogeographical interest, is given, too. Most of these were discovered on the islands of the eastern coast (Kuriat, Monastir, Kerkennah, Kneiss…
An inventory of the names of vascular plants endemic to C Mediterranean and described from Tunisia
The census of the loci classici of the 98 vascular plants described from Tunisia, endemic to Tunisia or to Tunisia and the surrounding countries, is here presented and described. The effective place of publication of accepted names, basionyms, and homotypic synonyms were identified and critically verified. The geographic information on the loci classici was excerpted from the protologues, as well as information on typification for the taxa described before 1 January 1958. The names without holotype are 48. For 7 of them a lectotypification is already available in literature, 5 are lecotypified here, while 32 currently accepted taxa still need type designation. The new names Festuca scholzia…
Taxonomic notes and distribution of taxa of Orobanche gr. minor (Orobanchaceae) from Tunisia
AbstractNew records for the flora of Tunisia and, in part, for North Africa of taxa of Orobanche sect. Orobanche subsect. Minores (Beck) Teryokhin, are reported. These records come from field research carried out between 2010 and 2014 in the Kroumiria region in northwestern Tunisia and herbarium studies. Infraspecific taxa and chorological data about the identified taxa (Orobanche amethystea Thuill., Orobanche canescens C. Presl, Orobanche hederae Duby, Orobanche litorea Guss., Orobanche minor Sm. and Orobanche pubescens d’Urv.) are reported. Literature data on host and distribution are also revised. Orobanche litorea is new to North Africa, and O. canescens has been confirmed for North Afr…
Lectotypification of the name Scrophularia tenuipes Coss. (Scrophulariaceae)
The present contribution is part of an ongoing project for the investigation of the Algerian-Tunisian Flora (see e.g., El Mokni et al. 2014, 2015a, 2015b, 2015c; El Mokni & Iamonico 2018, El Mokni & Domina 2019). Special attention is dedicated to the endemic component of this flora and its type localities (loci classici), that are considered a rich source of biogeographical information (Brundu et al. 2015).
Types nomenclaturaux et Loci Classici des taxons endemiques de la flore de Tunisie
Actuellement, plusieurs projets mondiaux en cours visent à retrouver les matériaux à l'origine de description des plantes vasculaires et à identifier, parmi eux, les types d'onomatophores, les éléments auxquels les noms de taxons sont attachés de manière permanente. La Tunisie est dotée de bonnes connaissances floristiques, bien qu’elle n’héberge qu’un seul herbier reconnu internationalement. Ainsi, presque toutes les collections sur lesquelles sont basées les descriptions des nouveaux taxons sont hébergées dans des pays étrangers. Les types de nomenclature de la plupart des taxons tunisiens sont encore inconnus, même pour les endémiques ce qui rend parfois la recherche scientifique inutile…
Additions to terrestrial flora of Tunisia: occurrence and taxonomic notes
We document new records of 11 vascular taxa. Some were found in the wild for the first time and, therefore, are new reports to terrestrial flora of Tunisia. One species, Ranunculus acris L., is reported for the first time for North Africa. Parietaria cretica L. is confirmed for North Africa. Details about the distribution and habitats of the 11 species are provided, and comments on their status and taxonomy are included.
On the distribution and subspecific variation of the Tunisian- Algerian endemicDelphinium sylvaticum(Ranunculaceae)
The morphology and biogeography of the Tunisian–Algerian endemic Delphinium sylvaticum Pomel has been studied in Tunisia. As presented here, this study resulted in an enlargement of the known distribution and in the description of two new subspecies: D. sylvaticum subsp. ichkeulianum El Mokni, Domina, Sebei & El Aouni and D. sylvaticum subsp. purpureum El Mokni, Domina, Sebei & El Aouni native to Tunisia in Mogods and in the northeast regions, respectively. Besides ecological features and clearly separated distribution, the two new subspecies show very well differentiated morphology. An updated distribution map and a diagnostic key of the studied taxa are provided.