Christian Schwinn


Fermion masses and unitarity without a Higgs boson

We discuss the consistency of fermion mass generation by boundary conditions and brane localized terms in higher dimensional models of gauge symmetry breaking without a Higgs boson. The sum rules imposed by tree-level unitarity and Ward identities are applied to check the consistency of mass generation by orbifold projections and more general boundary conditions consistent with the variational principle. We find that the sum rules are satisfied for boundary conditions corresponding to brane localized mass and kinetic terms consistent with the reduced gauge symmetry on the brane.

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SUSY Ward identities for multi-gluon helicity amplitudes with massive quarks

We use supersymmetric Ward identities to relate multi-gluon helicity amplitudes involving a pair of massive quarks to amplitudes with massive scalars. This allows to use the recent results for scalar amplitudes with an arbitrary number of gluons obtained by on-shell recursion relations to obtain scattering amplitudes involving top quarks.

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Unitarity, Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin symmetry, and Ward identities in orbifold gauge theories

We discuss the use of BRST symmetry and the resulting Ward identities as consistency checks for orbifold gauge theories in an arbitrary number of dimensions. We demonstrate that both the usual orbifold symmetry breaking and the recently proposed Higgsless symmetry breaking are consistent with the nilpotency of the BRST transformation. The corresponding Ward identities for four-point functions of the theory engender relations among the coupling constants that are equivalent to the sum rules from tree level unitarity. We present the complete set of these sum rules also for inelastic scattering and discuss applications to six-dimensional models and to incomplete matter multiplets on orbifold f…

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On-shell recursion relations for all Born QCD amplitudes

We consider on-shell recursion relations for all Born QCD amplitudes. This includes amplitudes with several pairs of quarks and massive quarks. We give a detailed description on how to shift the external particles in spinor space and clarify the allowed helicities of the shifted legs. We proof that the corresponding meromorphic functions vanish at z --> infinity. As an application we obtain compact expressions for helicity amplitudes including a pair of massive quarks, one negative helicity gluon and an arbitrary number of positive helicity gluons.

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Scalar diagrammatic rules for Born amplitudes in QCD

We show that all Born amplitudes in QCD can be calculated from scalar propagators and a set of three- and four-valent vertices. In particular, our approach includes amplitudes with any number of quark pairs. The quarks may be massless or massive. The proof of the formalism is given entirely within quantum field theory.

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From Tree Unitarity to Top Quark Physics in 5D Higgsless Models

In five dimensional models of Higgsless electroweak symmetry breaking, tree level unitarity in gauge boson scattering is restored by the exchange of gauge boson Kaluza-Klein modes instead of a Higgs boson. Unitarity of scattering amplitudes involving top quarks requires also the Kaluza-Klein modes of the third family quarks. It is shown that the relevant unitarity cancellations are consistent with gauge symmetry breaking by boundary conditions. These results are used to constrain the couplings of the top quark to Kaluza-Klein modes and the implications for collider phenomenology are discussed.

research product

Unitarity constraints on top quark signatures of Higgsless models

We use conditions for unitarity cancellations to constrain the couplings of the top and bottom quarks to Kaluza-Klein modes in Higgsless models of electroweak symmetry breaking. An example for the mass spectrum of quark resonances in a theory space model is given and the implications for the collider phenomenology in the top sector are discussed, comparing to signatures of Little Higgs and strong electroweak symmetry breaking models.

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