Cristina Maria Chiarolla
Nfatc1/Αa and Blimp-1 Support the Follicular and Effector Phenotype of Tregs
CD4 + CXCR5 + Foxp3 + T follicular regulatory (T FR ) cells control the germinal center responses. Like follicular helper T-cells, they express high levels of N uclear F actor of A ctivated T -cells c1 , predominantly its short isoform NFATc1/αA. Ablation of NFATc1 in Tregs prevents upregulation of CXCR5 and migration of T FR cells into B-cell follicles. By contrast, constitutive active NFATc1/αA defines the surface density of CXCR5, whose level determines how deep a T FR migrates into the GC and how effectively it controls antibody production. NFATc1/αA is necessary to overcome T FR -expressed B l ymphocyte- i nduced m aturation p rotein (Blimp-1), which can directly repress Cxcr5. Blimp-1…
Deep phenotypical characterization of human CD3\(^{+}\)CD56\(^{+}\) T cells by mass cytometry
CD56\(^{+}\) T cells are a group of pro‐inflammatory CD3\(^{+}\) lymphocytes with characteristics of natural killer cells, being involved in antimicrobial immune defense. Here, we performed deep phenotypic profiling of CD3\(^{+}\)CD56\(^{+}\) cells in peripheral blood of normal human donors and individuals sensitized to birch‐pollen or/and house dust mite by high‐dimensional mass cytometry combined with manual and computational data analysis. A co‐regulation between major conventional T‐cell subsets and their respective CD3\(^{+}\)CD56\(^{+}\) cell counterparts appeared restricted to CD8\(^{+}\), MAIT, and TCRγδ\(^{+}\) T‐cell compartments. Interestingly, we find a co‐regulation of several …