Rosa Josefa Molero Mañes

El acogimiento de menores con necesidades especiales y su relación con el perfil de las familias acogedoras

El acogimiento familiar en cualquiera de sus modalidades, es un recurso que pretende proteger a la infancia en situación de riesgo y/o desamparo y posibilitar un desarrollo integral y comunitario a la vez que reparador, todo ello dentro de un entorno de familia (familia extensa o familia ajena). El objetivo del presente estudio, ha sido encontrar relaciones entre el perfil de la familia acogedora en los acogimientos en familia ajena y los problemas del menor en el momento de inicio del acogimiento. Se analizaron si las características familiares, incluyendo el tipo de familia, sus motivaciones o la situación laboral, predisponen o facilitan a acoger menores con problemas físicos y/o psicoso…

research product

Socioemotional characteristics of minors in foster care: A comparison between the estimation of parents, teachers and children

Abstract During the child's first few years, it's of fundamental importance the presence of a strong emotional base as long as it creates the possibility to open themselves to physical and social world with confidence, and as it acts as a facilitator of cognitive development. For this reason, if the family cannot ensure such base, social services are forced to resort to foster care, a resource that has a lot of difficulties, leading to different implications in the development of the child and of the foster family. It is therefore important to analyze in depth the socio-emotional variables that characterize children who are in a situation of foster care in order to provide adequate assistan…

research product


Abstract:KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDES AND SEXUAL BEHAVIOR IN ADULTS WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIESThis paper conducts an exploratory study whose overall objective is to analyze sexual behavior, level of knowledge and attitudes about safe sex practices in a sample of people with intellectual disabilities to prevent sexual violence against this group. The sample is composed of 78 people (39 men and 39 women) with a mild or moderate intellectual disability. The results obtained through a structured interview indicate that the level of knowledge about sexual practices highlights that 73.1% had sexual intercourse, 87.4% had knowledge of the different types of contraceptive methods and 56.3% trust the pr…

research product

Desorganización del apego y el trastorno traumático del desarrollo (ttd)

Abstract:DISRUPTION OF ATTACHMENT AND TRAUMATIC DISORDER OF DEVELOPMENTQuality development of family members depends on the quality of relationships they have established. From this developmental perspective the early parent-child interactions are a central aspect of Bowlby’s attachment theory. Mary Ainsworth allows us to establish a classification of attachment behaviors and Main and Solomon bring us under the name of disorganized attachment more complex and disturbing profiles of relations between parents and children. These relationships should be asymmetric and have a unique sense. In this paper we show the contributions related to disorganized attachment, its relationship to personalit…

research product


Abstract:INDICATORS OF THE QUALITY OF THE FOSTER CAREOne of the difficulties in choosing the families who come to foster care is related to the lack of studies that indicate the features needed to support optimal integrated development of children in foster care and also help in the process both the family as the child to generate the necessary resources. The sample consisted of 53 families with 80 children in foster care for three years. The aim was to identify characteristics that allow promote the development of the child. The results underline the importance of establishing secure links between the child and the foster family, the integration of the child in the foster family (the emerg…

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