Eugene Heifets

Hybrid DFT calculations of the atomic and electronic structure for ABO3 perovskite (001) surfaces

Abstract We present the results of first-principles calculations on two possible terminations of the (0 0 1) surfaces of SrTiO3, BaTiO3, and PbTiO3 perovskite crystals. Atomic structure and the electronic configurations were calculated for different 2D slabs, both stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric, using hybrid (B3PW) exchange-correlation technique and re-optimized basis sets of atomic (Gaussian) orbitals. Results are compared with previous calculations and available experimental data. The electronic density distribution near the surface and covalency effects are discussed in details for all three perovskites. Both SrTiO3 and BaTiO3 (0 0 1) surfaces demonstrate reduction of the optical …

research product


Using a shell model, for the first time the (110) surface relaxations are calculated for SrTiO 3 and BaTiO 3 perovskites. The positions of atoms in 16 near-surface layers placed atop a slab of rigid ions are calculated. Strong surface rumpling and surface-induced dipole moments perpendicular to the surface are predicted for both the O-terminated and Ti-terminated surfaces.

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Ab initio Hartree-Fock calculations of LaMnO3 (110) surfaces

We present the results of ab initio Hartree-Fock calculations of the LaMnO3 (110) surface. Using seven-plane slabs, periodic in 2D and containing three formula units, we compare the properties of a stoichiometric surface with oxygen vacancies, and non-stoichiometric, defect-free surfaces, analyze the dispersion of the effective charges near the surface, and calculate the surface energy before and after relaxation, for both ferromagnetric and antiferromagnetic spin orderings in a slab. q 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Atomistic simulation of SrTiO3 and BaTiO3 (110) surface relaxations

Abstract The (110) surface relaxations were calculated for SrTiO 3 and BaTiO 3 perovskites in a cubic phase. Using a shell model, the positions of atoms in 16 near- surface layers placed atop a slab of rigid ions are calculated. The strong surface rumpling and induced surface dipole moments perpendicular to the surface are predicted for both the O-terminated and TiO-terminated surfaces.

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Theoretical Simulations of Surface Relaxation for Perovskite Titanates

The (100) and (110) surface relaxations are calculated for SrTiO3 and BaTiO3 perovskite thin films Using a semiempirical shell model, the positions of atoms in 16 near-surface layers placed atop a slab of rigid ions are calculated. Surface rumpling and surface-induced dipole moments perpendicular to the surface are calculated for different surface terminations. Surface relaxation is found much larger for the (110) surface. Our results for the (100) surfaces are compared with ab initio calculations and LEED experiments.

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Hartree - Fock simulation of the Ag/MgO interface structure

The atomic and electronic structure of the Ag/MgO interface are calculated using an ab initio Hartree - Fock computer code and a supercell model of a silver monolayer atop three layers of MgO substrate. The band structure, electronic density distribution and densities of states are analysed in detail for isolated and interacting slabs of a metal and MgO. The energetically most favoured adsorption position for Ag atoms is found to be above the O atoms, with the binding energy of 0.20 eV and the equilibrium Ag - O distance of 2.64 A. Neither appreciable charge transfer in the interfacial region, nor considerable population of bonds between the silver monolayer and the insulating substrate tak…

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Calculations of atomic and electronic structure for (100) surfaces of SrTiO3 perovskite

AbstractWe present and discuss main results of the calculations for the surface relaxation and rumpling of SrTiO3 surfaces with TiO2 and SrO terminations using a wide variety of methods of modern computational physics and chemistry, including the shell model (SM) and ab initio methods based on Hartree-Fock (HF) and Density Functional Theory (DFT). The HF and DFT formalisms with different exchange-correlation functionals are implemented into Crystal-98 computer code using a Gaussian-type basis set. We demonstrate that a hybrid B3PW formalism gives the best results for the bulk SrTiO3 properties. Results are compared with previous ab initio plane-wave LDA calculations and LEED experiments. Ou…

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Oxygen Incorporation Reaction into Mixed Conducting Perovskites: a Mechanistic Analysis for (La,Sr)MnO3 Based on DFT Calculations

Based on DFT calculations of intermediates and transition states, several hypothetical mechanisms for oxygen incorporation into mixed conducting La1-xSrxMnO3{plus minus}d perovskites are discussed. In the most probable mechanism, the rate-determining step comprises the encounter of a highly mobile surface oxygen vacancy and a molecular oxygen adsorbate. Starting from these results, the variation of reaction rates for different materials is explored.

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First-principles calculations for SrTiO3() surface structure

As a continuation of our recent abinitio calculations of SrTiO 3(1 0 0) surface relaxation for the two different terminations (SrO and TiO2) [Phys. Rev. B 64 (2001) 23417], we analyze here their electronic structures (band structure, density of states, and the electronic density redistribution with emphasis on the covalency effects). We compare results of abinitio Hartree–Fock method with electron correlation corrections and density functional theory with different exchange-correlation functionals, including hybrid (B3PW, B3LYP) exchange techniques. Our results are also compared with previous abinitio plane-wave local density approximation calculations and experiments when availab le. Consi…

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Ab initiomodeling of surface structure forSrTiO3perovskite crystals

We present and discuss the results of calculations of ${\mathrm{SrTiO}}_{3}$ (100) surface relaxation and rumpling with two different terminations (SrO and ${\mathrm{TiO}}_{2}).$ These are based on ab initio Hartree-Fock method with electron correlation corrections and density functional theory calculations with different exchange-correlation functionals, including hybrid exchange techniques. Both approaches use the localized Gaussian-type basis set. All methods agree well on surface energies and on atomic displacements, as well as on considerable increase of covalency effects nearby the surface. More detailed experiments on surface rumpling and relaxation are necessary for further testing …

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Electronic structure and thermodynamic stability of double-layeredSrTiO3(001)surfaces:Ab initiosimulations

Using the B3PW hybrid exchange-correlation functional within density-functional theory and employing Gaussian-type basis sets, we calculated the atomic and electronic structures and thermodynamic stability of three double-layered (DL) SrTiO3(001) surfaces: (i) SrO-terminated, (ii) TiO2-terminated, and (iii) (2×1) reconstruction of TiO2-terminated SrTiO3(001) recently suggested by Erdman et al. [Nature (London) 419, 55 (2002)]. A thermodynamic stability diagram obtained from first-principles calculations shows that regular TiO2- and SrO-terminated surfaces are the most stable. The stability regions of (2×1) DL TiO2- and DL SrO-terminated surfaces lie beyond the precipitation lines of SrO and…

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Atomistic Study of Surface Polarization in Superconducting Perovskites

AbstractWe simulated the surface relaxation of the cubic perovskite paraelectric SrTiO3 crystal. The atomic positions in ten near-surface layers placed into the electrostatic field of the remainder of the crystal were calculated. Two-dimensional, periodic slab model was combined with the pair potentials treated in terms of the shell-model. Our calculations show that Ti+4, Sr+2 and O−2 ions shift differently from their crystal sites. This leads to a creation of a dipole moment near the surface which might give the paraelectric crystal the ferroelectric properties.

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Atomistic simulation of surface relaxation

The (001) surface relaxation of the cubic perovskite crystal has been studied using the shell model. The positions of atoms in several surface layers embedded in the electrostatic field of the remainder of the crystal are calculated. We show that , and ions in six near-surface layers are displaced differently from their crystalline sites which leads to the creation of so-called surface rumpling, a dipole moment, and an electric field in the near-surface region. Calculated atomic displacements are compared with LEED experimental data.

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The adhesion nature of the Ag/MgO(100) interface: an ab initio study

The atomic and electronic structure of the Ag/MgO(100) interface are calculated by means of the ab initio Hartree-Fock approach combined with a supercell model. The electronic density distribution and the interface binding energy/distance are analyzed for different Ag adsorption positions, slabs of different thicknesses and varying Ag surface coverage. It is demonstrated that the adhesion energy arises mainly due to the electrostatic interaction of substrate atoms with a complicated charge redistribution in the metal layer(s), characterized by large quadrupole moments as well as electron density redistribution towards bridge and hollow positions between the nearest and next-nearest Ag atoms…

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Thermodynamic stability of stoichiometric BiFeO3 : hybrid DFT study

The authors are greatly indebted to R. Dovesi, R. Orlando, R. Merkle, and J. Serra for many stimulating discussions. E. H. thanks also the Department of Physical Chemistry of the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research for long-term hospitality and support. This study was partly supported by the EC GREEN-CC FP7 project 608524. E. H., E. A. K. and A. A. B. acknowledge also the Russian Science Foundation for provided financial support through funding under the project 14-43-00052 for the analysis of the experimental literature on complex perovskite formation enthalpies, and the program of National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" on improving the scientific competitiveness (A. A. B).…

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The first-principles treatment of the electron-correlation and spin-orbital effects in uranium mononitride nuclear fuels.

The DFT+U calculations were employed in a detailed study of the strong electron correlation effects in a promising nuclear fuel-uranium mononitride (UN). A simple method for solving the multiple minima problem in DFT+U simulations and insure obtaining the correct ground state is suggested and applied. The crucial role of spin-orbit interactions in reproduction of the U atom total magnetic moment is demonstrated. Basic material properties (the lattice constants, the spin- and total magnetic moments on U atoms, the magnetic ordering, and the density of states) were calculated varying the Hubbard U-parameter. By varying the tetragonal unit cell distortion, the meta-stable states have been care…

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Thermodynamics of ABO3-Type Perovskite Surfaces

The ABO3-type perovskite manganites, cobaltates, and ferrates (A= La, Sr, Ca; B=Mn, Co, Fe) are important functional materials which have numerous high-tech applications due to their outstanding magnetic and electrical properties, such as colossal magnetoresistance, half-metallic behavior, and composition-dependent metal-insulator transition (Coey et al., 1999; Haghiri-Gosnet & Renard, 2003). Owing to high electronic and ionic conductivities. these materials show also excellent electrochemical performance, thermal and chemical stability, as well as compatibility with widely used electrolyte based on yttrium-stabilized zirconia (YSZ). Therefore they are among the most promising materials as …

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Ab Initio Study of BiFeO3: Thermodynamic Stability Conditions

BiFeO3 is investigated intensively, mainly as a multiferroic material. In this paper, the state-of-the-art ab initio hybrid functional approach with atomic basis sets was employed for a study of the stability range of BiFeO3 with respect to its decomposition into binary oxides and elementary metals, as a function of temperature and oxygen partial pressure. The calculated atomic and electronic structure of BiFeO3 was compared with previous LDA+U calculations using plane-wave basis sets. Based on performed calculations, the phase diagram was constructed, which allows us to predict the stability region of stoichiometric BiFeO3.

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Ab initiocalculations of theSrTiO3(110) polar surface

Results of ab initio Hartree-Fock calculations for the SrTiO3 ~110! polar surface are discussed. We have calculated the surface energies, near-surface atomic displacements for four possible terminations ~TiO, Sr, and two kinds of O terminations! as well as Mulliken atomic charges and dipole moments of atoms characterizing their polarization, and the atomic bond populations. We predict a considerable increase of the TiuO chemical bond covalency near the ~110! surface, as compared to both the bulk and the ~100! surface. The O-terminated ~110! surface has surface energy close to that for ~100!, which indicates that both ~110! and ~100! SrTiO3 surfaces can coexist in polycrystals and perovskite…

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Atomistic simulation of the [001]surface structure in BaTiO3

Abstract We simulate the effect of the surface relaxation on the polarization of the layers of paraelectric phase in the vicinity of the [001] surface in BaTiO 3 in the framework of the shell-model potentials. We observe large polarization of ions in the first two layers of the surface. Our simulations confirm the possibility of existence of Ti- and Ba-containing top layers in [001] BaTiO 3 surfaces.

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Surface Relaxation in Ferroelectric Perovskites: An Atomistic Study

ABSTRACTThe effect of the [001] surface relaxation on the polarization of the paraelectric BaTiO3 is simulated in the framework of the shell model. Our atomistic simulations show a large polarization of ions in the first several layers nearby the surface and confirm the possibility of co-existence of Ti-and Ba-terminated [001] BaTiO3 surfaces which have very close surface energies.

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[001] Surface Structure in SrTiO3 — Atomistic Study

Thin superconducting films attract great attention as a promising material for plenty of applications. The surface determines most of the physical properties of these films. We studied the polarization effect for the [001] surface of perovskite ABO 3 superconducting crystals on the example of SrTiO 3. Optimization of the ion positions in several surface layers is provided. These ions are placed in the external field of the rest crystal. The interaction between ions is described by means of the shell model technique. We show that Ti +4, Sr 2+ and O -2 ions displace differently from their crystalline sites, which leads to the creation of a dipole moment in the near-surface region.

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Atomic, electronic and thermodynamic properties of cubic and orthorhombic LaMnO3 surfaces

We studied in detail the atomic and electronic structure of the LaMnO3 surfaces, in both cubic and orthorhombic phases, combining GGA-plane wave approach, as implemented into the VASP-4.6.19 computer code, with a slab model. These studies are complemented by a thermodynamic analysis of the surface stability at different gas pressures and temperatures. The obtained results are compared with similar studies for other ABO3-perovskites. 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. The ABO3-type perovskite manganites and cobaltates (A = La, Sr, Ca; B = Mn, Co) are important functional materials with numerous high-tech applications [1]. Some of them require understanding and control surface properties…

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Calculations of the atomic and electronic structure for SrTiO3 perovskite thin films

The results of calculations of SrTiO3 (100) surface relaxation and rumpling with two different terminations (SrO and TiO2) are presented and discussed. We have used the ab initio Hartree–Fock (HF) method with electron correlation corrections and the density functional theory (DFT) with different exchange–correlation functionals, including hybrid exchange techniques. All methods agree well on surface energies and on atomic displacements, as well as on the considerable increase of covalency effects near the surface. More detailed experiments on surface rumpling and relaxation are necessary for further testing of theoretical predictions.

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<title>Computer modeling of point defects, polarons, excitons, and surfaces in perovskite ferroelectrics</title>

We review results of our recent large-scale computer simulations of point defects, excitons and polarons in ABO3 perovskite crystals, focusing mostly on KNbO3 and KTaO3 as representative examples. We have calculated the atomic and electronic structure of defects, their optical absorption and defect-induced electron density redistribution. The majority of results are obtained using the quantum chemical method of the intermediate neglect of differential overlap (INDO) based on the Hartree-Frock formalism. The main findings are compared with results of ab initio Density Functional Theory (FP-LMTO) first-principles calculations. The results of the electronic structure calculations for different…

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Calculations of the atomic structure of the KNbO3 (110) surface

Abstract The O-terminated KNbO 3 (110) surface is modeled using a semi-empirical shell model and two different short-range interatomic potentials. We find this surface to be unstable with respect to a strong reconstruction and K-termination. This conclusion is confirmed by preliminary calculations using the ab initio linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO) formalism.

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Density Functional Theory Calculations On Magnetic Properties Of Actinide Compounds

ABSTRACTWe have performed a detailed analysis of the magnetic (collinear and noncollinear) order and atomic and electron structures of UO2, PuO2 and UN on the basis of density functional theory with the Hubbard electron correlation correction (DFT+U). We have shown that the 3-k magnetic structure of UO2 is stabilized for the Hubbard parameter value of U=4.6 eV (while J=0.5 eV) when Dudarev’s formalism is used. UO2 keeps cubic shape in this structure. Two O atoms nearest to each U atom in direction of its magnetic moment move toward this U atom. Neither UN nor PuO2 shows the energetical preference for the rhombohedral distortion, in contrast to UO2, and, thus, no complex 3-k magnetic structu…

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The Adhesion Nature of Ag/MgO Interface: Hartree-Fock Study

AbstractThe atomic and electronic structure of the Ag/MgO interface are calculated using the ab initio Hartree-Fock approach and a supercell model. The electronic density distribution is analyzed in detail for isolated and interacting slabs of a metal and MgO. The energetically most favorable adsorption position for Ag atoms is found to be above the O atoms. The binding energy is 0.20 eV (0.41 eV) for one and three Ag layers atop MgO substrate, respectively. The relevant equilibrium Ag-O distance is 2.64 Å(2.41 Å). Neither appreciable charge transfer in the interfacial region, nor considerable population of bonds between the silver layer and the insulating substrate take place. The adhesion…

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Computer Modeling of Defects and Surfaces in Advanced Perovskite Ferroelectrics

The (110) surface relaxations are calculated for SrTiO3 and BaTiO3 perovskites. The positions of atoms in 16 near-surface layers placed atop a slab of rigid ions are optimized. Strong surface rumpling and surface-induced dipole moments perpendicular to the surface are predicted for both the O-terminated and Ti-terminated surfaces. Calculated optical properties of basic point defects – F-type centres and hole polarons – in KNbO3 are used for the interpretation of available experimental data.

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Helium Behavior in Oxide Nuclear Fuels: First Principles Modeling

UO2 and (U,Pu)O2 solid solutions (the so-called MOX) nowadays are used as commercial nuclear fuels in many countries. One of the safety issues during the storage of these fuels is related to their self-irradiation that produces and accumulates point defects and helium therein. We present density functional theory (DFT) calculations for UO2, PuO2 and MOX containing He atoms in octahedral interstitial positions. In particular, we calculated basic MOX properties and He incorporation energies as functions of Pu concentration within the spin-polarized, generalized gradient approximation (GGA) DFT calculations. We also included the on-site electron correlation corrections using the Hubbard model …

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Theoretical analysis of hole self-trapping in ionic solids: Application to the KCl crystal.

A method for the calculation of the hole self-trapping (ST) energy in ionic crystals is proposed. It combines model-Hamiltonian and quantum-chemical approaches. An artificial path for the ST process has been suggested containing (a) a free hole not interacting with the lattice vibrations; (b) a free-hole wave packet localized in a small crystal volume in the form of the real ST state, all crystal ions being in their perfect lattice positions; (c) the final ST state of the hole, accompanied with a corresponding lattice relaxation, including strong displacements of ions belonging to the hole region. Some intermediate states might be adopted between (a) and (b) in order to simplify the calcula…

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Adsorption of atomic and molecular oxygen on the SrTiO3(001) surfaces: Computer simulations by means of hybrid density functional calculations and ab initio thermodynamics

AbstractAb initio calculations based on density functional theory (DFT) have been used to study the energetics, fully relaxed structure, charge redistribution, and electronic density of states of adsorbed atomic and molecular oxygen on defectless unreconstructed SrO- and TiO2-terminated SrTiO3(001) surfaces. Exchange-correlation functional applied within DFT contains a “hybrid” of the non-local Hartree–Fock exchange, DFT exchange, and generalized gradient approximation correlation functionals. The calculations are performed on periodically repeated systems (two-dimensional slabs) large enough for the adsorbed species to be treated as isolated. We find substantial binding energies of up to 1…

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Electronic structure and thermodynamic stability ofLaMnO3andLa1−xSrxMnO3(001) surfaces:Ab initiocalculations

We present the results of ab initio hybrid density-functional calculations of the atomic and the electronic structures of ${\text{LaMnO}}_{3}$ (LMO) and ${\text{La}}_{1\ensuremath{-}{x}_{b}}{\text{Sr}}_{{x}_{b}}{\text{MnO}}_{3}$ (001) surfaces. The total energies obtained from these calculations were used to analyze thermodynamic stability of the surfaces. We predict Sr and O vacancy segregation to the surface to occur with similar energies ($\ensuremath{\sim}0.5\text{ }\text{eV}$ per defect). In pure LMO only ${\text{MnO}}_{2}$ termination is thermodynamically favorable under typical operational conditions of a cathode in solid oxide fuel cells, whereas Sr doping makes La(Sr)O termination …

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Ab initio DFT+U study of He atom incorporation into UO(2) crystals.

We present and discuss results of a density functional theory (DFT) study of a perfect UO2 crystals and He atoms in octahedral interstitial positions. We have calculated basic bulk crystal properties and He incorporation energies into the low temperature anti-ferromagnetic UO2 phase using several exchange-correlation functionals within the spin-polarized local density (LDA) and generalized gradient (GGA) approximations. In all these DFT calculations we included the on-site correlation corrections using the Hubbard model (DFT+U approach). We analysed a potential crystalline symmetry reduction and confirmed the presence of the Jahn-Teller effect in a perfect UO2. We discuss also the problem o…

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Modeling of defects and surfaces in perovskite ferroelectrics

The results of electronic structure calculations for different terminations of SrTiO3 (100) and (110) perovskite thin films are discussed. These calculations are based on the ab initio Hartree-Fock (HF) method and Density Functional Theory (DFT). Results are compared with previous ab initio plane-wave LDA and classical Shell Model (SM) calculations. Calculated considerable increase of the Ti – O chemical bond covalency nearby the surface is confirmed by experimental data. Our quantum chemical calculations performed by means of the intermediate neglect of differential overlap (INDO) method confirm the existence of self-trapped electrons in KNbO3, KTaO3 and BaTiO3 crystals. The relevant latti…

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First-principles calculations of perovskite thin films

Abstract The results of the electronic structure calculations for different surface terminations of SrTiO3 (1 0 0) perovskite thin films are discussed. These calculations are based on ab initio Hartree–Fock method with a posteriori electron correlation corrections and density functional theory with a number of different exchange-correlation functionals, including hybrid (B3PW, B3LYP) exchange techniques. Results are compared with previous ab initio plane-wave local density approximation and classical shell model calculations. Calculated considerable increase of the Ti–O chemical bond covalency nearby the surface is confirmed by experimental data. We predict also the band-gap reduction, espe…

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Semi-empirical simulations of surface relaxation for perovskite titanates

The (100) and (110) surface relaxations are calculated for SrTiO 3 and BaTiO 3 perovskite thin films. By means of a semi-empirical shell model, the positions of atoms in 16 near-surface layers placed atop a slab of rigid ions are calculated. Surface rumpling and surface-induced dipole moments are calculated for all possible surface terminations. Our results for the (100) surface structure are in good agreement with ab-initio plane-wave pseudopotential calculations and LEED experiments. The surface energy for the Ba-, Sr-, TiO-terminated (110) surfaces is found to be much larger than that for the (100) surface. In contrast, the surface energy for the asymmetric O termination, where outermost…

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Modelling of defects and surfaces in perovskite ferroelectrics

The results of electronic structure calculations for different terminations of SrTiO 3 (100) and (110) perovskite thin films are discussed. These calculations are based on the ab initio Hartree-Fock (HF) method and Density Functional Theory (DFT). Results are compared with previous ab initio plane-wave LDA and classical Shell Model (SM) calculations. Calculated considerable increase of the Ti-O chemical bond covalency nearby the surface is confirmed by experimental data. Our quantum chemical calculations performed by means of the intermediate neglect of differential overlap (INDO) method confirm the existence of self-trapped electrons in KNbO 3 , KTaO 3 and BaTiO 3 crystals. The relevant la…

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Density functional theory calculations on magnetic properties of actinide compounds

We have performed a detailed analysis of the magnetic (collinear and noncollinear) order and atomic and the electron structures of UO2, PuO2 and UN on the basis of density functional theory with the Hubbard electron correlation correction (DFT+U). We have shown that the 3-k magnetic structure of UO2 is the lowest in energy for the Hubbard parameter value of U=4.6 eV (and J=0.5 eV) consistent with experiments when Dudarev's formalism is used. In contrast to UO2, UN and PuO2 show no trend for a distortion towards rhombohedral structure and, thus, no complex 3-k magnetic structure is to be anticipated in these materials.

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Comparative density-functional LCAO and plane-wave calculations ofLaMnO3surfaces

We compare two approaches to the atomic, electronic, and magnetic structures of LaMnO3 bulk and the (001), (110) surfaces—hybrid B3PW with optimized LCAO basis set (CRYSTAL-2003 code) and GGA-PW91 with plane-wave basis set (VASP 4.6 code). Combining our calculations with those available in the literature, we demonstrate that combination of nonlocal exchange and correlation used in hybrid functionals allows to reproduce the experimental magnetic coupling constants Jab and Jc as well as the optical gap. Surface calculations performed by both methods using slab models show that the antiferromagnetic (AF) and ferromagnetic (FM) (001) surfaces have lower surface energies than the FM (110) surfac…

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Density functional theory calculations on magnetic properties of actinide compounds

We have performed a detailed analysis of the magnetic (collinear and noncollinear) order and atomic and the electron structures of UO2, PuO2 and UN on the basis of density functional theory with the Hubbard electron correlation correction (DFT+U). We have shown that the 3-k magnetic structure of UO2 is the lowest in energy for the Hubbard parameter value of U=4.6 eV (and J=0.5 eV) consistent with experiments when Dudarev's formalism is used. In contrast to UO2, UN and PuO2 show no trend for a distortion towards rhombohedral structure and, thus, no complex 3-k magnetic structure is to be anticipated in these materials.

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Atomistic Simulations of the LaMnO3 (110) Polar Surface.

The results of atomic structure calculations, with a focus on the surface relaxation and polarization, are presented for the LaMnO3 (110) O-terminated polar surface. We compare results of the classical shell model calculations for four possible terminations, including (1 × 2) (110) surface reconstruction, and demonstrate that the latter has the lowest surface energy. The surface energy is saturated only when six to eight near-surface atomic planes are relaxed which is accompanied by the considerable dipole moments perpendicular to the surface. Results are compared with those for iso-structural BaTiO3 (110) surfaces.

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Thermodynamic stability of non-stoichiometric SrFeO 3−δ : a hybrid DFT study

SrFeO3-δ is mixed ionic-electronic conductor with complex magnetic structure which reveals also colossal magnetoresistance effect. This material and its solid solutions are attractive for various spintronic, catalytic and electrochemical applications, including cathodes for solid oxide fuel cells and permeation membranes. Its properties strongly depend on oxygen non-stoichiometry. Ab initio hybrid functional approach was applied here for a study of thermodynamic stability of a series of SrFeO3-δ compositions with several non-stoichiometries δ, ranging from 0 to 0.5 (SrFeO3 - SrFeO2.875 - SrFeO2.75 - SrFeO2.5) as the function of temperature and oxygen pressure. The results obtained by consid…

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Ab initio study of the SrTiO3, BaTiO3 and PbTiO3 (001) surfaces

The results of first-principles calculations of the two possible terminations of (0 0 1) surfaces of SrTiO 3 (STO), BaTiO3 (BTO) and PbTiO3 (PTO) perovskites are presented. Surface atomic structures and their electronic configurations have been calculated using ab initio density functional theory (DFT) combined with hybrid (B3PW) exchange-correlation technique. Our results are compared with previous quantum mechanical calculations and available experimental data. Surface relaxations and the electronic states near valence band gap are discussed in details for all three perovskites. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.

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Comparative study of polar perovskite surfaces

A novel model of the ‘‘zig–zag’’ (1 1 0) polar surface termination of ABO3 perovskites is suggested and analyzed. Classical shell model calculations for BaTiO3, SrTiO3 and LaMnO3 show that such the (1 · 2) (1 1 0) surface reconstruction has the lowest energy, comparable to that for the (1 0 0) surfaces. The calculated surface energy reaches the saturation only when 6–8 atomic near-surface planes are allowed to relax. Surface relaxation leads to the formation of considerable dipole moment perpendicular to the surface. The predicted surface polarization of thin perovskite films, even in the cubic phase, could affect their dielectric properties. � 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Thermodynamic stability of stoichiometric LaFeO 3 and BiFeO 3 : a hybrid DFT study

BiFeO3 perovskite attracts great attention due to its multiferroic properties and potential use as a parent material for Bi1−xSrxFeO3−δ and Bi1−xSrxFe1−yCoyO3−δ solid solutions in intermediate temperature cathodes of oxide fuel cells. Another iron-based LaFeO3 perovskite is the end member for well-known solid solutions (La1−xSrxFe1−yCoyO3−δ) used for oxide fuel cells and other electrochemical devices. In this study an ab initio hybrid functional approach was used for the study of the thermodynamic stability of both LaFeO3 and BiFeO3 with respect to decompositions to binary oxides and to elements, as a function of temperature and oxygen pressure. The localized (LCAO) basis sets describing th…

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Adsorption of atomic and molecular oxygen on the LaMnO3(001) surface: ab initio supercell calculations and thermodynamics.

We present and discuss the results of ab initio DFT plane-wave supercell calculations of the atomic and molecular oxygen adsorption and diffusion on the LaMnO(3) (001) surface which serves as a model material for a cathode of solid oxide fuel cells. The dissociative adsorption of O(2) molecules from the gas phase is energetically favorable on surface Mn ions even on a defect-free surface. The surface migration energy for adsorbed O ions is found to be quite high, 2.0 eV. We predict that the adsorbed O atoms could penetrate the electrode first plane when much more mobile surface oxygen vacancies (migration energy of 0.69 eV) approach the O ions strongly bound to the surface Mn ions. The form…

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The electronic and atomic structure of SrTiO3, BaTiO3, and PbTiO3(001) surfaces: Ab initio DFT/HF hybrid calculations

In our first-principles study, the electronic properties of the (001) surfaces of three key perovskite crystals, namely SrTiO"3 (STO), BaTiO"3 (BTO), and PbTiO"3 (PTO), have been calculated by means of the density functional theory (DFT) using the exchange-correlation functional containing ''hybrid'' of the non-local Hartree-Fock (HF) exchange, DFT exchange, and Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA) correlation functionals, commonly known as B3PW. Such a technique allows us to get the optical bulk band gap very close to experiment unlike previous calculations of perovskites. Special attention is paid to careful calculations of the surface rumpling and change of the distances between thre…

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Ab initio simulations of silver film adhesion on α-Al2O3 (0 0 0 1) and MgO (1 0 0) surfaces

The atomic and electronic structure of the Ag/MgO (1 0 0) and Ag/alpha-Al2O3(0 0 0 1) interfaces are calculated by means of the ab initio Hartree-Fock approach combined with a supercell model. The electronic density distribution and the interface binding energy/equilibrium distance for both interfaces are analyzed. For a complete (1:1) surface coverage of the MgO surface the energetically most favorable adsorption position for the Ag atom is above the O atom. For the Ag/alpha-Al2O3 interface the preferable adsorption positions for the Ag atom are over centers of either large equilateral oxygen triangles (in Al-substituted sites of Al-terminated corundum surface) or isosceles oxygen triangle…

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