W. G. Panhans
Dynamics in the extratropical tropopause region: A case of transition between dynamically active and passive tracer advection?
It is argued that certain aspects of tracer patterns and related stirring by the flow in the extratropical tropopause region can be understood in terms of a transition between dynamically active and passive tracer advection, called ‘active-to-passive tracer transition’. In the framework of surface quasi-geostrophic dynamics, a specific initial-value problem is defined and investigated. It features a gradual transition between the two paradigms of tracer advection and allows a clear interpretation thanks to the idealized nature of the model setup. Physical reasoning and anecdotal evidence from previous studies suggest that, at least in specific cases, this interpretation is relevant for the …
The effects of different radiation parametrizations on cloud evolution
With the use of the microphysical stratus model (MISTRA), investigations into the effects of variations in the radiative-transfer parametrizations on cloud development have been undertaken. Two radiative-transfer schemes were coupled with the microphysical-thermodynamical section of MISTRA, one based on the exponential sumfitting method and the other based on the correlated k-distribution method of determining gaseous absorption properties. Model runs were initiated with parameter values in accordance with measurements made over the North Sea and comparisons made between model runs where only the radiation schemes were altered. Results indicated that differences between the two schemes had …
Comments on “Four-Stream Spherical Harmonic Expansion Approximation for Solar Radiative Transfer”
Comments on : four-stream spherical harmonic expansion approximation for solar radiative transfer.