Tiphaine Salel
Bel Air, Sénas (Bouches-du-Rhône). Un site d’habitat de plein-air de la fin du Néolithique sur le Piémont oriental du Massif des Alpilles. Premiers résultats
International audience
Bel-Air, Sénas (Bouches-du-Rhône) : a Late Neolithic open-air settlement site on the eastern foot-slopes of the Massif des Alpilles. Preliminary results.
This article is the first presentation of the excavation results following the developer-led archaeological project carried out between July and August 2012 at the site of Bel-Air, Sénas, Bouches-du-Rhône. Our current understanding of the diverse archaeological remains show that a densely occupied settlement existed within a relatively short-lived period during the second phase of the Late Neolithic in Provence, between 2880 and 2490 BC. The occupation is characterised by several phases of activity, which are at this stage of research, difficult to refine, but all of them being associated with the Couronnien group.