Mariana-liliana Păcală
Teaching in Higher Education: Students’ Deep Learning of Brewing by Labwork
Abstract The amount of theoretical and practical information to be given to students from engineering food specialty is increasingly greater. Within this perspective, it is important to use teaching-learning methods which to develop students’ cognitive ability through the efficient by of them of knowledge acquired at fundamental and specialized disciplines. The article aims to present in an integrated graphical manner the laboratory entitled “Determination of alcoholic concentration of beer by distillation” within the discipline of “Technology and control in the malt and beer industry” that is taught to students in the field of Food Engineering. The integrative approach to the laboratory th…
Kinetic studies on the oxidative stabilization effect of red onion skins anthocyanins extract on parsley ( Petroselinum crispum ) seed oil
Abstract Cold pressed parsley seed oil gained special interest for the development of new functional foods. Similar to other edible oils it needs protection against oxidation. The present study evaluated the protective effects of anthocyanins extracted from outer skins of red onion on parsley seed oil. The natural extract-oil samples and control have been subjected to storage at 45 °C for 10 days. The results of thermal analysis by DSC showed an optimal concentration of anthocyanins of 3 mL/100 g oil. Kinetic studies using the Ozawa-Flynn-Wall and Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose methods were performed on the sample optimally prepared. The results regarding the activation energy indicated improved …