Anders ÖRtenblad
Contextualizing the Learning Organization: Towards Differentiated Standards
This chapter suggests there is a need to develop a contingency model containing differentiated standards of the learning organization, fit for organization in different generalized contexts (such as a certain industry, sector, national culture, or religion). It is suggested that such differentiated standards would help those who have a real aim to implement the learning organization in practice. It would also make it more difficult for those who “misuse” the learning organization concept, by simply claiming that their organization is a learning organization without having taken any measures for it to actually become one. The chapter argues why it is important to develop a contingency model …
Background and Introduction: How Could Anyone Be Against Entrepreneurship?
The (online) gambling industry is used as an illustration of when “entrepreneurship” is at its worst, something that probably anyone could agree that there is reason to be against. It is concluded, on basis of the contributions to the book, that there are good grounds for being against the predominating entrepreneurship discourse. There also seem to be good reasons for being against at least some aspects of entrepreneurship practice, while to be arguing against all aspects of entrepreneurship in any form may need to be backed-up with the suggestion of some sort of alternative to, or at least radically improved form of entrepreneurship. The chapters of the book are, thereafter, introduced, o…
Suggestions for Future Research on the Learning Organization
This chapter suggests some areas for further research on the learning organization. The suggestions, which in one way or another all are connected to the need for a discussion on what the learning organization actually means/how it is and should be defined, are presented under four sub-headings: “defining the learning organization,” “demarcating the learning organization,” “concretizing the learning organization through action research,” and “paradigm shift?” The chapter ends with a list of some less developed research suggestions. One of the most important research areas that is suggested in the chapter is figuring out whether there is reason to try to give the learning organization one de…
Background and Introduction: Why Debating Bad Leadership?
With an effort to justify the need to debate why there are so many bad leaders, this chapter introduces the anthology as well as the chapters and their different answers on the question at stake and standpoints in the debate. After a brief background to the subject debated in the book, the book, the premises that it rests upon, and its anatomy are introduced. There is also an overview of possible, plausible explanations for the frequent occurrence of bad leaders, as well as an overview of which of these explanations that are touched upon in the various chapters.
The Performative University: ‘Targets’, ‘Terror’ and ‘Taking Back Freedom’ in Academia
The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link. This special issue assembles eight papers which provide insights into the working lives of early career to more senior academics, from several different countries. The first common theme which emerges is around the predominance of ‘targets’, enacting aspects of quantification and the ideal of perfect control and fabrication. The second theme is about the ensuing precarious evocation of ‘terror’ impacting on mental well-being, albeit enacted in diverse ways. Furthermore, several papers highlight a particular type of response, beyond complicity to…
Background and Introduction: Why Debating Equal Pay for All?
With an effort to justify the need to debate whether all people—no matter of profession and position (and also whether one has a job or not)—should have the same pay, this chapter introduces the anthology as well as the chapters and their different standpoints in the debate, along with their various bases for arguing as they do. After a brief background to the subject debated in the book, the book (and its format) is connected to the democratic aspect of debating. The final and major part of the chapter introduces and summarizes the remainder of the chapters in the book.