Marco Montagnino


Differenza, autonomia, complessità organizzazionale. Dialettica del pensiero complesso in Edgar Morin

"I know that humanity needs politics. That this politics needs anthroposociology. That anthroposociology needs to be linked to the science of nature...". Edgar Morin (1921), the "traveler of complexity", as he himself likes to call himself, proposes to "reorganize our mental system", the "structure of knowledge", precisely starting from the "revelation of the true structure of reality". The philosophical significance of Morin's thought, compared to the scientific approach, can be seen in the fact that it proposes to make the reality of our universe rise to the dignity of ontological principles, concepts elaborated within the gnoseological and epistemological. This research aims to present t…

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Il risveglio del dormiglione: alcune considerazioni sul film di W. Allen “Sleeper” e sui suoi adattamenti per il pubblico italiano

In these pages we reflect in particular on the cultural meanings conveyed by Woody Allen's film Sleeper and on their recontextualization which took place in the two adaptations for the Italian public. More generally, we aim to reflect on the outcomes of the translation of comedy into cinema and to think about how it, more than other translation processes, involves the revision and, sometimes, the rewriting not only of single jokes and gags, but of entire dialogues, with the aim of recontextualizing those comic jokes and situations to the cultural milieu and social intersubjective practice of the audience for which the dialogues are translated

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MONTAGNINO, Marco, Recensione di ROSSETTI, L. et al. Verso la filosofia: Nuove prospettive su Parmenide, Zenone e Melisso. A cura di N.S. Galgano, S. Giombini e F. Marcacci. Baden-Baden: Academia Verlag. 2020

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How can Parmenides’ τὸ ἐόν be unending but non-endless?

In this paper we shall walk a well-trodden but still only partially explored path, along which we shall attempt to establish a basis for the study of the Parmenides poem’s unity by way of a comparison with 20th-century physics. In particular, we shall investigate the hypothesis that Parmenides’ sphere-shaped τὸ ἐόν, as described in B8.42-49, could be understood as a hyperspherical unlimited whole cosmologically bounded by the διάκοσμος described by the complex sphere system in fragment B12.

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N. S. Galgano, I precetti della dea. Non essere e contraddizione in Parmenide di Elea, Diogene Multimedia, Bologna 2017. ISBN 978- 8893630863

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L’ἀλήθεια dell’‘essere’ nel cielo del proemio parmenideo (28, B1 D.-K.)

The dóxa is a major aspect of Parmenides’ “scientific” commitment, as evidenced by studies of its discoveries in various fields of knowledge. Among them in astronomy. However, these studies have ended up identifying a scientific plan separate from the mythicalreligious and philosophical one of the first part. This survey explores the possibility of reconsidering the presence in the Parmenides’ dóxa of ontology and theology. It does so by proposing the hypothesis that the proem contains among the multiple semantic-linguistic layers the mythopoeic presentation of the astronomical theorem of the identity of Eos and Hesperus, with the intent of showing, from the very beginning and in the most a…

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Alcune considerazioni sulla conversazione di Popper con “Parmenide”

Although Popper contributed significantly to the doctrinal recovery of the so-called second part of the Parmenidean poem, his overall interpretation of Parmenides' thought nevertheless strengthened the traditional thesis that sees Parmenides as the father of metaphysics. It is quite well known, in fact, that Popper assimilated the Parmenidean doctrine of being to Einstein's theory of relativity, combining them both under the "label" of "Methaphysical Determinism". It is also known that Popper says he spoke directly with Einstein about this interpretative hypothesis - in a conversation in which he would have called him, precisely, "Parmenides" - and that the scientist had agreed enough with …

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Could Themis be the Deity who «Steers» Parmenides’ Cosmos?

In this paper I will investigate the identity of the daímōn introduced by Parmenides in B12, 3 DK, the deity “who steers all things”. The importance of this deity is not adequately reflected in ancient doxography but in recent decades many scholars have reconsidered its role. I argue that in Parmenides’ poem this daímōn may play a relevant role in connecting the theological, ontological and cosmological planes. My purpose is to provide enough arguments for the hypothesis that the daímōn may be the same goddess, Themis, who in the proem (B1, 28) is paired with Dike as a guide for Parmenides to the theá who will reveal to him the truth of tò eón, and in the part of the poem called alḗtheia (B…

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Recensione di Rossetti, L. Parmenide e Zenone sophoi ad Elea (2020)

Recensione di Rossetti, L. Parmenide e Zenone sophoi ad Elea (2020).

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