Siegfried Weber
Uncertainty measures—Problems concerning additivity
Additivity of an uncertainty measure on an MV-algebra has a clear meaning. If the divisibility is dropped, we come up to a so-called Girard algebra. There we discuss strong resp. weak additivity based on so-called divisible disjoint unions resp. on additivity for all sub-MV-algebras. We obtain a description of those extensions from additive measures on an MV-algebra to the canonical Girard algebra extension of pairs which are strongly additive and valuation measures. Finally, we prove the non-existence of strongly additive measure extensions, if the underlying MV-algebra is a finite chain with more than two non-trivial elements.
Conditional measures and their applications to fuzzy sets
Abstract Given a ⊥-decomposable measure with respect to a continuous t-conorm, as introduced by the author in an earlier paper (see Section 1), we can construct ⊥-conditional measures as implications. These fulfil a ‘generalized product law’ replacing the product in the classical law by any other strict t-norm ⊥ and turn out to be decomposable with respect to an operation ⊥ V depending on ⊥, ⊥ and the condition set V (Section 2). More general, conditional measures are introduced axiomatically and are shown to be ⊥-conditional measures with respect to some ⊥-decomposable measure (Section 3). ‘Bayesian-like’ models are given which are alternatives to that presented by the author in a recent p…
Two integrals and some modified versions — Critical remarks
The aim of this paper is to discuss different constructions of integrals (Sections 3 and 4) based on @?-decomposable measures (Section 1). According to the classification of the continuous t-conorms @? in essentially two types namely v and Archimedean t-conorms, there exist mainly two types of integrals namely the constructions of Sugeno (Section 3) and of Weber (Section 4). Further constructions corresponding to the Archimedean case result to be special cases or not well defined (Section 4). In all cases a crucial property is some restricted distribution law for the pair (@?, ) with an appropriate operation(Section 2). Some applications shall illustrate the use of the two integrals (Sectio…
⊥-Decomposable measures and integrals for Archimedean t-conorms ⊥
Conditioning on MV-algebras and additive measures —I
Abstract We present a lattice-ordered semigroup approach for the foundation of conditional events which covers the special situations where the underlying (unconditional) events are Boolean or fuzzy, respectively. Our proposal is quite different from other, ring theoretical, approaches. The problem of extending additivity of uncertainty measures from unconditional to conditional events will be discussed.
A complete characterization of all weakly additive measures and of all valuations on the canonical extension of any finite MV-chain
We consider extensions of the unique additive measure on a finite MV-chain to uncertainty measures on its canonical Girard algebra extension. If the underlying MV-chain has more than two non-trivial elements, in a previous paper we have proved the non-existence of strongly additive measure extensions, where strong additivity is defined as additivity not for all disjoint unions but only restricted to the so-called divisible disjoint unions. This negative result motivates to look for weakly additive measure extensions which are defined to be additive only on all MV-subalgebras of the canonical Girard algebra extension. We obtain a characterization of all such MV-subalgebras which are in fact …
Uncertainty Measures, Realizations and Entropies*
This paper presents the axiomatic foundations of uncertainty theories arising in quantum theory and artificial intelligence. Plausibility measures and additive uncertainty measures are investigated. The representation of uncertainty measures by random sets in spaces of events forms a common base for the treatment of an appropriate integration theory as well as for a reasonable decision theory.
An integral representation for decomposable measures of measurable functions
We start with a measurem on a measurable space (Ω,A), decomposable with respect to an Archimedeant-conorm ⊥ on a real interval [0,M], which generalizes an additive measure. Using the integral introduced by the second author, a Radon-Nikodym type theorem, needed in what follows, is given.
Measure-free conditioning and extensions of additive measures on finite MV-algebras
Using the well known representation of any finite MV-algebra as a product of finite MV-chains as factors, we obtain a representation of its canonical extension as a Girard algebra product of the canonical extensions of the MV-chain factors. Based on this representation and using the results from our last paper, we characterize the additive measures on any finite MV-algebra resp. the weakly and the strongly additive measures on its canonical Girard algebra extension, and that as convex combinations of the corresponding measures on the respective factors. After that we apply the results to measure-free defined conditional events which for this reason are considered as elements of the canonica…
Conditioning for Boolean Subsets, Indicator Functions and Fuzzy Subsets
This chapter deals with measure-free conditioning. It starts with the mean value based definition of conditional fuzzy subsets which again gives a fuzzy subset. Applying this general construction to indicator functions, it is proved that these conditionals form an MV-algebra and that this is isomorphic to the already known MV-algebra of the interval based conditional Boolean subsets. In the following, the problem of iteration is completely solved with the result that there are exactly two types of iteration, called the blurred resp. the sharper one, which remain in the corresponding MV-algebras. Moreover, the general concept of conditional operators plays a significant role. Finally, the pr…
A general concept of fuzzy connectives, negations and implications based on t-norms and t-conorms
All known connectives 'and'/'or' for fuzzy sets or some classes can be introduced as t-norms/t-conorms, where Ling's representation theorem is used as a basic tool, and which is illustrated by various known and new examples (Section 2). Given a strict negation function and one connective, the other can be constructed, so that the corresponding De Morgan law is valid. In case of given Archimedean connectives, there can be constructed negation functions (Section 3). Given a non-strict Archimedean connective, a negation function and the other connective can be constructed, so that in addition to the De Morgan laws, the excluded middle law and the law of non-contradiction are valid, i.e. the ne…